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>Thread was created with incorrect OP or a lot earlier than post?
Ignore and report; Wait for a correct thread to be made.

Remember to ignore and report shitposters.

Yes really.

Elder Thread:

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git gud

cum glazed elves

Does anyone remember the name of that mod that made skyrim into a tropical land with palm trees, sand, blue clear water and birds?


>All the faces from followers I like I'm importing look horrible



Thread got closed.

Ultimate Combat 3.0, TK Dodge, do I need anything else?

This is bait. Name one good thing about any of those waifus.

SkyTweak, Attack Commitment, Combat Evolved, Revenge of the Enemies and optionally Vigor.

Yarti was good back when she was the crimson chin.
Now she's just some cheap slut.

Clones might be a virgin.

eh, I tried.

>tfw unintentional kawaii

an attempt was made.

So much tsun tsun

Better than my attempt!

HORRIBLE textures and lighting, what the fuck are you doing zix

Thanks. I'll leave out Vigor because it reminds me of Wildcat.

This desu. It looks like vanilla game.

doki doki~


Appreicate it, but too little to late on the attempt.

My interiors always look like shit. No idea why.

a second attempt was made

>too little, too late

Zix senpai Is SkyKids(Faye?) worth the download? Can't I just replicate the same result with UUNP bodyslide fuckery? I mean it also grants me HDT cunny and I can use other textures and stuff.

Tropical Skyrim?

For the OP site, someone else submitted a screenshot for it. Sorry.

Pepp looks good in it though.

Faye is my race and it's... idk, I wouldn't recommend using it to play the game. It's fine if you just want my characters to follow you around, but one thing I've learned making playable races is that shit fucking sucks.

I've got some morrowind mods that list their parent master ESMs in all caps when the ESMs themselves are lowercase, and they all have notes saying that that ESM was changed and might cause problems.

Is this something that needs fixing, or is it fine?

How about regular SkyKids then?

I said in the previous thread, if you want something that looks alright, it's probably better to start with RS Children. Skykids just uses adult female NPC facegen.

I have no idea what RS Children uses. RCOTS probably has the most customized facegen, but it *will* break your game.

You know, if you wanted your boyfriend to take a pic you could have asked him personally instead of asking the thread for help.

Probably gonna paint it black.
actually, I'll probably just keep the skirt and use something else for the corset.

I guess I'll just stick to manually adjusting proportions then.

Ra's my boyfriend?

what's the best site for finding good unp skinny armors? surely there's some obscure nippon-only club

Nippon only clubs don't use UNP Skinny.

If you're an idiot and you don't know how to get/fucked up getting bouncy tits and ass and vaginas in Skyrim, Steve's guide is now v2.

Patricians can learn how to Chinese UUNP body for nipples.


Oh wait, I forgot about *one* thing: a.yiff.moe/sdhplv.7z

I always forget I have it, but, well...

You'll see.

Why so over dressed?
Isn't unp skinny a preset in uunp?

suppose i could switch to uunp

wrasslin today?

o-oh my, thank you very much for this senpai~

The case of the filetype extension doesn't matter in windows.
The child plugins probably reference an older "version" of the parent, use wrye mash. Go to the mods tab, select the mod referencing the outdated master, click inside the lower right box (you'll probably get a popup confirming you wanna mess with this stuff, click yes), then click "save".


>Install sushi enb
>follow the guide 100%
>break my skyrim
>won't even load anymore not even with it disabled
this game is too much trouble for what its worth

Interesting, kinda expected more asian percents.

Does she ever wear clothes?
Did you remove the enb?

Hispanic is the new white.

>he managed to fuck up installing ENB
Yeah it's probably best if you give up.

>Does she ever wear clothes?
Followers of Imperial Cult have special devotees who fight naked or unarmed. Streaking in battle is 100% lore friendly.

What's the absolute worst computer I could run TES games on? I wanted a craptop to entertain myself over this next month while I'm at a work thing, just some 200 dollar thing from Walmart or best buy like pic related.

What's the worst thing I could still get and run say, at least oblivion on?

this desu

Removing it completely fixes the issue. But i tried to just not load it.
Thanks for the encouragement.

I'm gonna do it again and see where i fucked up.

Probably the binary file.


What do you mean "won't load"? Where does it crash?

Actually, fuck, v3


Chinese nipple body instructions updated

It says this, like 5 times then opens skyrim to a black screen that stays on forever and have to end it with task manager.

Broski. Did you use the injector version or the wrapper version? Did that dll come with Sushi?

Jesus man I dunno. You using the wrapper?

can you guys recommend me a good skeleton race mod? i just want to be a spooky mr skeltal

Guide i'm watching says use wrapper.
Don't tell me its wrong and have to use injector.

can any of this guides be correct for once.


You should be using the wrapper. Where did that DLL come from?

Sushi, when i uninstall sushi(deleting the enb) my skyrim works perfectly fine again.

why are you using a nobody enb like sushi

use TKRE

if you want bright shit, use anko

Sushi is pretty nice. Not even that user.

can you turn the partial skin/flesh off? some of those look real wierd

You on Windows 7 or Windows 10?

Yes it has an amulet and an mcm that can do 100 skeleton

Sushi looks super bright with really vivid high contrast colors and a ton of lighting.
Anko looks like a dark bright(if that makes sense)



thank you user

anko has subdued colors in comparison to Sushi yes but it's easier on the eyes.

I personally used a slightly tweaked version of Air ENB way back.

rate plz ;3

That could be the problem, try a different ENB.

>That could be the problem, try a different ENB.
Well... that sucks.

Rate me first


me on the right

cute! CUTE!

She looks good but needs a better, more distinctive appearance, regarding her visual theme.

Hehe cool Hitler meme broseph. When are you going to be barred from psychiatry by the way? I hear it's bad to be prejudiced in that line of work.

2014 :|

me on the left

You keep bringing this up. Are you jealous?

Does she have a benis


>download a ton of sex mods
>never choose the sex option
>ignore all the couriers telling me to start the sex quests
>end up doing vanilla quests instead of taking the faster route of sleeping with everyone

Why did I even download these mods in the first place.


So you can role-play a chaste virginal maiden who's refusing advances of other people. Then one day you get ambushed on the road by bandits and get raped into corruption.

What the hell do they mean with Hispanic?

Meso American mestizos?

Because as far as I know most northern Iberians are white, and southern more Arab.

dude what the fuck

Nice voice changer, faggot

This is nice. More darker Anna.

i don't have many, struggling to find good lighting in this place

There is no fix for my issue holy hell

>look up online
>install dx10
>delete dxgi stuff! it fixes the issue
>game opens but its stuck in a black screen with the mouse loading wheel
>copy your dxgi stuff from system 32 to the skyrim folder!
why, why am i having this issue fucking shit.