League of Legends General /lolg/

OT :thinking: edition

Would you still love your league waifu if they were completely normal and had no powers?


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you mean if Sona had no cow tits?
probably not then

I want to KISS Sejuani on her ABS!



You know the drill by now

I don't understand why you keep posting this bronze webm like it means anything

Viktor has a secret crush on Cassiopeia

id love her(him) either way

She'd be much easier to coerce.

>Would you still love your league waifu if they were completely normal and had no powers?
Nope. Leave her.

this ship makes no sense at all
are those just two champs you enjoy playing and want to pair to make a convenient little headcanon for yourself?

I scraped 4800 IP

What champ do I buy?

This is surprisingly interesting


Huh? Why would I make up the cutest couple?

legit. i don't even live near farms or know anyone who farms, but this is pretty cool

I want to get sweaty with Camille

Did they say what would happen to compensate for ruins

guess which one is me

Yeah fuck waifus, this is the comfiest thing.

are you trying to replace comfy bfs user?

Not the Yi.

LCK Summer
AFS vs. SSG | ROX vs. KT (SPOTV)
ENG: twitch tv/lck1
KR: twitch tv/ogn_lol

n-no... not yet

EltonQuick, stop being so toxic.


That's why I posted it. Scythe champ was a cover, though I would like a good one as well.


I wanna CUDDLE and PROTECT Lulu!


Imagine if the scythe champ was the best farmer in the game. By the way i'm in gold 2 right now.
Who are good midlaners to pick up?
I really liked viktor but he just does not feel as good anymore.

youre gonna need to put in more work, he posted around 200 different images and made sure it was every single thread


why am I seeing so many Eves today
did one of those faggot streamers use her or something

I won't give up :)



well you already sound like an annoying faggot so I'm sure you'll make a great shitposter. I look forward to finding your pattern and filtering you.


I wanna be Lulu's cat!

I want to be the thing Lulu needs cuddling after and protecting from

>be Malzahar
>lane against Akali
>she starts dorans shield so I can't kill her early
>gets gunblade first back so I can't trade
>can't roam because she and evelyn just find me and kill me
What do?

she's not a robot she's a cyborg!

>join lobby
>guy posts his discord
voice chat is a mistake

on a scale from one to shit how bad is mundo support?

Play a good mid laner instead


really bad

Let's see them champ masteries m8s


fuck i wish i knew
i was climbing my way out, got up to silver 4 mmr by the time i hit b2 promos
first game of placements, bot lane feeds and afks, mmr drops to low bronze 3 after the loss

why did it drop so damn hard after just one game

>2nd highest winrate mid in current patch

Who is that?

>caring about winrate statistics from some shitty website

>Its the team with a smurf wins game

It's still disgusting.

>Which champion has the worst ultimate in the game

I hate placements, shit's awful. Every game is a conflip, especially at my elo, but if my last several games are any indication I should just keep playing Vi. I kind of pigeonholed myself trying to practice her.


>smash every lane
>allied team starts bming
>stop showing up to fights
>let opposing team win

>enemy xin gets a small lead and starts ganking every lane
>gets 9/2/4
>Xin Zhao (all): sorry guys im a D2 smurf :^)
>meanwhile our warwick gets 4 dragons herald baron and is 4/3/15
>we win because all of our dudes got kills while xin was the only one getting kills on the enemy team

Found the silver shitter

/lolg/ tell me what the fun supports are please. I've been playing Lulu and she's pretty fun but she gets banned a lot from what I've noticed.

She even says she remains human for the most part.
Would you not date someone with high end prosthetics?

I think Rakan is so much fun. He makes me enjoy playing support again

idk what you like but Rakan and Thresh are considered fun by most players

I like Katarina's style a lot, but I don't really get how people lane with her. When you go to farm and your knives are on cooldown don't you get punished as fuck?

You trying to make us hate AI chan now?

>losing lane to Akali
found the bronze shitter

sion is literally freelo

Why can't we have a bruiser sword and shield champion? It's like the most classic fantasy archetype. And no, Leona doesn't count

PixelButts I know that's you

She's no longer human the moment she sacrifice her humanity to become what she is.
>Would you not date someone with high end prosthetics?

give me a champion to play on an unconventional role

is this a crop? if so where's the full

jungle tank heimerdinger
you cant get more unconventional than this

Explain wat do, I used to play AP Sion a lot but his Q is completely telegraphed.

How do you mess up this badly as a s6 Platinum player in a Silver II game?

Poppy exist. Plus a character with a shield fit much better as a tank.

riot hates archetypes they want every champ to be a special snowflake oc do not steal

Probably bought his account or got boosted is my guess

Blitzcrank top is fun.

>why can't we have
>but this that is exactly what I want doesn't count
every time
git gud scrub

Why do people stick to the meta like a cult instead of actually understand how the game works?

why is this more and more true the higher you move up in rank?

God I want Poppy to slam me into a wall and violently have her way with me.

>Akali with dorans shield
Did you read the original post she couldn't be killed then rushed gunblade

i figured out silver

jungle as lee sin and shit on people

that's all you have to do


i'm bored and have an unreasonable amount of RP
what do

what do you mean 'understand how the game works'?

You only lost because of your crappy meme high winrate champion

Buy chests and keys

Ezreal chroma's (Assuming you already have every Ezreal skin like an alpha player should).

because it works you piece of shit

i'd rather have a fair game decided by skill than some random retard going HUURRR VOLIBEAR SUPPORT EAT MY DIIIIICK

>Hey user, I built Black Cleaver...

I'm OK people with people playing what they like, what I hate with all my soul are stupid teamcomps.
> tfw team with no CC at all

She's short. Fight the would-be rapist.

>Ap Nunu top, max E
>jungle Morgana
>Pantheon bot, either position
>Fiddle support (not terribly unconventional, I suppose)
>Renekton mid
>Gragas anywhere but adc/bot
>Sion literally anywhere
>Twitch jungle
>Ziggs/Xerath support
>Elise support

Just a few I've tried out recently.

Uh, most people have an idea of what "works" in their mind, or what is ideal, when in reality it doesn't matter, especially the lower you are.

or something
i am tired

For example:

Always building Ranaan even though the enemy team never groups up and rarely stands together when they do.

I've noticed sacrificing your humanity for power is the only way to go in the lore.

It's what started the Rune Wars.
Lissandra and her sisters did it.
Every Ascended from Shurima did it.
It's why the Shadow Isles went to shit.
It's basically the entire ideal of every Aspect.
Malzahar literally crusades because of it.
Zed killed his master for it.

Notice how the weakest characters are the ones that are "just human".

imagine being slumped against the wall, her gripping your balls with one of her furry little mitts and pinching your nipple with the other as she forces her tongue in your mouth hnnngh

Post the most (visually) well designed champions