Fate/Grand Order General - /fgog/

Previous: >Shinjuku Gacha (6/7 ~6/21)
>Half AP story quests
>5* Archer Moriarty, 4* Assassin Yan Qing, 4* Avenger Hessian Lobo

>English FGO confirmed for Summer 2017 in US and Canada
>First 2 chapters on release
>Japanese audio with subs
>No Japanese account transfer
>No censorship unless ESRB takes issue with something

>Fate/Grand Order: Epic of Remnant Chapter 2 - Agartha no Onna has been announced to be released this summer.
>Two new Servants have been announced: Caster of the Nocturnal Castle and Assassin of the Nocturnal Castle.
>A new summer event has been announced in which Minamoto no Raikou will receive a swimsuit version.
>Drake will be receiving a Noble Phantasm animation renewal.


>Farming Guide


>Mega Pastebin

>TLs Pastebin

>FL Spreadsheet (last reset: April 26)
Add yourself docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScCq3eZgh3zlUtZ3G6Y-zzv1kaXt4GHuWVBRlV__V3Q3rC2Pg/viewform
View list docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FSN1kmzso2itgjWzaGfysZ5WhEjiL5EcyjGr4k6DffA

>Materials, experience and event AP simulators

>Alternate Servant/CE DB

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First for how do I beat nigger Ushi?

So how do you think Nasu comes up with magus names?
I mean, Luviagelita? Atram Galleiast? Bazzdilot?

10.0 thread.

last anime watched is now a Servant which servant is they>?r


Best boy.

The the last one first.

>watching anime
fuck off weeb

if it's the respawning ones just kill the main one w/ a different class type
I think it might've been beast class but I cba checking

Rolled for Moriarty, got Lobo to NP3 and Yan Qing's 4th and 5th copies that I burned for prisms.

I love Kiyo!

Irisviel is the cutest.

baby making sex after incarnating Kiara

Did I do good lads

>not favorited

It's a single one that's berserker with two of those disgusting mouth things. Every turn those debuff my servants and she kills one with her NP

You did. Treat your snake well.

>not my room servant
so close

who /nip/ here??


Why can't we use our grails like this?

Best Dick Wizard

>all this damage control over a ship
Not even a fag or a fujo just stating the facts

I was really hoping we'd get her after the goddess gacha ended.

Nice work. I leveled her older sister instead, but it's good to see a fellow Gorgon fan.

>"Who's the worst" poll
>newfags thinking Kiarafags and anti-Kiarafags were more than seasonal shit
>Cuckposter, one of the ancient shitposters, only gets 5%
/fgog/ has shit taste even in shitposters kek

>didnt get delicious demon loli

what now

Be real with me on this: How can non-Raita character designers even compete?

nothing wrong with cuckposting

wada is the best by far

Not even cuckposters damage threads like Kiarafags/anti-kiarafags

Moriarty has a shitty final art

I don't remember that one too well
I'm guessing use some strong ST servants to try to clear her in the first or second turn and then clean up the lahmu at your leisure

>not getting her DURING goddess gacha with a secret rate-up which would be the greatest publicity stunt in F/GO history

Wada's ascensions are overdesigned trash most of the time. Gets it right the first time, then just keeps throwing shit on the pile.

>being this mad that /fgog/ hates him
Sorry bud, but if you act retarded, you'll be hated no matter where you are.

anti-Kiarafag is also a cuckposter though

Official best event poll


Is that Passionlip?

Torpedo tits looks horrible
Rider Kintoki is too out of character (haha le kamen rider joke + motorcycles)
Dandy is overdesigned

Kintoki and Shuten are top tier though.

Let's face it Moriarty's final art is fucking garbage

>it's another episode of polls

No please, let's go back to the usual shitposting.

Gilgamesh > Kekacock.

What going on here

Moriarty's final art has way too much going on

You are now raising a child with your favorite servant. What happens next?

>Rider Kintoki is too out of character
>Dandy is overdesigned
Really, m8? Kintoki is childish and all about cool gold shit. How is his Rider form OOC? And Moriarty is OTT, so his flamboyant outfits suit him.

>Halloween 1 and 2
>Christmas 1 and 2
Those are really shit options decisions because both second parts are far better than the first ones.

>everything that's not bland is overdesigned now

"Which is more important, your job or me?"

more sex probably

and bedtime fairy tales

>Dango has more votes than Saber Wars


good end i guess

I'll need to see more to judge

What if a child is my favorite servant?

The real question is why either one would have votes at all.

Lots and lots of cooking.

Officially the top events, all events need to be more like these events.

Saber Wars is the worst event in the game.

What would a Kiara Gudao child be like? If Gudao figured out how to have children with Servants canon, would DW make a FE child mechanic of sorts.

I like AoE berserker the most, she triggers faggots like no tomorrow.

Aside from normal Liz's final and sombrero Nero none of wada's designs are that bad design wise

>Ishtar card turning into Ere-chan at the last moment

DW missed an opportunity once again.

Kiara is a seasonal target for the cuckposter because CCC was the last new event.
Cuckposter is anti-Kiara because she's a slut, but he's also anti-half-of-the-females.


>there are people here who still think the anti-Kiarafag is one person and not just a shitposting mantle

>Drake's is a downgrade aside from the braid
>Hans's clashes with his own design
>Lu Bu is a fucking Super Saiyan
>Tamamo is way too busy
>The cancer that is Nero Bride

She got better around America but she had a pretty solid streak of complete garbage designs going.

Either a lewd girl who tries her best to act pure so that her loved ones dont judge her or an eroge protagonist tier ladies man if it's male who is embarrassed to be around his mom

all the major shitposters except like braindamage are like that though

someone starts it and then others keep it alive

His job

He says it quite clearly in his My room line for him

>tfw you are a true Seigi no Mikata and are on the Gilfag and Kiarafag side

I want to FUCK Melt.

am i really that bad to warrant 5 votes?

>Hans's clashes with his own design
>The cancer that is Nero Bride
You're fucking with me, right?

Then why do Kiarafags accuse everyone of being a samefag if they say something negative about her? You're being inconsistent with your agenda right now.

>grailed medea adds me

Enkidu would never make him choose because he already understands.

But maybe we'd know that if he had proper interaction with the ingame Gils.

Gilfags are the real problem.

Nero Bride's ascensions are an eyesore, are YOU fucking with me? And while the idea of Hans teching himself out is neat it just doesn't look very good.

forgot image

>tfw gilfag and antikiarafag
makes you think

I-It was just a joke, don't say it like that or you'll trigger the shipfags.

Tamamo isn't that much more busy than what happens to Raikou

Nero Bride is busy by design because it's representative of Nero's crazy pursuit of being a bride and her autism when it comes to overdoing things

Drake just sounds like your opinion, all they did was add a hat and coat

no opinion on Hans and Lu Bu

m8, I absolutely hate Nero, but I can't deny that every one of Bride's ascensions are beautiful. And Andersen's final ascension is cute as fuck? You're literally the only person I've ever seen who thinks it looks bad or "clashes".

nice falseflagging melvin

She's a good housewife, she'd be a good mother too.

Dango was worse.

I don't even like Liz but I have to say her last ascension works pretty well. Her whole character is that she wants to be an idol, so she ends up in a busy idol costume.


>Staying on the side of shitposters.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder


>but I can't deny that every one of Bride's ascensions are beautiful.
Then you're divorced from reality.

>And Andersen's final ascension is cute as fuck?
Or you're a filipino woman

People are only voting for Christmas because it had item gacha, and that shat out hundreds of mats and Mana Prisms.
The mission style of Christmas was by no means good.

>ywn be a Servant Human child.
It sounds like suffering and hell, but that just makes it more tempting.


it felt unfair to not have me be an option since i know i annoy some people

While I agree with your assessment of Dango and Saber Wars, GO WEST was worse than both. The story was fun but everything else was fucking awful. It was by far the least fun to play.

Advanced Autism.

The story was good and fun for both too though

I like Bride's outfit better than lion sombrero shoulder pad

I also like the fact that they at least have a metaphoric reason for all the belts, zippers and locks in the sense that it's because all of her is for (You) and (You) alone.

The stories were cute and funny.

just looked over the quest details
you can probably one turn kill the ushi if you have a support jeanne alter with kaleido and if you picked up one or two of the kintoki CEs from the last event rerun