/mmog/ - MMO General

This general is for discussing old, new, upcoming MMOs and MMOs with populations that are too small to sustain their own generals. If you are on one of these forgotten/niche games, looking for a guild, friends, or just want to know the state of the game, ask here.


>Game databases

>Popular foreign MMOs & MMOs in development

>Other upcoming crowdfunded MMOs
Albion Online: albiononline.com/en/home
Ashes of Creation: ashesofcreation.com
Camelot Unchained: camelotunchained.com/
Crowfall: crowfall.com/
Pantheon: pantheonmmo.com/

>Link to the OP pasta

>Example of welcome games
Kritika, Trickster Online, Guild Wars 2, Mabinogi, Ragnarok Online, Dungeon Fighter Online, Runescape, Project Gorgon, Maplestory, Wakfu, Dragon Nest, Rift, ArcheAge, EverQuest, Revelation Online, LOTRO, Vindictus, Wildstar, Tibia, Aura Kingdom

>Example of non-welcome games
Krösmägä, Shädöwvërsë, Dïäblö, Päth öf Ëxïlë, Gwënt, ÄRK, DÖTÄ, Lëägüë öf Lëgënds, Hëröës öf thë Störm, Wärfrämë

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Yea, can't find a single torrent with seeders anyway

They used to be super popular. I remember a few years ago, I couldn't come here without seeing one.

I got some of the best deals I've ever had in the old BST threads.

I wonder why they died out.

>BBS games


>shilling a dead idea


I wanted to try leveling up a gunslinger and see its skills, but where do they sell the most basic gatling weapon possible? I can't find it on any database

You suck

The new Tychus skin was a mistake


Never hurts to give it a last try:

Anyone this afternoon feel like doing this?

Remember to look both ways before posting


>When a game about rape and prostitution forces vanilla
>When a game about having sex with non-humans forces human scenes

>completely missing the vectrex

It's just a test to see if we'll get botspam with a certain game in the OP. Seems to be the case.

Do it, faggot.

A meaningless opinion coming from a panda who pretends to be a vampire.

You can use any spear below dragon to make a scarecrow.

Who knows man. I'm sure we'll get something to satisfy us in the time between now and pets' release date

>/anal/ for analogue output gaming
I like that.

kys retard

>wave handing bad reviews that will cut the legs of the game out from underneath it because "my opinion is what matters"
F13 is going to die, anf my opinion or your opinion wont save it

Does this card honestly do anything?

I keep playing around with it, and can't tell a difference between having it at 60% and not having it at all

So, do we have a clear answer yet on what the fuck the ARMS twitter is saying about the masks?

all the chips dumb frog poster



Livestream of Phoenix Point demo by UnstableVoltage, if any one is interested.

Yeah something like that. Maybe some off the wall shit like a magical girl arc, maybe a murder mystery, maybe some cyberpunk shit, maybe some crazy dark alien shit, who even knows.


She's a character originally from Tekken Revolution.

And she was chosen for that game as a poll between a bunch of other characters that they already had concept art for.

tfw we could have had female paul


Autistic Sega fan who autism stalks everything they do, like all Sonic fans.

>Greninja was great

He's a man wearing a frog suit. That's fucking boring.

Pls send help.

>50% crit chance as warrior.

back when the game was fun

I played the multiplayer of that to death though.

Rusty (PC-98)

It's basically just another early era Castlevania game with a different protagonist.

Daily reminder that Goteki 45 are a shit hawaii team that almost ruined AG racing with their faggotry. Glad they got cucked and behave like good bois now.

Don't be entitled, just go into the options menu and flip the damn switch.

honestly I have no idea

I had problems with the beta and refunded. Will try again on the 15th but who knows, might have to refund again

I loved Lunar 1 and 2 more than any other RPGs of the 16 bit era. I got Grandia excited for a similar experience and found it one of the most disappointing games ever.

>that bossfight with the werewolf
The fight itself isn't that special, but the boss grabbing chunks of the environment to throw at you was pretty damn cool.

Nope. Snes had Scart RGB, Nes too, Megadrive too, Saturn too, Dreamcast too.
N64 composite only. PS1,PS2, GC and Xbox sell with composite cable, but We can buy RGB cable separetly.

*snaps your neck*


It shat on the fundamental design of Metroid: non-linear exploration. For that, it can rot in Hell.


how the fuck do I get the steam server browser? This cunty in game doesn't represent the server population well at ALL

>malph used to be even lanes for him

yeah now malph is a fucking cakewalk since you shred half his armor with E and BC

but, garens outdated as fuck and it's showing.

>quotes a deleted post

>tfw I just remembered I got Rayman running in a PS1 emulator for nostalgia and then barely played it

You know what, fuck it, I'm gonna play some Rayman tonight.

Whatever their original qualities, I'm certain and morn remake is going to be an abortion. I have no hope for the ff7 remake

Its No Mans Sky with more RPG elements



Running is better!

I don't even know why we're bothering to explain the pastes to this guy playing dumb. It's that trolling encoder isn't it?

Too bad the games are shit.

Doesn't work unfortunately. Might be something fucked up with my PC though

Yep. When the console crash happened it went up to 30 games a year.

Maybe I don't like Mortal Kombat because I raged too much at the AI when I was a kid.

it's been forever and I forgot all my testing
shitty mammoths or shitty spire horn warriors for expanding?

I was always under the impression that Robotnik was just barely scraping shit together while Sonic was pretty much chasing him from area to area.

Mm doesn't use a sAve battery. It uses flash memory for the save file.

I never leave

>>the MS was superior to the NES, and Mario aside, had the better titles.
This is not an opinion, this is just being wrong.

Why is she such a cunt?

By adding obscene shit that fits in the game like a cauliflower fits in a breakfast

nothing to be honest

>That one doujin where during Makoto's session, Noel has the lewedest look on her face as she starts fondling Makoto's tits and playing with her body as she's getting fucked.

It was hot, playful lewd Noel is surprisingly decent fap fuel

As much as I wanted to romance Garrus as Male Shepard, I would of been really pissed off had they would just shoehorned the option in like this.

>but I was sure the Wii CAN do 240p over component
It does.

OP, here's a guide for image quality, from worst to best signals for the GameCube and Wii:

RF > Composite > S-Video > RGB > Component > HDMI

To your wife's son

jimmy john's is my cuckold nigger sandwich god


could be a surprise in their E3 presentation

manually editing difficulty was a mistake

There's a countdown in the mail

It's the third biggest.

Gets old real fast, balance can't be made.
If they had different game modes and shit it could've survived, especially a coop mode (because coop games can be really shit but still very playable and grindable, see warframe).

Virtua Racing in the arcades was even more impressive. A polygonal racing game at the time it was released was INSANE to see.

>no Tidus
>no Rikku
>no 6* WoL
>no Veritas
>more unimportant donuts
fuck man

This is just too fucking perfect. It has to be some troll trying to milk some stupid kids for all their parent's credit card is worth.

anyone remembers the moooot XD meme


But i want to see Jackson

I have a wiiu and I'm using the japanese voices.

I haven't had any issues, the champions always exclaim whenever the powers are restored fully

the 1999 rule is silly, it should just be 15+ years

Oh that's lewd user.


Yes, now get out of this thread before you get spoiled, you faggot

ninteniggers love it and think it'll do well
sonybros hate it and think it'll do shit
basically same reaction as splatoon

I want to know how that layout became the generic computer joystick in the US.
Even at 4 years old, I thought the placement of the black button sucked.

I just wish this were two player...

A used Wii costs like $40 and actually has games. A used Wii U costs $300 and has no games.
Why would I spend an extra $260 on a no games machine?

Shit you gave him a steal, I sold an expanded 20L2 for $150.

We hope you'll enjoy this new epic gam- movie!

You are now on suicide watch. This game is likely to bore you to death. I played it once myself, I still regret nearly every moment of it. Just wait and see, you'll get some life experience out of it.

That reminds me, my five year old self didn't know what Zelda was and I had no instruction manual to go off of, so when I saw my parents playing this, I thought Link was some kind of pig like goblin man.