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nut in me dads

add me on discord dads#1491 and i will

just nutted in this elf

How's retail holding up?

just nutted inside gummy

>dog guild literally wipes on onyxia
wow who would have thought. Indi is a confirmed ninja and a shitter

I love Barrens Chat


fastest MC on Zeth, join now

it's okay to be honest

>83 minutes

different server, same shit

He deserves it for having to manage all of the autistic furries.

i want to play on this server, but gummycraft is coming out soon
but this server is slowly dying
but gummy is known for abandoning his projects
but tbc is better than vanilla
but elysium is not going to shut down while gummy does since it's being hosted in nyc
fuuuuuuuck idon't know to do
i just awnt to tpla viddeeo ggaaames

I... I want to know about it. Did retards and new players and elitist edgelords and perverted roleplayers take over? Did Blizz shill so hard that it killed off its entire old subscriber base?
What happened? I need to know.

reminder that mandate is full of selfie posting trannies and corrupt officers, avoid at all costs

>nightslayer helm to madtii on first raid

Just like how he gave pug loot and gold to trannys on kronos lol

OwO ? she actually does have a 60 there KEK

Be nice, we will merge with dog guild.

you can play here now
you can't play in gummy now
you want to play now
its simple

surely all the other long raiding rogues all have the t1 head right?

they wouldn't give the content BIS helm to a new rogue on first raid right?

She got two epics!

huge influx of retards, huge shift towards the casual side of things (besides the AP grind and mythic raids), overall it's a game where you can easily get burnt out after a couple of months
by the way, i suggest taking a gander at the NA/EU bnet forums for WoW if "community" is what you're after.

>surely all the other long raiding rogues all have the t1 head right?

Yes, and t2, we get a lot of rogue loot every week

Yea thats it, not joining this fuck either, its as bad as moh.


moh gave bre to the only warrior that actually pvps


this guy is wearing t2 head, unsure why, he hasnt been seen with t1 helm?

18 raids with dog guild, but madtii gets the bis helm over him?

he didnt want it

>masterloots mageblade to himself
>masterloots 2 deathbringers to himself

If manlett was a warrior Reznik would be in in BGs with a stick, for sure.

yattz passed on mageblade, automute and dads passed on deathbringer

I hate MoH.

>you don't really want this right? you have t2 head! let my gf madtii have the nightslayer haha
>ok boss..

I bet you'd hate me riding your whole hecking length too.

I hope you understand now.

It's a totally different game than pre cata, and even post MoP to be honest. But I think you already know that.
Just my opinion, but it's better than it was although that isn't saying a lot. At launch it was a lot of fun even with the pruning to end all pruning and other complaints. However after the newness wore off, the endless AP grind and RNG legendary nonsense kicked in.
They've improved quite a bit since launch, especially the artifact power, but the legendaries are still a huge issue and endless repetition of M+ dungeons. In addition to that wpvp is a complete joke (I'd say worst ever) and rated pvp is also a shitshow (in the worst spot ever also, according to me, and largely forgotten by everyone).
The same elitism that has always been in WoW (at least post gearscore mentality) is still present, but high end guilds have been dropping like flies so the remaining people tend to be quite toxic. Opinions of that can of course vary.
I have no idea about perverted roleplayers, but I suspect that phasing and CRZ hasn't been kind to servers like moon guard.
As far as shilling, no idea what that means, but the sub count is as low as it's ever been since vanilla. So you can take that for what it is.

The TLDR of it is it's not nearly as bad as people will say, assuming you can tolerate that it's an entirely different game now (barely even an RPG, really, and more like diablocraft) and has improved since launch. But it's still a complete shitshow with extremely out of touch or willfully ignorant devs at the helm.
As always, if you have friends playing with you, it would be fun. If not, no reason whatsoever to bother unless you hate yourself (which is likely if you're here).

indi isn't ML in our guild, I know you want to shitpost him but he doesn't even do loot he just raid leads

it's too late to play on this server now is it
everyone is 60 now and don't level alts now right

mandate gives alts who have mains in other guilds prio for raid invites, the whole guild is a shitshow of bad practices

No we won't.

>He just raid leads and is an officer lol he does not do anything
>Pssstt give this to madti!!!!

I've been playing retail and private servers with /v/ and then Veeky Forums since the dawn of time, and Nihilum/MoH is by far the most cancerous of guilds I've interacted with.
The best advice anyone can ever take away from Veeky Forums is to not play in Veeky Forums guilds if you can in any way help it, especially with discord involved.

if you're mad about madti getting loot complain to Annoying, not sure what else to say to you

MoH hates you.

>only recognize 2 names
where my nost boys at :^(

I don't wanna play with normies, but I don't wanna fucked up underage Scandinavian faggotry. Which Veeky Forums guild should I join?

So dog guild is even worse than mandate and mandate is already the bottom of the barrel?

There is no hope.

yeah im done with this guild, its so blatent, the bre too.

We warned you about Indi.

fuck you pen

There's only one Veeky Forums guild with people, maybe 2 if they split up with the zeth merge.
Define "normies"? Everyone who speaks english acts the same as the people here do, with the exception that MoH is primarily underage. There are no real normies left on Elysium.

>primarily underage
love this meme

Listen to voice chat for 10 seconds and its apparent how many literal teenagers are in the guild

If anyone doubts MoH is filled with underage players, all they have to do is join the discord and read for 10 minutes. It's not like it's a big shocking reveal.

Not the guy u're talking to, but I'm 34, and if you are born in the 90s I still consider you an immature animu watching faggot.

For arguments' sake, by normie I mean politically correct casual snobs that over moderate user interaction

if youre above the age of 29 youre not allowed to be on this website

So like mandate of heaven?

Are you fucking serious? Indi loots himself BrE and gives tier 1 bis to his tranny clique friend on his first MC? Indi is probably the most corrupt guild leader and people still raid with him. Unbelievable.


Been here since year one, mister millennial newfag
You're here forever

it's not fair bros
first it was pretending to be girls
now its pretending to be trannies


Well if you just want a safe space to spam nigger in guild chat, then yeah, not a lot of guilds are going to be into that.
But most don't fag out about what is said in guild chat - that's assuming you're not simply interested in being annoying and baiting people. Most guilds have spoken or unspoken "no drama" rules.

Since you said "politically correct" it makes me assume you want to be edgy in guild chat, but I could be wrong.
I always search for guilds that play at the same times I do and then naturally see if it works out from there, but I also avoid politics or nonsense arguments in video games. Maybe that would work for you, maybe it wouldn't. Either way there are lots of guilds and many include things like "have a thick skin" in their recruitment posts.


>Madti attends one dog guild raid
>thread blows up

Is there a more polarizing player than Madti?

No I do that wanna be edgy, I just don't wanna deal with faggotry and the Pc police, I like free speech and don't want to have to police myself in the slightest

What is with all this trannies stuff you guys keep going on about? From last thread it seemed like the guild consisted of one girl who manipulates the guild through ERP, a guy who's always pissed off and fighting with the girl and a bunch of young adults with shitty jobs/diseases who keep getting caught in the middle and end up doing crazy stupid things.

...Which is exactly how I remembered WoW.

>one girl
There are no girls in MoH

There are three [tres] (3) actually

There is one biological female, Murder, but she is someones GF so she is basically a normie outsider

Who would you trust with a bre /elyg/?

orc women

So then is the trannies thing basically just more BS where half the young adults call the other half gay for ERPing like always?


NOT suprising.

I wonder how he'll get thunderfuyy this time lel

>No I do that wanna be edgy
>don't want to have to police myself in the slightest
Those seem to contradict each other, to be honest. I'm not trying to be a faggot about it, but being in social situations demands a little bit of restraint every once in awhile to not stand out as a gibbering shitlord.
That certainly doesn't mean that you have to neuter yourself, but it does mean that you have to "police yourself" once in awhile or else you'll just come across as a dick.

I may be misunderstanding your intentions. MoH is filled with teenagers but they will definitely not care if you want to spam cuck memes.

name two who aren't actually trannies

So let me get this straight.... indi gave BRE to himself even though he is like rank 4 and basically raidlogs? Can someone from confirm this?

stop it pen

yes, pretty much

murder, madti, melori, hopestar, javel, dindu and artie

>I deserve it


If there was a biological girl in a Veeky Forums guild, this thread would be even more shit than it already is. Think about it.
All you're reading is memes and underages false flagging each other because they can't do it on their containment discord.
Unless your definition of "Tranny" is "skinny faggot who put on his mom's underwear a few times" then there are no trannies in MoH either. It's all lonely and bored neets, many of them underage, quite a few literally homosexual, and that's it. Full stop.


come back

>it's a pendragon makes shit up on Veeky Forums episode again
It's retardedly obvious who is behind the garbage. Pendragon comes online, the false flags begin. How long before he starts pretending to be female?

incredibly accurate desu

Don't bully pendragon she tries her hardest healing MC.

>How long before he starts pretending to be female?

I got bad news for you pal, Pendragon already tricked most of Zeth into thinking he is a she

>yattz passed on mageblade

manlet please, the server is dead you can stop now

When I played WoW it didn't get this bad and our guild leader was a biological female who supported herself by charging guys to play with her.

But yeah considering all the obnoxious meme crap I wouldn't be surprised if there either weren't any girls, or there are so few that it's basically impossible to tell.

Plus do fags get off on tricking other guys into thinking they're female?

The only girls in MoH are Excess, Decadence, and Amy.


>only pendragon could be shitposting
>everyone else must love our corrupt loot system



no its literally pen lol hes bragging about in discord right now

>there are no girls in a vg guild

trannies are even worse, real girls would normally have a boyfriend and nobody would care - see jaime's bf who pretends to be a girl

this is yet to be proven

It should be obvious, but females aren't very active on private servers, and especially not in a Veeky Forums guild. There are too many reasons to list and it would just encourage people to meme about girls in MoH some more.
>Plus do fags get off on tricking other guys into thinking they're female?
Yes, some fags do, and some in MoH very definitely are into that. One in particular makes it a habit to trick new underage players (either by intent or by abusing their suspension of disbelief) into cringy roleplaying relationships.

Your best bet is to completely ignore any meme posts about females, trannies, etc. Starting with this one. The dudes into this brand of shitposting love the attention.

Right so there actually is people playing WoW like WoW beneath all the usual bullshit?

BiS for what, like 2-3 more weeks? At which point it would have been be pretty much wasted going to a rogue that already has t2.

>just give it to my gf, the t2 one will be better in a month! you've only been here for 18 raids dude