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Why would anybody mow a lawn when you can just body someone with a propane hanksword leo counter poke

Does that still work? I recall another user said they tested it and it didn't.

You can just get someone to drop you Silvercat anyways.

reminder that there is no B-team and DS3/BB were made cooperatively with DS2 devs

>Same animation, just timed differently.

Now, you're just arguing semantics. My point is that they are visually distinct. Doesn't matter how they differ, just that they differ, period.

>>Regardless my point stands, you wont be able to tell the differnece between someone at 16 or 25% load just from watching them
No, it doesn't. The video in the link you are quoting already proves you wrong.


You can't, you can only get Creighton's stuff. You need to return to Firelink for the ring and the moment you get there she'll be pissed

Reminder that DeS was an easy to break game and was remember for that as much as anything else
DaS 1 let you facetank posses and straight up poise + heavy armor trade hits with them and still win, or block even really lategame bosses attacks with shields
DaS 2 lets you run circles around most bosses due to the way animations are handled, it lets you tank with shields but removed the ability to just facetank and trade R1s
DaS 3 forces you to roll during boss encounters, there is no running around the attacks because they are fast, there is no blocking because they take too much stamina and sure as shit aint too no facetanking anything.

Heres to hoping that whatever project they make next goes back to the more RPG elements even if it ends in a more imbalanced game, a poorly balanced game you can beat in 50 different ways is still more fun than a balanced game you can only beat with 1 approach

>My point is that they are visually distinct
My point is they are not.
The fact that you need a 10 times slowed down youtube video to prove that they exist proves it.
You don't need that for the 25/50/100 breakpoints

>or block even really lategame bosses attacks with shields

Any greatshield with magic shield in DS1 is disgustingly overpowered.

>DaS 3 forces you to roll during boss encounters, there is no running around the attacks because they are fast
1 second in youtube search bar

>>>Favorite bosses poll
Yes, but where do I see the results?

god damnit why can't there be anything happy in the lore. everything's always desolate and lonely.

Nice burn lol. Can't wait for the arguement, of not all of us play like this. That's a specific autist!

Slowing it down just makes it more noticeable for idiots like yourself, and even now you are still trying to deny it.

My point stands as well as it ever did luci but now to add you to filters because clearly everyone else was right about you being a pants on head retard.


She needs to locked in a basement, can't have a half dragon thing running around!

He's updating the image fairly regularly, just hang around until it gets posted.

>gets rekt in argument
>nuh-uh, I block you so I win

Jokes on you, she is full dragon. Not like you could catch her if she wanted to run around anyway.

That's kind of the point. The closest thing that anybody in the Souls universe gets to a happy ending is still bittersweet and full of melancholy. Most don't even get that.

The series is built on that sort of isolated atmosphere and tragic tone.

Do I need the 15 str req for parting flame to make use of it just as a catalyst?

The 15 STR doesn't effect its damage but without it you will bounce off shields and perseverance when casting with it.

No, you don't need the 15str. I'm not sure what it's good for, even. Nothing changes if you don't have the str requirement as far as I know.

BoTC and Aldia still road tripping around the world on their grand adventure to see shit and not be related to the cycles anymore.

The only story in the souls verse to have actually succeed and not be fucked over by the sequels.

I can't be the only one who unironically likes Lucy's posts.

That's because they accomplished nothing and were wholly irrelevant.

I think his argument is about game design, not game breaking. You can beat dark souls using a rock band controller but that doesn't mean the game was cleverly designed for that.

DS3 by far has the lowest tolerances for play variety. Tanking, hybrid builds, no rolling, etc. are all much harder to do in DS3 and the game constantly funnels you toward R1 and roll spam

they're good entertainment sometimes

i feel he sometimes nails the chuckle tier. other then, eh dsg still goes on. I kinda wanna who the 4kings poster was.

That guy was actually 100% insane though. He kept replying to himself in the exact same manner and everything

I mean, he's an extremely opinionated cunt with a god complex the size of new england, but sometimes he turns into a parody of himself and goes so far into being an opinionated cunt that it becomes funny because it's impossible to take him at all seriously.


>2 BILLION souls to get to level 802

Has anyone done this legit? I'm at 326 and slowly climbing.

>He kept replying to himself in the exact same manner and everything

there were at least 3 other anons in that argument in the last thread, it was a cluster fuck

No I mean the 4kings guy, he would post the same images, with the same "who was your favorite DS1 boss" with the same response chain in every thread. The dude was either an elaborate bot or 100% certified insane

oh, he's before I joined

sounds fucking awful

I doubt it. There's just no point.

I mean, it's possible to get what, 2 million souls in an hour? It'd just be a lot of grinding to accomplish something that somebody will just CE themselves to anyway.

I guess if you enjoy backstabbing Winged Knights for eons.

>bonfire intensity 7 rotten is literally one shotting me in a 5-7 minute fight


Denial only costs 24 faith to cast, and you can spice it down.

Why are you trying to kill NG+7 Rotten?


Summoning another phantom...
Blade of the Darkmoon K***ht summoned through concord!
Summoning another phantom...


probably farming his soul to open the shrine of winter

I've been here since 2013 and I never get the whole "filter the tripfag" circus especially when Luci's not shitstirring. He's not the best poster but not the worst either. The fact that he still trips is more of a failure on /dsg/ 's and /bbg/'s part than Luci's.

Just having a crossbow offslot lets you do so much additional damage to gael throughout the fight

I wanted souls to level up more...
I'm not in NG+ yet

Those are some of 4kings anons posts.


Is there something you can report disconnecters/plug pullers for on steam? Like what option do I pick

>100% certified insane
That sounds like the kind of people in long-running videogame generals.

We got 4kings user, we had Knight Kirk who was really fucking dedicated to defending his waifu and probably killed himself when he found out what they did to his "Fair Lady" and we had the ENB shitposter last year who may or may not have also been rehabanon who went around ENB's youtube comment section telling everyone he was recovering from a drug addictionand that was the reason to his absence.

How the fuck do you get over there?

You can block them and you won't connect to them again.

You send them hatemail.

oh ok, thanks

What did they do to his Fair Lady?

show your humanity puzzle later on

try walking forward

The way to access that area is available once you get through the abyss swamp: You have to solve a minor puzzle to get up there, but you'll figure it out.

Farming the rotten is a common speedrun strategy for opening the shrine of winter early on NG. For NG+ people usually just use bonfire ascetics to get the 20 soul of a hero in the giant memory boss run, and then burn those souls when they reach NG+.

This guy invades me while I'm just chilling at the Depths bonfire. Teleports right behind me, spraying fire from his hands like he's Prince Zuko, which stunlocks me and causes instant bleed effect for 100% damage and curses me on top of everything.

What's the point of hacking if you're not even gonna try to have fun with it? There can't be any enjoyment in just instantly breaking the game with the press of a button, can there? I lost nothing, had plenty of humanity to reverse with.

I just don't get these kinds of people.

Fair Lady aka Quelana was in DS3 as a corpse. Although Kirk vanished before DS3's release so idk. Some user reportedly found some videos of him roleplaying Knight Kirk irl but those rumours remain unconfirmed.

they're trying out new hacks and having fun seeing what they do to other players. The novelty wears off fast but there are enough shitters out there trying new things that there's a horde always online.

>Host enters the fog
>his phantoms are 20 meters behind him
>I get sent back to my world
>I can't even kill/damage the phantoms
Why from?


36 votes since DLC2..

Maybe it's just me but I'm starting to get why DS3 bosses just didn't excite me much.
They're all just big zombies, basically. Most of them are humanoid, and cursed/undead in one way or another.

Where's my Scaleless Dragon, or Chaos Drider, or Giant Sword Woofer. Where's the fantasy in my dark fantasy game.

Anyone playing Demons Souls right now?


I began writing that there are plenty of non humanoid bosses in DS3 but realized that you are right when I started listing examples.

You could play Bloodborne though, humanoud bosses are probably the minority.

I was going to vote but then I remembered I don't have strong opinions of most of the bosses one way or another.

There's so few non-humanoid bosses in any of these games that aren't terrible that I'm glad that they don't have very many.
Unless you're one of those people that actually thinks Seath or Gaping Dragon were actually interesting, exciting or good fights in literally any way outside of looking sort of cool.
Oh, and
>Where's my Dragon
Did you play the game?
Did you play the game?

All seems pretty on-point.

Bloodborne's beast bosses are generally memorable and interesting. Even some humanoid bosses have a beast form.

But I mean, clearly people enjoy those fights. All the bosses in the top tier are variations on 'Undead Giant Dude'.

I mean, they all look different and the overall aesthetic of their fights is mostly very distinct, as well as their fighting and movement style, but it is what it is.

At least 2bat and Midir are in top tier. Dancer as well. All of those are non-humanoid.

You're a twiddly little contrarian cunt, aren't you?
The dragon and wolf were both DLC bosses, and both were very standard next to their adjective-modifier counterparts. A standard dragon and a big wolf are no match for a TENTACLED BLIND ALBINO DRAGON and a GIANT SWORD-WIELDING wolf.
And by saying the non-humanoid bosses are terrible just outs yourself as a player who isn't very good against anything not using a sword and shield. You wanna tell me unironically that the only good boss fights in DaS were Gwyn and Iron Golem? You're dreaming kid.

I love Bloodborne, it's #2 on my Souls list under DaS.

Mind doing a co-op with me user? I don't have many characters. Would you be willing to start a new character if none of our current characters match up?

Bloodborne's beast bosses are basically all re-uses of the same assets, with notable exceptions.


I'm gonna need an essay on that topic explaining yourself on my desk by tomorrow morning.

No, I play offline because the online is filled with cheaters using scraping spear and soul suck.


She barely counts. Her proportions and movements are so far outside of most of the other examples that I classify her as non-humanoid.

Alrighty. Just asking. Have fun user.

>humanoid with slightly longer limbs

So by that logic, when you were in class and that skinny kid hunched over to pick up his pencil and it kept rolling away, did your brain suddenly have a freak-out and go "WHAT IS THIS DEVIL CRAWLING ABOUT, IT IS INHUMAN" ?

Which Boss has the best theme and why is it Gwyn?

she's hunched over and practically on all 4's

you wouldn't call vordt humanoid either because he's not bipedal

Okay kid.
I'll be ramming this amazing plump ass while you look for a "humanoid" ass lmao

What is this idiot nightmare dimension I've stepped into.

>Invading in Farron Keep
>Host dies to the Darkwraith or the facefucker Ghru

Every time.

Are you into zoophilia if you like doggystyle?

Actually yeah

>Dragons and wolves
>not humanoid

My bitch is bad and beastial

Are you sure about that?

What is generally agreed to be broken/overpowered? Some of these weapons feel pretty gross.

nice shop

Which game? Be specific user.

It actually is. The black veil beneath her helmet has been removed.

Look closely though

Dancer is hollow as fuck

We're talking about DaS3 unless otherwise specified, aren't we?