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who is this

ivar the boneless

obviously germanic.
His armor looks like it comes from the Attila period but the emblem on his shield is from a rome 2 tribe.
Who knows?

In my mind a third minicampaign for attila makes sense as rome 2 had 3 mini campaigns. Possibly set before Attila starts.

it looks like a viking pommel


How come our FAQ pastebin says rome 2 is still being patched and doesnt include warhammer?

6th for history

Think this might be spot on. Late Antique mercenary?

Thats not history thats worse then fantasy.

>shitty integrated graphics laptop
>"heh, might aswell try medieval 2 since its pretty old"
>it runs like a charm at 30 fps in medium settings
im 90% positive Medieval 2 is the best optimized game in the entire total war franchise
it looks great too, like the units are easier to identify than in any of the "warscape" total wars

i really wish they brought back exactly the same controls than Rome 1 and M2 had
>shift + 1-9 to quickly choose a formation
>formations actually move decently
>A to toggle "fire at will"
>F to toggle special ability (fire, phalanx, warcry)
>fantasy is worse than fantasy
really gets the nogging jogging

Reminder that this is a Fantasy General

im glad that historical image dumper got banned

best total war game to play as Castille?

Goblin Dabbing


Med 2 allows you to reconquista, fight large land wars with other european powers and colonize new world.

Rock the... boat?

>last roman
what is the campaign like? does it use the same units than attila?
nice, imma try it out

Franks and Visigoths mostly got the same units. I think Ostrogoths get some old Roman units. Vandals got a lot of new units. Roman Expedition is basically all new units.

The only reason to play Last Roman is for the Roman Expedition and the Roman Horde mechanics.

In Charlemagne you can play as Asturia and fight Cordoba.

you mean the Ummayad Caliphate ? does the map include Mauritania and other parts of north africa?

No north africa. =The map is amde up of a larger, more detailed england france italy germany hungary and spain.

Cordoba is led by the Ummayads, so yes. The map doesn't include north africa. You can see it, but you can't go to it. The campaign is focused on Western Europe.


Which Total War games are able to stand completely on their own, without any mods?

Just about all of them, people just enjoy modding them for extra fun

Shogun 2 and Attila.

Imperial-Halfling breeding program when?

Right now.

What grudges did you settle today, /twg/?

So i'm kinda burned out on all the latest Total Wars, and now i'm thinking about trying med2 again. I wanna try some kind of overhaul, have Stainless steel 6.4 and Third age. Do anyone have another one to recommend?

Broken Crescent, maybe?

M2 with the Stainless Steel Mod.

I didn't settle any grudges, but I did send a letter to Belegar ('signed' by Thorgrim Grudgebearer) calling him a pathetic manlet. Also sent a letter to Thorgrim ('signed' by Belegar) calling him a pathetic High King.

Fuck off, Skarsnik.

Why would a dwarf call another dwarf a mannlet?

Because it's an insulting term. Being called a manlet by a dwarf is like being called a goblin.

I'll look into it, thanks!

This. Broken Crescent is the shit, though the unit balancing sucks.

check out the MK 1295 mod for Attila

>mfw /twg/ hasn't accepted ching-chong Cow Cow is the best setting for a total war game.

how's your campaign going? I've taken the Burgundian horde far far east to fight the Sassanids and their puppet states. props to the user who did the same thing and posted it to /twg/ a while back, it's fun as hell taking barbars to the other side of the map

Go back to /mbg/, Cao Cao.

>twg will never accept him

Would dwarfs care about height? A better insult is like beardless

remind me again why people want to play a rice kingdom simulator?

I'll be sure to use 'Beardless' during my next scheme.

I've genocided two Norscan tribes so far. I hope to weaken them significantly when Chaos. I doubt I'll survive anyway but it should be interesting to find out. Kislevites are my allies.

Bud wait till they get their race pack, and then see what happens when you're lines are torn by mammoths.

What mod are you using that splits the norscans like that?

Crynsos' Faction Unlocker+

Don't forget Grobi sympathizer, and be sure to insinuate that 8 peaks was lost due to incompetence, and to accuse the other of not giving his all during the war of the beard

Call his beard a manlet next time, I'm sure it'll work

That sounds like a scheme that only Skarsnik could think up.

Is the Steam Mod to fix Belegar's skill tree gone?

What's wrong with his skill tree?

His default tree removes and excellent artillery and later-game melee buff skills that all the other dwarfs have in exchange for Ranger shit.

But great weapon rangers are great.

pretty sure that the ranger skill in the second group is just -upkeep

Too much nuance for me. I play dwarfs to headbutt everything to death.

Why is the Chaos campaign so boring passed turn 20? I've been sacking and razing settlements for the last 100 turns and not a single army is trying to stop me.


What's the best front line for Greenskins? Big'uns? Well, I mean best besides Black Orcs.

Because you don't have the right attitude to play Chaos. Burning everything down is fun.

>Burning everything down is fun
Stomping cities with no army stationed in them stopped being fun awhile ago. Bretonia owns half the map so I'm hoping that will be good once I'm done with the dorfs.

because chaos is the worst dlc

>it's fun as hell taking barbars to the other side of the map
>not doing that every game
The thing that makes Attila truly the best history title is the fact the campaign map is unpredictable. Iv had games where the WRE survived in Rome and proceeded to conquer Briton, where the Saxons settled in Italy and took over the Mediterranean, where the ERE collapsed under the sassadinds and they became a world power.

You go to any other TW game and you can literally predict how the game is going to go. In TWW you can even predict what turn shit will happen. And with culture and religion being such a big part of diplomacy its nice because you always have some allies and some enemies just based off those two factors.

Na, Beastmen are

They have 1 fun unit, and are just an ez mode version of chaos

>the ERE collapsed under the sassadinds and they became a world power.

That happens in every game though.

Someone needs to make a roll chart with all games/factions.

>once I'm done with the dorfs
And as soon as they said that they confederated (they were like the 2nd weakest faction so I don't know how that happened). Another 8 settlements I have to slog through to kill them. I think I'm just gonna start another Crooked Moon campaign.

na beastmen are much more fun then chaos, they got fun mechanics
chaos is frustrating to play

As I said, ezmode for casuals like you

lol if your only defense is calling me a casual then you must not have much good to say about chaos

No it doesnt, normally sass just sit on their ass jerking off or get raped by white huns

>start another Crooked Moon campaign
Patrician choice.
Best roster, best LL, best starting position.

Fay Enchantress question. Does she only get her Mist of the Lady ability in multiplayer? It's the aura that damages nearby enemies.

skarsnik is objectively best lord in all of warhammer

Are slingers completely useless?

In Rome II or Attila?

Slingers counter lightly armored units, mainly other archer types

Better cost benefit to send slingers to attack other archers

Tell me what faction to play as and why. Any game.

Any goblin unit so long as you got a night goblin warboss.

any migrating faction in attila, settle as far away as possible from your historical settling location

If I don't?

Then eat shit.

You are a very rude person! Apologize, now.

Then you can go fuck yourself.


Attila. Most of these skirmishers seem kinda shit really

There's a good mod for Med 2 set entirely in Spain and you can play as tons of different Spanish kingdoms and moors at different times in history.

One thing that got me really wanting med 3 is Spain. I want to play ad Leon, Aragon and Castile.

Flaming cows

no she gets it in sp too

slingers are a really good option early game when the ai brings lots of low armor units - early on they will beat archers in a straight up engagement. Some factions have elite-ish slingers with good use even beyond the early game (scattershot hurlers/elite scattershot, armenian slingers have good rof). Slingers also will give a speed/charge bonus debuff to any units they hit, so they can help blunt charges, especially from cav

What about Rome 2?

What are the odds we will get s teaser for a historical game at E3 alongside warhammer 2?

in rome 2 they are generally better all around from my experience - they carry more ammo than archers and iirc do better ap. 2/3 of the best skirmishers in the game are slingers (balearic/rhodian slingers)

and another small bonus some slingers have is that they get a missile block chance - I can't remember which ones get it in R2 though

Chaos exists to burn everything down, if you don't like tearing down the cities of the cowering mortals brick by brick then don't play

Chaos is the best DLC

Beastmen are more difficult than Chaos

>I'm dumb and attacked the norsemen for 100 turns the first time, now I will never stop being bootyblasted

Chaos is easy and fun, Norse tons give a lot of gold that lets you get your armies geared up quickly. Beastmen start near cities that give crap for gold and take longer to reach good units.