/kfg/ - Killing Floor 2 General

Last thread: Who the fuck knows
Latest Update: forums.tripwireinteractive.com/forum/killing-floor-2/kf2-news-and-announcements/news-and-announcements-af/2297102-the-summer-sideshow-begins
Update trailer: youtube.com/watch?v=s_ekIoKlwgY

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Back from the dead baby

le monkey face

oh boi

Missed you lads
The new LAR is fucking great by the way

that didn't take long


Post your favorite zed lines

>that siren


bearded lady

Can i have the discord link please?

It's a cool update i love the Scrake

i mean the voice


They finally gave us a cosmetic to make ana look good.

>le french pig

>No new Patty or Hans lines
Kinda disappointing

>No new Vietnam characters or weapons
very disappointed

What are the husk and stalker supposed to be?

I think the husk is a fire juggler and I have no clue on the stalker

>Fleshpound Spawn Enraged chance
Sure can't wait for triple raged FP spawns, thanks Tripwire

Those cyst pigmen oink oink oink!!!!

any idea when the ps4 edition gets the event?



Hell on Earth
>Self inflicted damage is set to 50% was 100%


>M4 damage increased 20%

Winchester Lever Action
>Rate of fire increased 10%
>Reload speed increased 10% for both reg and elite reload
>12 extra rounds added to starting ammo

>Reload speed increased 10% for both reg and elite reload


>Stun cooldown decreased to 5sec was 10sec

Spawn Enraged chance:
>Hell on Earth=75%

All the changes look good but what the literal fuck were they thinking about the fleshpound changes?

The new LAR is OP af. It is even more broken then M14 on release.
You can carry both Railgun and the SPX 464.
Optimal loadout is M14 and SPX 464.
With SPX 464, 4 shots to kill Scrake, 6 shots to kill FP (6-player Hell on Earth with 5x Rack-Em-Up prestacked)

can I get an unbiased opinion on whether I should buy this game or not? it's on sale right now but I heard there was a bunch of dlc for it and I'm not interested in that bullshit from devs.

Free week is supposed to start some time today

>reload speed buffs for the railgun when reload cancelling was the thing that made it OP anyway
>no fucking nerfs for it
>even faster fire rate for the winchester when it already fires so fast that the firing animation can't even keep the ironsight in one place
>that entire fleshpound section
What the fuck, for what purpose

no dlc for 2, just the first one as far as i know.

I like the first one better personally, but the 2nd is still fun. Give the free week a try and see what you think dude

All the content updates are free, the only thing you pay for is cosmetics.
Honestly this is one of my favorite games of all time. The game itself is quite simple but the variety of classes and weapons give you a lot to do.
Do you enjoy shooting a lot? Do you like satisfying first person combat? If yes then this game is a fucking steal on sale.

How is the first one better you faggot?

muh nostalgia

Anyone else having trouble trying to find a weekly challenge match through matchmaking? I've tried like 20 times now and it's not fuckin working

The only "DLC" the game has is the bullshit CSGO crate cosmetics system, everything else like events and updates are completely free.

Yes. Just don't pick Berserker ever. Melee is unsatisfying as fuck in this game.

If you played KF1 then i would say they give different feels. KF2 feels alot faster and better but KF1 still has something about that feels nice, that being said I would never go back to playing KF1 over 2 except if mods are in question.

KF2 also is getting a a slow but steady stream of updates so if you get it on sale now you will prob be given reason to come back a few times over the year, if only for the season updates

I have a KF2 friend I play with regularly who literally only plays Berserker because he loves the melee combat. Granted I find it boring, but I can understand the appeal of it to some.

The movement in the 2nd one just feels so shitty, and all the zeds are too fucking fast. I don't like how the challenge is from trying to shoot at the zeds while they're doing a bunch of annoying wacky animations. All of the trash mobs in the first game were capable of fucking you up pretty fast, despite their slow speed. Switching weapons in the 2nd game is a fucking chore. In the first game, juggling weapons for different zeds/situations was a lot more satisfying and didn't feel so fucking slow and clunky. The maps in the 2nd game feel really unoptimized with all the invisible walls and collisions and shit. The voice acting is annoying as shit in the second one. The list goes on man, the first one just feels much better to me. I'm not saying the 1st is objectively better tho, it's just my opinion

>you can receive ammo from supports who are right up against the trader
literally the best change

It's really weightless.

Whenever you hit an enemy it feels like you're hitting paper. It's really noticeable with the katana.

Seconding this

>complaining about the characters having their own voices now
Just play Classic Masterson/Briar if its that much of an issue

Are we gonna make it lads ?

I do play as those two, but all of the characters in a server having the same shitty british accent in the 1st game was kind of charming. I hate hearing all the dumb voicelines that all the other characters have.

>try to buy a new weapon and then get free ammo from the support to save dosh
>try to interact with the trader and instead refill your tier 1 off of the support
>your new weapon is now missing 3 extra mags you have to pay for and you're stuck with the tier 1 for another wave

When are they gonna add my wife

>tfw SPX 464 + M14 + .500 and all of the mobile options except REU
You can just shit bullets out left and right without a care.

Be quiet foster



Come one come all

there a discord group for making gettign a group easyer till once the free week starts?


made me kek

thread theme


post kf2 maymays



Anyone else have trouble hitting husk backpacks now? Not only do they completely blend in, but something feels off with the model.
I like that monkey scrakes are harder to kill though through their hunching. If they're chasing someone else you're fucked trying to hit their head.


how many tickets in a day can you grind? is there a limit on the drop?

A guide to get free shit?

The waifu on the left is already in the game.

Does this fit the aesthetic?

Does this fit the aesthetic?

I'm not sure. I'm going to need more evidence.

Reports are coming in that the FP's odds of unraging are somehow tied to his spawning raged odds. That means that, since FPs spawn in raged 75% of the time in HoE, there's a 25% chance they will unrage once they hit someone in HoE.

Also hearing about Scrakes getting raged by any hit they take, if not starting out autoraged.

Bravo TWI!

Does this fit the aesthetic?

Ye been duped.

That wouldn't pass quality control.

If they add this shit to the game im quitting.

How are the new weapons?

The new LAR is slight upgrade to the old one i guess.
the new shotgun shoots very fast.
they are both fine i guess.

New LAR holds 10 rounds and kills 6pHoE Scrakes in 6 shots, stuns in 3 with the skill.
Kills Fleshpounds with 8 shots.
You can also carry it with the M14 AND .500, or also with the Railgun, it's ridiculously good for a Tier 2.

So it will quickly be nerfed into uselessness.

From a field test just now, yep Scrakes are just raging upon first damage.

I'd like to believe this is the 'true' LAR and won't dare to fuck it up again after they already did that to the first one.

I hope not because I like it a lot. I'd be fine with them just making it a Tier 3. The DBS is another very good weapon for its price and they haven't touched it in a long time.


They better not nerf it. Just enough damage that mobile Sharp builds can bodyshot/headshot various zed the M14 can't. Just low enough weight that max damage Railgun builds can have it on the side. It's fully completes the Sharpshooter.

You have a good point, but Tripwire is too stupid to see it that way. They'll see "6 headshots to kill 6-man HoE Scrake" and go "SHUT IT DOWN!!!!".

Yet you can easily kill a scrake without raging in as demo by one shot from the .500 then rpg to the face. Wtf tripwire make up your mind....

I bet they'll nerf it after the Hard-only level 25 pub superstars start complaining about it on the Steam forums and /r/killingfloor.

>Hard-only level 25 pub superstars
What kind of world do we live in?

TWI was literally offered the weapons to use in their game free of charge. They declined.

Back during the KF1 days, I knew a guy that would constantly theorycraft about KF1 on the official forums and how to make it more difficult and dynamic, such as making melee weapons randomly break.

Turns out he never played past Hard.

>That spoiler
Now I'm mad

As a Cuckmando, I'm still mad that amy Zed with a weapon will instantly block their heads when taking damage. Shit is so anti-fun, it really needs a damage threshold to trigger.

Are YOU opening your crates, anons? I hope you are.

>finally in HoE games with 5 people total, and 2 of them are free weekenders that are too 1337 for lower difficulties

I only ever find it an issue with Gorefiends, those fuckers block the instant you look at them, then sprint towards you while still blocking and start doing their beyblade shit, I fucking hate Gorefiends.
Every other Zed is easy to kill before they block or simply aim a little to the left.

>playing pub hoe


Welcome to TWI.
something something leading horses to water

>be swat
>be top zed slayer all game
>on last wave
>can't afford to fill all my shit

I don't think SWAT is meant to have very weapon filled to max in most cases. When I SWAT, I fill up the MP5 and P90, but get only a mag or two for the Kriss.

Can anyone confirm if they've gotten more than 1 ticket?

how do you even get them anyway?

random drops

I did the quests in solo offline but did not get the items on completion. Anyone else have this problem?

I did it in solo offline and got the hazmat suit because the other shit is limited drops.

Would you?

fuck yeah

>free weekenders die
>they leave
>new round of free weekenders join to take their spot instantly
>vote kick is disabled on the server

At least .001% of them will actually buy the game and continue playing after the weekend is over.