Tera General - /terag/

Castbutt reviving it again edition

>Latest NA Patch Notes

>EU News

>KTERA Updates

>Useful Links - modding, porn mods, /terag/ player's personal lewd galleries, a few useful guides

>Endgame guides and class balance patch notes

>Veeky Forums guilds and how to join

discord.gg/gPKMfv9 - Touch Fluffy Tail discord - mostly just the discord for people who still play TERA
discord.gg/5BN8qEq - Reddit discord but it's pretty much just the TERA community disocrd now

Elin album: imgur.com/a/PdM3t
Castanic album: imgur.com/a/JJwCl

>Elin lewd SFM

Previous ded thread:

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thanks for reviving. is that a eu butt?

Yes, castanics seem all but extinct on NA

now brace for the inevitable funny and original brap reply

post elin


>thread dying on eu nighttime
looks like whole na is extinct.

Circlejerk isn't big enough to sustain the thread anymore

i guess so. most of the cute elins dont post here anymore.

nope. Saya from Killian EU

thats a cute saya picture

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little shitter? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the deadgame general and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on the Shandra Manaya, and I have over 3000 confirmed kills. I am trained in 15v15 warfare and I'm the top kill stealer in the entire leaderboards. You are nothing to me but just another casual. I will wipe you the fuck out with a heart thrust the likes of which has never been seen before in the arena, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me in tera general? Think again, baddie. As we speak I am contacting the circlejerk across the guilds and your location is being traced right now so you better prepare for the gank, n00b. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your stamina. You're fucking dead, kid. I can use my atlas anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred million ways, and that?fs just with my victors swird. Not only am I number 1 in the game, but I have access to the entire Alliance and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of Arborea, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little clever assumption was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking homosexuality. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the gold, you goddamn idiot. I will backstab fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

>search for european guilds on NA
>only ONE has "europe" in the name
>it's called "europe escapees" or smth
i'm only playing on NA because i thought i was playing on EU, not because i don't like it ;____;

come to EU then, I don't see the issue

i don't want to have to start a new character tho

Unless you have one fully geared character and at least 100k gold saved there's no reason not to switch regions

more like there are 2 reasons to switch. one thing is playtime, since na has different time where they play than eu. second reason is ping and thats very grave reason why not to play on na. sure, some fked up casuals or low pve players gona tell you it dont matter, but infact it does alot.

the lvling dont take time anymore, for someone who know what he do, can be lvl65 in 9hours.

>low pve players gona tell you it dont matter
> low pve players gona tell you it dont matter
>> low pve players gona tell you it dont matter

why are a lot of the best dps on NA from EU then

probably because na players suck dick at the game

or because ping isn't that big of an issue

EU tera players are worse than your average NA

nah na players suck dick

>EU tera players are worse than your average NA
because the best are over there doing better dps than your shitter NA friends

>good dps that suffer from ping issue.
either they have magically a good ping or what said.
either way youre the one i talked about when i said
>some fked up casuals or low pve players gona tell you it dont matter

average EU runs

>being this assblasted you essentially stick fingers in your ears screaming LALALALALA CAN'T HEAR YOU

average na shitter, everyone

theres no good reason to play on EU except for "Muh ping" which you can work around

Prove me wrong

>moving goalposts like a child because you lost the argument
stable servers, less incompetent devs, less toxic community

EU devs haven't done shit for their game except repeat the same event with different items/rewards
>less toxic community

idk senpai russians and germans are much worse than brazillians

define low pve

publisher now better than na
more skilled people to run with
different playtimes than eu
and yea ping is the most important thing in this game. but its nothing that a casual faggot like you gona understand by running some cheap ass pve


educate yourself, ruskis have their own version

can you type in cyrilic in EU?

>casual faggot
>skilled in every dungeon

this is where you go "pve is for casuals"

also na has more skilled people than eu, fact.

I want to cum on this elf

no clue about russians since they dont play here. and german unskilled "brs" play on their pve server. unlike na where you have them all over the place.

>havent done shit for the game
2 level up events with 1pach old vm gear on +12 as reward allready, improved battleground rewards so pvp its worth again as a event, they even make now a solid pve hardmode event exclusive for eu


>skilled on the dungeon tab
ahaha. whatever you say man. like todays pve need skill. i play for 5 years now and as soon as those recycled dungeons come again im "skilled" there allready.

hmm i guess i'll try EU with a diff class
it shouldn't take me more than a week to get to where i am now on NA, and i can always go back if i don't like it

pvp is just a numbers game where the team with the most valks/reapers/brawlers/priests wins

That's messy though.

Good Meowning /terag/

>thinking eu is better than na
L m a o
People dont play on eu cause its filled with shitters and GF are fucking jews

good goy! Now go and buy your Practical Armor Loot Box(tm) for a mere $40!

>People dont play on eu
the reason i didn't start there is because when i searcher "tera online" the only thing that showed up was the american one, and it never said it was the american one so i just assumed it was eu

Except they're doing a gf token event so it's a lot easier to get basic inner right now

>amerifats in charge of reading comprehension

I'm just saying, you dont need to buy a loot box right now to get basic inner since theyre doing an event, they always give out

morning cute nam~ still sleepy as i see.

>play with brs on server and call eu filled with shitters
l m a o even more

who the fuck is talking about inners you dumb nigger

Ah, theres practical inner so I confused it
/Shrug who cares about the armor outfit

Level up events as in giving rewards for hitting 65? Na did that too
>Old vm gear at +12
Thats useless, have fun +15ing it
>Improved bg rewards
Jackpots for vm mats? NA has that too
>Exclusice pve hardmode
Oh man, another dungeon that people have already done a billion times returning just slightly harder, so fun!

reminder that namkeng was kicked from the tft discord for being such an annoying attentionwhore rEUtard

1pach old vm gear on +12 is useless for someone who just started? yeas sure. live your dreamworld shitter. the rewards on na arent as good as on eu.

old +12 vm gear is barely better than non-vm gear, its shit
post eu's rewards then if they're so much better

Yush, still sleepy, what about you?

>being in tft
>being in discord
i don't know who that guy is but ticking either of those boxes makes you a retard IMHO

>not using the best text/voip program for keeping in touch with friends/guilds

I think you're the retard here

Do they still help people jerk off though?

>tanks fucking their healers
>healers fucking their tanks
>dps fucking ???????
for real when do I get some action this is bullshit

dps are fucking each other you dum dum

>be me
>be slayer
>be in a 5 man
>tank and healer go off to fuck
>sorc and archer go off to fuck
>me left alone

You can fuck gunners I guess. They are literal bottoms.

>+15 vm9 gunner doing 376k/s
I don't understand how can you gut a class so hard
what did the nerfs even do

>be me
>jacked amani male lancer
>queue for IMS
>notice the tiny lithe elin mystic has been eyeing me throughout the whole dungeon
>defeat final boss
>everyone starts leaving
>no thank yous or good byes, they just leave
>except the healer, she's still here, just standing by a wall looking at me
>slowly approach her
>she starts backing up
>back her into a corner and put my arms around either side of her
>she squirms and puts a hand over her crotch
>looks to the side while blushing
>"a-user s-stop"
>suddenly she holds a hand over her mouth while she giggles
>"I can only get so erect user"
>she lets go of her hand held over her crotch and massive horse cock springs forward after being held back behind her legs
>feel breathing on my neck
>theres some large popori creature looking at me menacingly, one of her summons
>he shoves me against the wall with a club
>the healer jams a mote in my mouth
>"I don't think I've ever had lizard before" she says while walking around me as her brute of a summon keeps me pinned
>she begins to unbuckle my tuxedo pants
>none of my muffled screams have any affect on her, except maybe making her more interested
>she begins to fuck my scaly lizard anus until I feel like my jaw is going to break from how hard I'm biting down on the mote
>after what feels like years she pulls out and orders her summon to let me go
>I drop to the floor in relief, crying
>"oh don't get too relaxed" she says
>"my thrall wants a turn too"
>realize they probably cant hold me down as well if her thrall is busy with me
>try to make a move
>she giggles while ordering her thrall to pin me again
>"silly, I didn't mean that one"
>summons another thrall, a towering beast of a summon
>it pounds its fist on the ground a few times
>and then it fists me

And this is why Femani are the ones you go for when you want a huge lizard dick to stuff you, not male amani. Everytime, I ask for a good dicking from an Amani, they turn into a power bottom when I take off my panties and reveal my girlcock. Femani just laugh at it, and plow me.

Why live? I have nothing better than Tera in my life. Fuck im bored. Perhaps I should go wash my truck, again.

just kys then

how fuckin retarded are NA players.

> login NA since ages
> still in slaughter gear
> que ABNM

> they start killing mobs through shield even someone is offline
> ok, now wait 2 minutes to kick offliner
> kick counter goes to zero
> someone refuses kick

wtf to do. I quit and took 15 min penalty. Also I noticed I have total 2 runs since no subscription.

all fine, just bored in work since its holliday times and i have to play the guard dog here, so i pass my time with reading pol and here and make na salty.

i dont get what you dont understand on the free gear part. it dosent matter that the gear is as same as the mid gear. its for free you faggot. you dont need to run dungeons, colect whole set, mw, enchant. only few mes to roll it somewhat decent. for someone who just started and have none of this its awesome. you wana tell me that you get actual midgear on +12 for free? you didnt even had propper lvl up rewards. the token shop was pretty deserted and you got not even startergear just the usual buddyup rewards that we have aswell.

They shouldn't be doing that low in any dungeon except like learning vsh runs and even then that's too little.
Misery gunner should be able to output 700k/s in vs

How are you, terag?

I'm back!!

post butt

hi jigglypuff


Hi mom

I want to start playing again should I play mystic or priest, will be going from 1-65 solo

whatever is fine
what server

some PVP server on EU I guess which one is the best?

Happy birthday, I gift you extended maintenance.

yeah I just came back from a long break too and noticed the quality of players is a lot worse now. such is life of a f2p mmo I guess.

Killian, the rest is dead


How is /terag/ doing today?

I'm more interested in this guy below giving away 5 free holocausts

Do you guys have an idea how to fix getting stuck at "Loading Login screen" at the launcher?
This happened after getting an "Unexpected token " syntax error

Post butt

the servers are under maint- you wont be able to get on until it's over. chill.

Pls help I just wanna start playing finally


What are you using to get this quality pics


Max settings, a random sweetfx preset I found and fov changing.

>you can turn your fov to field of butt

Why are casts non-existant in NA? I want to fap to a butt like this ingame.

Cause elins are the best

servers up

Alright then, post butt.

Im not a slut

But you said Elins are the best?

I'm on NA.

I want to impregnate you