/feg/- Fire Emblem General

- Fire Emblem General
06/13/17(Tue)13:59:20 No.179630024

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>early thread

Fuck Femui in the ass!

Mario Emblem.

Not enough Sharena. I wish she was half of the doujin.

Azura is shit

Why do the ones on the right look like they're from the 90s

Blood confirmed

post imgur


>no FE game on the Switch
>no Pokemon game on the Switch
>just a bunch of Marios and Zeldas

Dead platform

Literally waiting for the 4DS console

Azura a best

>all FE doujins are shit

>he missed the part where we're still getting FE Switch eventually
>he missed the part where they literally confirmed that Gamefreak is working on a core Pokemon game for the Switch

Nice bait, I guess?

>infantry units
>flying units
>experience points
>critical hits
>stat up items
>literal weapon triangle


I want to impale Azura and Hinoka with the same lance and leave them to bleed out


With 4DS support

Being a Switchcuck must be horrible


>getting impaled on the same lance

We're all here

Will we get both Corrins and Robins, or just one of each? I can't imagine it'd be too hard to have both. They already have the models from smash to work off of.

The gay ones that one user posted were alright, kinda funny though.

>So tired of TT that haven't killed Veronica even once today
>At 34k/50k anyway
I just want this to be over.

I've got 3.25 boost on the bride banner. SHould I give it one last roll?


Nice quads.

>maps cleared 5/5
If you weren't such a shitter you would have the seal.

nice op
real thread here

Dead game.

G̶͔̘͕̮͍̖͇̰̳͉͍̎͂͗̄͌͛ḭ̷̑͐̈͌̋͐͒̌̚͝v̷̧̢̢̛̳̫̜͖̤̿̀̿͂̎̓̉e̷̡̨̼̺̼̞̯̎̄ ̶̢̛̤̠̠̜͎̱̟̭̏̃̎͒̇̇̽̂͗Ḿ̵͕͖̗̦͍͙́͂͌̐́̈́́̐ë̵̜̱͚͙͎̜̦́̈́̓͠ ̶̧͇̻̩̪̽̐̒T̶̨̡͕̪͚̗͙̘̟̩̫͔̄̄a̵̖͕̦̻̦̟̘̞͜͝k̶͔̜̍̆̊̈̈́̈́̈́ǔ̶̹͔͚̻̥͙̘̱͙́̂̑̉̈́̽̽̏̇̀͜ṃ̸̡͇̥̙̭̗̫̻͈̈́́͂̓̐̽̈́͐͌̂̾͝ǐ̶̙̥̫̠̪͎̺̖̫̉͑͆͛̊͊͂̉̚

I can't even clear 5/5 properly because the game throws counters plus that bullshit Ferox arena map by the 3rd/4th map


i can clean the 7/7 one but its more timeand sometimes I end up getting the same points as the 5/5

Nobody cares about your Mii-looking ramen noodle "husband" thread

>Gif me takumi

Fuck off

Punished Takumi
Colorless bow

Skadi: 14 mt, built in close counter.

since when is it okay to make threads 40 posts early

Is it normal to get 8 5* units before reaching a week of gameplay? I'm starting to think I'm incredibly lucky
All I ever wanted was a Leo and a Brilotte though

No, he's mine.

You will burn out your luck

when everyone in the general is retarded enough to post in it regardless

Non shitpost thread


Get over it husbandofag

>the best FE in five years is Bowser's Minions

Is there a bigger MAMMA MILA in this franchise?

Fuck off with your husbando shit thread

it's not, but mods are inconsistent about deleting them so retards on /feg/ keep doing it



Yeah, a shitty franchise like Famicom Wars coming back to GBA as Advance Wars just to flop again.

I'm trapped inside by the shit weather and out of stamina on heroes. Give me a character get boned, and a character to do the fucking, the one with the most votes wins. (You) is allowed.

Mario banner in Heroes when?

> Wrong previous thread

>won a Veronica map since Effie kept Smiting the other enemies away letting me chip at her health and pick off the others easily

Who here /gay for Xander/

Did we get an imgur of NKDC 6?

I guess no more sword wielding characters for warriors

Kiran fucking Eirika with Ephraim none the wiser!

jannies are retarded, news at 11

me fucking you

Don't post pictures of my girlfriend like this

>panic ploy makes armor emblem scary again


A witch

Don't worry goy it will change.

Julia getting fucked by (you)

eliwood and athena

That looks awkward as fuck. He really does look like a mii.

Sanaki doming Veronica

Can Selena actually be usable? I just found out the one I had is +atk -res

Sharena being fucked by summoner.

>- Fire Emblem General
>06/13/17(Tue)13:59:20 No.179630024
of course it's an amerifat thread

Panic ploy also makes the next tempest more fucking grindy if you can't just point a blade tome at an enemy to instantly crush the inflated stat balloons.

For all the talk about popularity polls that completely failed to influence executive decisions in any way, after several years it *finally* was *actually* Femui's turn in Warriors.


I-it feels like he's staring into my soul.

Thanks for the (You)s


Not an argument


Eventually. She's not +spd though, -hp +res.. I still need a better green unit or even a good colorless

Awakening ripped off New Mystery and both games are shit
>Shitty Thot who exclusively wants (You)r cock and is with the enemy at first
Katarina and Tharja
> Meme Antagonist
Legion and Gangrel or Cervantes
> Unlikable female antagonist that I'm pretty sure people only like for their design
Kuraine and Aversa
> Antagonist who is revealed to be subservient to a grander antagonist and plays a role in the story of the other antagonists
Eremiah and Validar

No prob bb

delet fates

Something with snack.
Or this is fine as well

Brainwashed Delthea getting fucked by Nuibaba

Oh I like this one.

have another hun

Alm and Celica in the missionary position

just do an action with the blade tome to remove panic, dance them and kill the panicfag

I don't care much for Lucina. She's so boring. But when she wears a mask and pretends to be distant and broody, it makes me want to do things to her butt.

Does anyone feel the same way?

I already use a brave archer with my blade tome user in case she can't kill something, so this is fine.

Xander looks so good, he either looks amazing or like dogshit.

You sick fuck.

Big deal


>trying out a cav time for the first time ever in arena

this is hilarious

snacks are not for sexual fulfillment reeeee

Why are his nose and mouth like that?