
waifufags should an hero edition

previous thread: eyosongive.us

Other urls found in this thread:


1st for the best

>not all of them being level 7

Thats a good thread
Sivir > any other waifu

>team picked ori mid and jhin adc
>enemy picks teemo top, rakan sup with ww jungle
>doesn't pick lulu instead shit picks karma for le meme

Why are there no images of So bullying lulu under her heavy cowtits ?

Because lulu is only there to be Veigar's gf

how big is her belly?

it isn't possible to have tits as big as Sonas without at least a little bit of belly

let me guess
lulu thread will be deleted by some "anonymous" jannie.

No this thread will because it's not lulu thread

no it'll be because this thread was made first

Real thread.
Fuck lulufags, but it was first.

is 179221930 not less than 179222224 in moron land?

what's wrong with karma?

So Program is kind of a hit-or-miss skin on Camille.

Any skin ideas you'd like to see on her?

I'd be down for a pre-op ballerina outfit, where she's still young and got her long auburn hair down. It'd be neat if they added a special VO, either from her "younger-self" or her current self wearing a hologram disguise of her youth for nostalgia.

is not less than in burger land

Redpill me on LeBlanc

I heard she falls off hard and has to close games before 25

what's it like being a complete retard that
a) can't tell time
b) has no idea about number sense

> he didn't even change the name

Sona is the biggest bestest and bustiest waifu in league legends!

>This thread was posted at 06/09/17(Fri)02:08:19
>Your shit waifuthread was posted at 06/09/17(Fri)02:15:20

Remember to report lulushit thread, purge that faggot, thank you!

>03:08:19 is later than 03:15:20

really fires up those neurons

each fucking time

>Fuck lulufags but it was first

If you really believed in the first two words, you'd follow this thread over the other one.

Let's be real here: do you REALLY wanna defend some delusional assholes like Lulufag and Ezfag that waist the post count with their bullshit?


you take this whole op thing way too seriously

/d2g/ is laughing at us again...

Can you milk Soraka?

>wasting thousand of IP on a little badge that doesn't even mean you're good at a champion

good goy

>league of legends general is populated by retards arguing over which numbers are bigger than others



please wait while /d2g/ continues to laugh at all of you

It's not just /d2g/.

There are only so many things to spend IP on.

well better not let lulufag have that precious op am i right


remember to cast your vote

Sona wouldn't wear such a lewd bathing suit

she'd wear a conservative one piece that showed a lot of side boob because they don't make them big enough for her

>this guy starts boasting about being magic incarnate then proceeds to F your teams A half way across the map
what do

why make a thread but not post it until lulufag makes one

But it's the lulufags that don't seem to understand how numbers work

>Be in your room jerking off
>suddenly see massive spider on the wall watching you
>spider transforms into this

what do /lolg/?

but op didn't post it until lulufag made one which is pretty dumb

I just want a decent thread with the waifu/husbando fagging at a minimum.
It gets tiresome seeing the same shit when you're trying to keep up with discussions here.

Arcane shift the fuck outta there.

people just see the op for a brief second before scrolling down to post the same shit they post every day
why do you sperg like this about muh waifus

The timestamp appears after the thread has been accepted and created, not when you have the intent to create it you absolute retard

I fucked Sona

> 7 minutes before lulu thread
so uh
does that change anything

pretty sure if every lulufag just dropped dead lolg would actually be a really nice place to chill

also that ezfag is insufferable holy shit

> Making it to Master almost exclusively playing Yi top
Explain this lolbabs. Seriously, how does this happen?

This shit is perfect


no, lulufags are still retarded and butthurt cause they cant accept their thread was late

I'm not sure if you get what I mean user

>posting a comfy image

ayy my dude

you posted the thread later
the creation time of the thread is irrelevant
besides theres always fucking threadwars when lulufag wins

Didn't some fellow manage Rank 1 Challenger in Korea playing Elise support?

Meanwhile there are people in Bronze-Gold whining about their teammates picks and lack of consideration for team comp.



>Girls don't go for cuteboys
Wot is every Boyband and or Justin bieber-tier singer then?

>Not a hot bishi
Pic related is an absolute objection.

this is why /d2g/ thinks we are retarded

did none of you guys successfully pass elementary school

user but you're being retarded here

why does ezreal bleach his hair




>Implying I wait long enough to see her transform before I bail the fuck out

>is shown to be wrong
>calls people retarded
>cares about d2g thinks of us

fuck off, even if youre baiting
youre being cancer

>having arachnophobia
lmao they're small you could just squash 'em easily

well i thought about making a thread 7 minutes before the thread was created

like i didnt actually make it but i considered it

when i finally got around to making it there was already one existing, but i THOUGHT about making it before the other guy! therefore mine was first, even though the other thread was created first, delete his!

The bigger they are the harder they _____


I'd prefer to press them.

user, youre gonna get eaten

gofundme /idolmariya


>teen girls
>going after pretty boy loaded with money and musical "talent"

ez is neither a singer, nor rich, nor a pedophile

just a beta male with inferior genes, maybe you should pick a different character to self insert as considering you dont look anything like ezreal in the first place

I love my beautiful and perfect wife, Riven!!!

can you please remove every dank meme from your post so I can get what you mean

pshh a small spider can't eat me
nor would Elise she'd be proud I mained her to diamond since her s2 release

Nothing worse than an adc on your team that plays scared


what if i'm australian

I'm guessing it's because Krama doesn't have the hard peel like lulu's ult and polymorph against such a sticky team comp.

My gripe isn't with the OP itself, my gripe is with them making a safe-space outside of their private tumblr or fanfiction accounts to shitpost about their imaginary partners.

By accepting their behaviour here, we're letting them trash up this general more than it needs to be.
If they wanted to do this sorta shit on this site, they can take it to /v/. We are a general thread; waifu shitposting on a daily basis shouldn't even be here.

a support who plays like theyre more important than the carrys


but with more extreme T&A

now do this but with high noon Jhin!

all right you're gonna be the knight against waifuposting
take this shiny armor.

but user YOU are the one looking for a safe space
youre trying to censor waifuposting while waifuposters dont give a shit about anything and just do what they do

youre the one getting triggered while everyone else just continues with their shitposting

Get the fuckin peabow and thong

Yeah but Karma should stomp the Rakan lane.

Complaining about your support picking Karma is pretty disgusting considering Karma has been a good pick for at least 11 months long before Lulu was meta(then nerfed)


then ya just need a baseball bat ya wanker
they still are smaller than you

What's going to happen when Runes get a rework aka go free? I've spent so much IP on getting all the tier 3 runes...

Is morgana Draven the freelo combo?
>get autofilled support
>pick morgono
>zone enemy support with the threath of my binding, zone them off the wave
>they greed
>hit binding
>all in with ignite
>draven gets a kill ADC cant acces minion wave
>snowball from there on out

its now the 3rd time where I get autofilled and played this combo, everytime we completely stomped the lane
plus you counter lulu hard, since they will try to poly the draven so you shield him, and if they dont polyhim they are dead anyway the moment you land a Q

>inb4 leona
Id like to be able to escape ganks and not being a melee charac that gets cucked by ranged

seriously this shit is busted

And my axe!

I want to look EXACTLY like Soraka!

Morgana caitlyn easier tbqh bind into trap.

hey based drawanon can you do me a favor and doodle me up a Cass+Viktor image?

theres a guy here who likes to shitpost with that ship but it doesnt have any good fanart

the thing is
its Veeky Forums
if youve been here for a while its freedom for all
the fact that you break rules just to cuck them is actually you being in the wrong

>wasting postcount
oh no call the police were running out of our limited supply of posts
every post here is of extremely high, VIP quality and a waifupost will lower the value

get real
You seem like redditor

>Muh freedom
go back to b faggot

I'm all about the comfy.

BTW, are you the Ez user that recommended Natsume Yuuchinjou back in January?

he was kind of a bro

thx 4 the cancer m8

seems like reddit would be more your speed user, they dont have waifu shitposts, lulus, gays, or anything else that makes /lolg/ /lolg/


>tfw game just isn't fun anymore
>no one I know plays it anymore
Guess I'll just watch Youtube videos and shit post here

this fucking thread got ruined pretty fast
soon all the new amateur baiters will appear and we will have nothing to do.

Fixed your image.

He doesn't

>Calling boybands and justin bieber talented
Have you became that delusional just to beat me in an argument

>ez is neither a singer, nor rich
Why tf would he be a singer? And not rich, doubt it mate, all the stuff he could sell from his adventures...
Speaking of adventures... being adventurous, what an unattractive quality amirite? I'm sure none of the girls in Piltover wouldn't get wet over the offer to see Demacia.

>don't look anything like ezreal in the first place
I don't have the blonde hair, but am not lacking any of the cuteness or alpha.