/pg/ - Persona General

Previous: You Don't Know Jack Edition

>Hashino thanks western piggus: personacentral.com/message-director-katsura-hashino-celebrating-western-release-persona-5/
>New game domains registered: personacentral.com/potential-persona-5-spin-off-website-domains-registered-including-p5d-p5u/
>English P5 DLC schedule: personacentral.com/persona-5-dlc-scheduled-announced-english-release/
>Next major event announced for August 2nd: personacentral.com/large-scale-persona-live-event-announced-august-2-2017/
>New Persona games to be announced 2017: personacentral.com/atlus-to-announce-several-games-in-2017-includes-the-persona-series/
>New Atlus studio "Studio 0" to create new RPG named Project Re Fantasy: personacentral.com/atlus-project-re-fantasy-concept-video-site-update/
>Persona 20th Anniversary radio CD announced: personacentral.com/persona-20th-anniversary-radio-cd-detailed/

>P5 Info

>General Guide
>PQ Guide
>P4U2 Guide/Resources

>Art, Guides, Music, etc.
>P4 Dengeki Comic Anthology
>Persona Image Collection
>Persona 5 Resources
>Persona ISOs


I love Ann!

Futaba a Cute-aba

Anne is for brutal anal rape!

First for Katherine

I hereby claim Kawakami to be my assistant in Persona 6

robot is forever!!

I'm ok with this.

Claiming this ecstatic, elegant, exotic, enchantress.
Best model.
Most compassionate.
I'm so proud of Ann. I love her.

What would your waifu be hyped about at E3?

Sae needs a husband!

sick significant footlocker.

>implying it won't be Groo

Makoto is a normal girl who just needs to loosen up.

Where are my Pixie doujins?

I'll make Sae my bae in Crimson!


Sae's hot as fuck though. If she wasn't so busy with work she could easily get a boyfriend.

I wish there were desperate girls like this in real life.

I want to be Makoto's special education aid!
I want to help get her custody out of Sae's hands and give her a family that loves and cares about her!

>want to use Joker's DAN costume
>don't want the BGM

BGM being linked to the costumes is so stupid.

I hereby claim Izzy as my maid and hope she brings me the fog everyday!

I want to marry this neet!

They exist, probably, but you'd be in danger to date them.

Fuuka is my guiding light in this uncertain and maddening journey called life.

>Persona 3 lets the navigator change the music
>feature never used again

There are some pretty desperate girls on /pg/. Next time you see some Gorofags posting, try hitting on one.

It looks oddly romantic how Joker looks up at the sky when Futaba uses Position Hack.

Maybe it's meant to be.

It would make so much sense for futaba

>You listen to that, Oracle?

Why danger? They can't exist though, even really ugly girls get to choose between the men propositioning them

Well, she is pretty bright.

Sister... I hate seeing you sit alone on weekends. I know you're not working on cases, I've been keeping track of the ice cream in the freezer. Tomorrow I'm taking you to the underground mall to buy you some trendy clothes, you can't wear that suit 24/7! After that we'll go out, just the two of us for kareoke.

t. SIU director

Honey you're home!

>tfw Cognitive Sae in SIU Director's palace is dressed even sluttier than Shadow Sae

Someone that desperate is bound to be unstable.
Don't stick your dick in crazy.

I have this theory that it's because Fuuka specifically knows how Audio equipement works.
But still, that's no excuse to not have it in other games, specially when there's places like record stores that aren't used for much

I haven't been on pg for a week because I was camping at a music festival. It's good to be back.

Thanks, I needed that chuckle.

But it's crazy or nothing! And she goes crazy and kills me after that's like a double win for me

I doubt he sees Sae as anything beyond a puppet

Best woman, best wife, best cake.

Add more date events to P5!
Teaching Sadayo how to make infiltration tools, coffe and curry!
See Sadayo go pray at the shrine for Joker!
See Sadayo cry when she finds out I turned myself in.
Go on a hot springs date with Sadayo where she washes my back and I wash her hair then we get in a mixed bath together!
Go on a formal date with Sadayo where she wears a fancy dress and gets all dolled up just for you!
Joker moves back to Tokyo after finishing high school and is living together with Sadayo!
Eating Traditional Japanese breakfast with Sadayo!
Go fishing with Sadayo on Sundays and catch the Guardian together!
Visiting Sadayo at her place!
Going home together with Sadayo!
Sadayo visiting Joker's family!
Joker visiting Sadayo's family!
Joker proposing in front of all his friends!
Traditional wedding "Happily Ever After" timeskip event!

I'll take it.

>miss prez can't even spell "karaoke"
>probably pronounces it "care-ee-oh-kee" too


Maybe it's because Door always had his mp3 player and headphones with him. And Fuuka can control it.

true, who would even want that old and busted girl?

post chibikotos

>Kawakami fag will take any girl he can get
Like pottery


Or maybe hes just surprised his dumb neet teammate got off her ass and did something

I have a theory that Sae is dressed the way she is in her palace out of pure sexual frustration


I am not sure I understand what you're trying to get at here, user.

When there is a doujin of Teddie scoring with all the girls

user kun, my body is fading! Please remember me anonkun..... I don't want to disappear!


... how are you supposed to pronounce it? You know, for the makotofags here that dont know, tell em.

I'm glad I could help when a cute Fuuka alone couldn't get the job done.

Futaba is very helpful though
she pumps buffs out almost every other turn and can save you from death once.

Watching the girls scream and fade away gave me a boner

everybody's going to forget you after P6 anyway

>no special dialogue in the vr for the girls if you romance them

Which Persona 3/4/5 girl from the main party is the strongest outside of Mitsuru and her ability to make you gone due to Kirijo corp and Executions?


It's Japanese.

Aigis, duh.

Haru got that multinational conglomerate money, too.


>Mfw 'mona, what did we do wrong?'



Is the a silent?

Ao is pronounced "ow".


Just because you look like a girl doesn't make you a girl or all those traps /pg/ has fapped to has been for nothing.

Does she have Executions? Checkmate Haruthiest.

That too.
I don't know why they haven't done it for the other games when it's easy to do and makes the game much more enjoyable

That's mostly my fault.
Before I posted Fuuka to be happy.
Right now I just post her to keep myself from losing track of what I want.

shut the FUCK up fuukafaggot

If you are deaf, I guess

>Not a girl
It's like you didn't even play the game, her daddy made her into a real human bean at the end of The Answers

She has an axe and a grenade launcher
She's more of an executioner than mitsuru DESU

Nobody played The Answer, user.

That would be the case if it were just ao alone, but it isn't. Ka-ra-o-ke are the four syllables of the word, The a from ra shouldn't be blending with the o.

I can't even think straight when I have Ann on my mind. I have to type my post before finding a picture or I'll probably make a typo. What could you be craving other than a cute Fuuka? Want to tell me?

>Just because you look like a girl doesn't make you a girl or all those traps /pg/ has fapped to has been for nothing.

It doesn't stop people

I said it before.
Peace of mind.

I did becuase I actually wanted to say I beat P3.

>real girl

Real girls have gatling guns. Philemon is also a faggot.

My friend, Mitsuru can summon her Persona IRL, that's automatic win right there.

I thought in NG+ confidant skills were all supposed to unlock as soon as you start the confidant? Why the fuck can't I Baton Pass with Morgana then?

>The /v/ booru tag for Aigis has somehow gotten even worst since this was made
That is sort of impressive

Everyone else can summon their Persona in real life too, you know.

not all of them

Do the thieves know that? I doubt they do. Enjoy that sweet Getsu-Ei spam.

Just relax and clear your head. It sounds simple but that's the best advice I can give. Anxious thoughts are worse than not thinking. I hope you can have a nice day.

What's even the point of the /v/ booru? Do people actually look at Western art?

>tfw you like the girls that aren't terribly popular so no one can ruin them this badly
pic not necessarily related

It's supposed to be really hard though

>Philemon is also a faggot
No one is saying he isn't, but he did make his daughter a real human bean to make her feel better about how he fucked over the guy that fucked her.

Unless you're Fuuka "Bazooka" Yamagishi

The Metaverse, TV, and Dark Hour are real life though. It's not like they're playing a video game.

You mean danbooru, right? It doesn't have exclusively western art. In fact I'm pretty sure it's almost all jap art given the artist names attached to the images.

Like 90% of the people there draw in a anime/jap style anyhow.

Explain Orgia Mode then? She has it in Arena, gg Philemon you got just Arc Sys'd.

I wish it was that simple

I hope so too

Which Persona girl has the cleanest butt?