/mhg/ - Monster Hunter General


> -- Monster Hunter World Information with Sources --

- Monster Hunter: World revealed for PS4 and Xbox One early 2018, and eventually PC.
- Extra Footage

-Monster Hunter XX Nintendo Switch Ver. confirmed for 8/25 in Japan, region free. youtube.com/watch?v=CvzTD_RYDXs
-Monster Hunter Stories is coming West this fall.

>I have a question!
Includes links to the FAQ, weapon guides, charm info, and more.

Database with weapon trees, item locations, drop rates, etc.

Same thing, in application form.

>Where does Veeky Forums play?
Create or find a Gathering Hall
Passcode: 7243
In XX, ターグット: Gathering フィールド採集 (page 1, middle right)
In Generations, Objective: Gathering
In 4U, Target: Fishing

Tags: MHWorld, MHXX, MHGen, MH4U, MH3U, Stories, MHO, MonHun, /mhg/, mhw

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transmog is pretty cool

I'm really exited to play a monster hunter that's not a shit game that controls like fucking garbage due to being on a portable system for babies or sonegroes.

Mnhgstr Hhmtr!

transmog is the best thing that came out of X/XX

4th for chopping wood


>so good it won't be in anything else any time soon

>We will finally be able to fully explore the tower

It's really weird for Vulture-kun to not be reacting at all.

I hope there's future for portable MonHun, I honestly enjoy playing it like that

Fuck, I love to love Monster Hunter...

my point is that mh is so chock full of goofy shit like that, that it's asinine to expect it to go away or even diminish.

now, i'm overstepping my bounds here since i've only played 3u on, but i'm going to venture that MH has always been mostly goofy shit if you think about it. along with that, and my experience from 3u on, i believe you're only thinking about the parts you've enjoyed and assuming these goofy things are more recently invasive.

stagger rates, pupper

>Still salty

It's a new thread move on hipster user

Same, a lot of people I work with still bring their 3DS system in to play MH4U even my boss and some of my family members play too.

>Source: My ass


So it's pretty much confirmed no West XX?
Good thing I got a PS4

>it was real in my mind

I don't get your reference.

Why? It's on PC.

Friendship with nintendo over. now ps4/xbox/pc is my best friend.

So are quests still a thing?

Is it all one world, or do I select my mission and get dropped into New Jungle or whatever they name the areas?

>Japan has Frontier and other mainline entries
>China has Online
>Western countries get World

so that's their plan?

Hope it's not delayed to far back if it's over 2 months i may get it on my ps4 instead

quests, maps and hubs are confirmed.
drop in multiplayer just means that you can join quests in progress now.

Wasn't the new game going to be featured in a new stream today? Did that happen already?

My friends are in PS4

>other mainline entries
world is mainline my dude.

You got a source on that my dude.

I don't see it in the pastebin.

I want the mainline entries though.

Hopefully World flops hard.

World is pretty much Monster Hunter 2 tbqh. MH1 was the only other game in the series that tried to be an actual "hunting" game like World. People getting mad that they're finally going to be able to do what they originally intended to do with the series should kill themselves.

it hasn't been mostly goofy shit and the amount of joke sets has increased over time and prevalence in the meta
>it's asinine to expect it to go
i thought it was asinine to pine for a return to the old feeling of monster hunter, but lo and behold the trailer shocked the shit out of me

no cheesy trash like transmogging for me thank you very much
>move on
I didn't bring it up
>my opinion is mainstream yet relegated to the worst games of the series
huh, well anyway, here is your last (you) for the day
it won't be in the new one, you can bet your bottom dollar lad, you just don't understand the concept at all

I meant actual numbered titles. World is as mainline as Generations is.

Barbarian Jawed Wyvern

>tfw no pet Maccao


Oh he's back.
Autism speaks.

look harder, general gameplay information

tri introduced shit like that trying to expand the world

hard to flop when it comes out in 3 fucking platforms

That fine, my friends are all over the place so I never play with them

Im so pissed about XX I might skip World out of pricipal.

Reminder that with MHW and no crossplay /mhg/ is going to be divided in 4 or more segments. There's going to be PC MHW, PS4 MHW, XBOX MHW and then the people who stick with XX or other older games.

It's going to be absolutely terrible to get /mhg/ games going.

would you quit the series if transmog was in every main title from xx onwards?


Yeah because multi plat games NEVER flop!

There could be a seperate general for Worlds.

I have to admit that the T-Rex is really growing on me.
I just hope we can break the inflatable nose.

Wasnt there a WRPG general or something?

I'm leaving most general gameplay stuff out until its been elaborated, like the new stealth mechanics, grapple hooks, monster tracking, etc.

The audience was dead silent after the reveal trailer, that isn't good news however platforms you are releasing the game.

I wish it had a more distinct coloration like the iguana.

>Rathalos on the cover

Well there goes any hype I had toward the flagship monster to this series.

Anyone else fucking love the hub of MHTri?

Nah, if there was going to be a separate MH general for anything there should have been one for X/XX

There's no crossplay?
Guess I shouldn't have been expecting that, but that's going to be a bit awkward.

Hope you enjoy anjanath since im pre/y sure hes the flagship.

which platform will/would you play mhw on?

This game is DOA. Gonna alienate the old fanbase and not appeal to the mainstream.

no, it's not that big of a deal

just another minor problem with the game that when added up contribute toward a decline, like we've seen with the recent garbage

He's World's spring raptor/iggi

Who's that MatrixMan.EXE?

>no "Charlotte's" option

Nah, his reveal wasn't all that overwhelming.

He also doesn't have that overpowering presence that every single other flagship monster has had.

>surprised when dudebros who's first console was a ps3 slim have never heard of monster hunter

>They'll find a way to shove in the dromes into World

No he's not, that's the the little green carnivores and the fat version eating an aptonoth named Great Jagras

Think we'll see any of the fan favorites or will it just be new monsters + rathalos/rathian. Because I'm not too optomistic if all the monsters are the same quality as chemojho and iguanatrios

Some insider that was droping hints about World weeks before the conference.

>not getting period
So I either buy it or I become pregnant?

I don't think it's DOA, there's definitely an audience for it, my only concern is how they will handle the series from now on, since there's two distinct MonHun experiences now, MHW and XX, both are very different and cater to different audiences.

Yeah lagiacrus had such an overpowering presence

I dont know why they'd have key art pitting him 1v1 against a Rathalos if he was not meant to be the main monster. Los is on the cover anyway but you get what I mean

pls do not bully lagi

the audience was filled with dregs who didn't have any enthusiasm at all

I'm not kidding, pull up the conference and pause it at any audience close up and you'll be disgusted, I guarantee it

lagiacrus is also one of the worst monsters in the series so I guess we should be worried

It did though. Maybe not as extreme as Zinogre, Gore, and Glavernus, but an electric sea serpent is pretty rad.

when they showed dad of war they lost their shit


>dromes finally get a rework and WOLVES HUNT IN PACKS, ARISEN

its okay but dont do it again
hes doing his best to protect his pond

So, acepting the change (for good of bad). How many new monsters you think they're adding to the rooster?

Perhaps they just weren't impressed with they saw?

When has an E3 audience ever been excited for a game that isn't a third person cinematic shooter showing heavily scripted segments or an already established franchise?

It's original quest was
>holy shit my dude, don't fight it
>I lost my leg to a lagi
>clearly lagi is the one causing these earthquakes.

Regardless of its difficulty, the game pushed Lagi as a force of nature.

In the trailer, one attack from Rathalos knocks it down, and then it manages to pick it up and fly away with it.



*Farcasts you back to the camp*

no they didn't, just more than the other games

Great Jagras actually

It depends if it was emptied or filled.

You first, you thorny cunt.

New? I'm not sure. There's going to be a good amount I doubt it'll reach G levels. Maybe around the low numbers of 3 and 4. The selling point is the ecology affecting the hunts. So there's going to be Wyverns that exploit that system.

Wanna talk about quest lines that were unassuming. I had no clue when I was invited into the arena by some masked man that I was going to get my shit punched in by two Rajang.

>audience don't show enthusiasm
>''well, it's definitely their fault for not liking my masterpiece!!''

>for every game
>every other audience was happy with literally everything they saw
I don't know what was different but something was, maybe the auditorium?

>scavenging creature
>clearly tetsucabra/barroth tier

It isn't the flagship

