/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General

> Next Demo Day: 15

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> Play Demo Day 14

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Website: tools.aggydaggy.com
New Threads: Archive: boards.fireden.net/vg/search/subject/agdg
AGDG Logo: pastebin.com/iafqz627

Previous Thread: Previous Demo Days: pastebin.com/rmiZV5yX
Previous Jams: pastebin.com/LKEdLxdG

> Engines
Construct 2: scirra.com/construct2
GameMaker: yoyogames.com/gamemaker
Godot: godotengine.org
LÖVE: love2d.org
UE4: unrealengine.com
Unity: unity3d.com

> Models/art/textures/sprites

> Free audio

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memes aside, unlikely

Isn't this technically avatarfagging?

Need opinion: is an FPSRPG (think Deus Ex, not Borderlands) better with a limited number of inventory slots, or a Diablo-style grid system?

Is there a reason you want to limit slots?

If you're doing it just because then don't bother.

As long as it has gameplay that can be commented/given feedback on it is ready for demo day. This thought that you need to present a polished, market ready experience is going to kill the event one day. It doesn't help when a lot of the comments people get on their demo is about unfinished things that the dev has already said are placeholder/unfinished and then the stuff that IS present gets completely ignored and goes without feedback.

posting again because I didn't know the new thread was posted

what's with all of the unkindness around here lately?

I've seen probably a half-dozen instances of people telling devs to fuck off or just being cruel about their project -- why?

I thought we were family


hang in here for a while.

you can limit at first but make more slots an upgrade. it should be possible to play the game without it however so that the choice is up to the player.

Only shittydevs are getting bullied.

Show me one (1) example of a not cunt dev getting bullied.

Well clearly the purpose of the grid inventory is to weight different items differently (more valuable items can take up more space etc.), so if you find that meaningful within your game design then you might consider it.


I don't want the player to carry a dozen weapons he doesn't even want plus every candy bar and soda can he's ever seen.
Ammo will likely be "free" as it was in DX but I haven't decided for sure.

>you can limit at first but make more slots an upgrade.
This is what I was thinking, yeah. Base inventory size would be adequate but upgrades would give you more options.

>Only shittydevs are getting bullied.
>tfw gogem still posts here

quit trying to make agdg a nice place. just focus in your game. They will envy you if your game is great and you get rich selling it. they will envy you if you finish a game and dont sell a single copy. they will envy you if you make it open source. thats what shitposters do.

that was a long time ago, the other post said "lately"

I don't think so

But the post I'm replying to didn't. It simply asked for one (1) example of a not cunt dev getting bullied.


do you think every post in a convo should restate the context of that convo


probably looking for something in this format:
>_____ games

i want a decent name that's not too cringey and doesn't come off as a pretentious indie hipster name

i'm going to be making games which require quick reactions and precision movements, think arcade/action/shooter/platforming/racing, so maybe the name could be reminiscent of that type of thing

that is some serious autism

>OOP replies

Dick Rider Games

Kek games.

Spastic Games

quick games

premature planning games


>rotate is not a cunt because my depraved mind wants to fuck a man actively attempting to look vaguely feminine/i want to piss off anonymous strangers on the internet because it makes me feel good (pick one)
fuck off please

I'm right and you know it

1. pick a random animal

games done quick

Not making games

what, all I know of him was his few webm where he was rotating in some 2d environment with spikes. That's it. I'm not here 24/7, all year long

epic, just ebic

>people still neglect OS X as a gaming platform

stop meming kid and explain

Not that guy but I've noticed it too.

Blame apple for putting up barriers on software development targetting their platform

It's the Discord chat's way of non-subtly telling anonymous posters to leave.

Only devs that don't have gameplay (like witch dev) get bullied and told to fuck off

With things like itch.io & Steam on Apple I think that excuse is no longer valid. Or are you talking about cross compilation?

If you aren't nice to people your game will fail.

Bad Games

>people still neglect windows phone as a gaming platform

I can't tell if my game is fun anymore.
I played it for far too long.

spice it up a bit

>windows phone
Is this still a thing? I thought they were discontinued at some point after Surface 2 came out

I got asked if I'd be making a Chrome OS port

Isn't that like an android app? Just asking.


Submit it to demo day.

Good art is the most important factor in getting kickstarter bux y/n?

There's a base requirement for gameplay in the kickstarter, the rest is bound to art.

Undertale was kickstarted, so no.

The most important factor is style, which often includes good art but doesn't necessarily require it.

Wasn't there a kickstarter that was just a pixel art gif of someone on a boat?

You can always just use nostalgia by marketing as a spiritual successor to some old game that everyone loves.

That's the case of "implied gameplay" by adding mystery to the video.



>60k for some gifs

This is pretty great.

name it something completely unrelated to games, like Rodriguez Vinyl Siding and Roofing

>longterm hiatus as last update
Anyone have any info on this? Did the developer give up?

Kickstarter is such a fucking scam

lol i like this

The dev has a twitter and updates it daily.

Apparently he's still "working" on it, and is also suicidal.

I wonder if it's a tax scam like modern art

take a wild guess

found this

>The physics system was initially going to use Box2D, since I'm a fan of the library, but in the end, I decided to roll my own physics engine instead.

Last actual content on their tumblr is almost 2 years old, while their twitter is just ramblings.

On the developer's twitter page there's no game-related posts just commisions and the like. Is there no flak for these kinds of things? Did the developer at least send a high res version of the gif to all of the backers?

>Scam 60k
>Still find work

So, why aren't you scamming people on kickstarter?

Would you work if you already had the money? Can't imagine a bigger motivation killer implying you make games for money and not out of love you piece of shit

Can you actually say that in the Kickstarter page?
I've always wondered if it counts as copyright/trademark infringement.


At least she only intended to scam 5k

I don't make games to make money, I make games to make enough money to afford to make games.

Working is only a barrier to my current schedule, of course I wouldn't.

Unless you mean working as it working on the game, in which case I can tell you that anything that isn't production of art or media leaves you real hollow real quick.

Does anybody have a guide to making webms for your game?

in your first ever dev interview they are bound to ask you about the name and you can be like, "Well you know it was a tough winter for us and there really wasn't a lot of work to be had, so Tony goes, hey why don't we try to make a video game? I was like sure. How hard could it be? So we got a computer, we lay some plywood across a couple of sawhorses making a little desk, and we went to work."

Use OBS, it's free, remember that alt+drag crops the recording area, export as webm, ur welcome fucko

thanks bruv

don't let me use kickstarter guys
i will do the same


i sure could use $59k (less fees) for doing fuck all

>Next day
>Everyone on aggydaggy makes a kickstarter with nothing but pixel art

Do you dress up some game developers as builders, or just hire some real builders to come with you to gaming conventions?

That ship has sailed. The early birds indeed got the worm.

Anonymous is creating Kickstarter scams

173 patrons

$1027 per scam

is not scam
is selling dreams

is your fault
not forced you to donate

lying is wrong

I'll open a gofundme so I can go to a "Don't lie" seminar
Pls donate

Can you hear the call of the void, brothers.

they set up the expectation that they will make an honest effort to create the product and to give you your "perks"

What am I seeing?

Would you buy my game? Be frank.

If it was good, sure. I like videogames.

Of course honey.

Yes, I promise