/mmo g/ - MMO General

This general is for discussing old or upcoming MMOs WITH POPULATIONS THAT ARE TOO SMALL TO SUSTAIN THEIR OWN GENERALS. If you are on one of these forgotten/niche games, looking for a guild, friends, or just want to know the state of the game, ask here.


>Game databases

>Popular foreign MMOs & MMOs in development

>Other upcoming crowdfunded MMOs
Albion Online: albiononline.com/en/home
Ashes of Creation: ashesofcreation.com
Camelot Unchained: camelotunchained.com/
Crowfall: crowfall.com/
Pantheon: pantheonmmo.com/

>Link to the OP pasta

>Example of welcome games
Kritika, Trickster Online, Mabinogi, Ragnarok Online, Dungeon Fighter Online, Runescape, Project Gorgon, Maplestory, Wakfu, Dragon Nest, Rift, ArcheAge, EverQuest, Revelation Online, LOTRO, Vindictus, WildStar, Tibia, Aura Kingdom

>Example of non-welcome games
Güïld Wärs ÏÏ, Wörld öf Wärcräft, Krösmägä, Hëarthstönë, Gwënt, Shädöwvërsë, Dïäblö, Päth öf Ëxïlë, Wärfrämë, ÄRK, DÖTÄ, Lëägüë öf Lëgënds, Hëröës öf thë Störm, ët äl.

Other urls found in this thread:


Are you sure about this?

bets on how many posts it takes for the bot to find this thread



You realize the spammer could just use that version of the name of "that" game to search for it, right?

Let just see what happens for now. What kind of mmo are you guys playing tonight?

An anime one

More mabinogi for me.
Got to sell me some stuff, then grind out a new character to get some special stuff.


>Guild Wars 2 still in the pastebin
Kill yourself you autistic pile of shit

Can someone explain to me what happen with the other general, please? It's a particularity angry (and autistic) person to pull something like this off.

Refugee from game shall not be name try to force their way into making this general their home. All they did was making themselves look like a bunch of selfish assholes and brought bot hell on the general.

So what games to people actually play here? Many of the games in the guide seem to not have any players for the past 5 years

Not the same person asking the previous question, but it's still curious as to why a bot would go so far just to shut down these threads. It's more like they want to see generals like this unable to organize here.
There is absolutely no reason to do this.

Because where it originated from was a shitty community to begin with

The bot target the game that shall not be name. The bot start spamming when one of their retarded faggots try to force their game into this general. Particularly this post

Shitposters/avatarfags from their original general got mad at each other and one of them made a bot to flood it so nobody could talk about the game ever.

It's always the little people that suffer the most.

What happened seemed interesting. Like /gw2g/ are a bunch of contaminated people looking for safety and everyone who invites them in gets the plague. At least now things can be back to normal for this general.

Holy shit please don't name it. You're just asking the bot to come here.



How is Perfect World nowadays?


Kind of dead

fuck guild wars 2
fuck hope
fuck jugg
and fuck vuncia especially

Leave this place.

This general won't help you.
The mods won't help you.
You can't help yourselves.
When something hurts you let it go. What happened has happened and it's time to move on.
You're not welcomed because you carry a blight wherever you go. It's time to let this general heal and go on your way.

>that "logobro" shit
>literally paragraphs of text and a big fucking "Inter-organizational conflict the second" logo on every post, for dozens of posts

I swear that was that asshole's intent from the start. What's worse is that as a transplant from That Game's general, I actually enjoy hanging out here and reminiscing about ded games. I'm sorry that you guys got dragged into it, and I'm sorry That Game's general was so full of people that would do the equivalent of grabbing the wheel of a car they're driving in and swing it as hard as they could into a telephone pole "as a joke."

I'm also sorry that they're almost certainly not going to stop. Report that shit the second you see it please.


Go to /v/ or rebbit or whatever if you can't contain yourselves from talking about it.

Literally, actually delet this, you fucking retard

I liked the world pvp posts they posted last thread


>I'm sorry
>posts about it anyway

Ebin blog

Who the fuck actually use the /pizza command? Does that shit still work?

That poor pizza...

Fuck off loli fags this is our thread too
Who is enjoying the new WvW update? ArenaNet is doing a really good job with their game (Guild Wars 2) lately.

I haven't had pizza in so long.

just report the troll(s), at this point they don't even have to be a player from that game anyone can drop that game's name here and fuck it for everyone

type /pizza in an mmo and see if that works

i hate vuncia and jugg
i will not stop until my femsura friends and i can freely funpost once again

stop trolling, this is obvious
stop coming here


A bunch of people that were butthurt about people that posted about a certain game falseflagged the thread hard as fuck literally taking up 30-40% of the posts in the thread effectively doing the same thing that the bot is currently doing.

Isn't this one of those things where you send them your email and wait? If it is, look into your spam box.

I signed up and it's in none of my boxes

Omfg that pizz,a looks so good

Tfw cozy and comfy weather here perfect for mmo fun and delicious pizza

Damn, why does the MMO community always have to be filled with so many demented people?

Sorry, buddy, but you don't get to play the victim card when you were part of that 30-40%.

I need comfy MMO to relax while I do my stuff on EVE Online. I was thinking of playing Haven & Hearth but the bots put me off so much, and I was thinking of playing in an Ultima Shard that wasn't so bloated with maxed out characters and isn't that old.

Anyone knows of any MMOs that play like any of those two, or has a comfy, maybe sandbox-like experience?

Project Gorgon


Not him but when is that game going to be sub based?

The wvw queues are super massive

What a fun time to play a game and sell things. As a table. With a ball on it.

How is Mabinogi right now? Is it still full of bots and hackers, has the community recovered at all? Things were in a really bad state since I last played.


Mind explaining why instead of just throwing out random insults?

James couldn't past the first area in conker's bad fur day because he doesnt't have any sense of direction. How can you even trust this guys?

It's from #16 in Season 3.

Is it about to happen?


I thought there was one sheesh, but about my key art question and the brooms...

Looks like it. Well gentlemen, it's been horrible and have a good day.

I can only vouch for tarlach server right now.
I've seen only 2 bot locations. Both in the main marketplaces. I don't see them active elsewhere.
Hackers are also nowhere to be seen. Mostly just people spamming shadow missions and martial arts.
Not a bad time, at least from what I see.

Well thats quite enough Rhythe for one thread. I'm out.

These two:



I go with diablo then to satisfy your mom, if it has local coop I'm not sure if it does. Kind of a chill game doesn't take much effort and younger teens can get absorbed into it easy. (I know I could)


I always thought that shyguys in SMB2 looked like walking loaves of bread wearing a mask.

How's retail holding up?

>spectating your squad leader
>he's in a great spot, hidden in cover but close to a firefight for the point
>0:02 left to deploy
>he and two other teammates get blown up by a friendly nade

>I remember it was the smiles

Who has a 99 smile stat /saga/

Should I just drop trying to make a park in RCT1 and go for OpenRCT2 sandbox instead?

the spam is not comfy at all.
Wish the mods could completely ban the spammer. They deserve only pain and suffering.

>Wanting to join some knife-ear faggots who got their plan after bingewatching Eva
You only cement my hatred for Elves.

Don't you get some sort of spear that allows you to kill the dragon?

Outside is for the living

Will look into it thanks

Any other suggestions to flesh coc a bit more out? Hunting down the same energy drinks over and over again gets kinda repetitive and the """story""" quests dont cut it

>Mixed Jewish/American
He's the ubermensch alright

This Which is actually a problem. She's just annoying. That's it. She doesn't exactly do much other than being annoying.

I didnt help you so you could reward me with an image of a woman being abused


seniority? nepotism?

>tfw arriving in Tokyo in SMT IV and the citizens start referring to you as angels

Cowtits Rusalka or petite Rusalka?

>Some literal who fought off Azrael who was also the hero of NOL and the former highest commander of the NOL

Feels Bad Man

>fences do not actually stand on the line
This fucking shit is both good and bad.

Wonderful 102 when?

I wish the spam bot would post things from /d/ at least.
Give me something fun to look at while everything I like goes up in flames.

How is this game comfy

you sicken me


Phenomenal taste

Does anyone here even own the converter pictured? I have a Kisado converter, but I never knew there were any others out there.

>Majora's Mask
>better than Link's Awakening

No Pyron.

I really don't think this is sandbox 3d. New Donk City looked really small and all the trailer footage looked very streamlined. I think we're looking at a Mario Galaxy/3d World hybrid.

you missed a 0 there
or two

Stop playing video games

Watch sick strats on youtube instead

fuck this meta

Welcome to the King KING