/gsg/ - Grand Strategy General

We don't have an official steam or discord group. If anyone posts in the thread about any "official" or not steam or discord groups, promising MP or not, be sure it's a shitposter group known for organizing raids and shitposting in the thread. They are known for false-flagging.
Report and ignore it.

How fares your empire, /gsg/?

This day in history, 18th of June:
618 – Li Yuan becomes Emperor Gaozu of Tang, initiating centuries of Tang dynasty rule over China.
656 – Ali becomes Caliph of the Rashidun Caliphate
860 – Byzantine–Rus' War: A fleet of about 200 Rus' vessels sails into the Bosphorus and starts pillaging the Byzantine capital Constantinople.
1264 – The Parliament of Ireland meets at Castledermot in County Kildare, the first definitively known meeting of the Irish legislature.
1429 – French forces under Joan of Arc defeat the English army. This turns the tide of the Hundred Years' War.
1900 – Empress Dowager Cixi of China orders all foreigners killed.
1994 – The Troubles: Members of the Ulster Volunteer Force attack a crowded pub with assault rifles in Loughinisland, Northern Ireland. Six Catholic civilians are killed and five wounded.

# News
CK2 DD 12/06
EU4 DD 13/06

# Random Country Picker

# Archive (mods only)

# Where to get these games

# Mods

>>[HoI3] - Flavormod 1.1.0

>>[V2] - Historical Project Mod

>>[V2] - Napoleon's Legacy

>>[V2] Alternative Flag Pack V10

>>[V2]Africa Mod

>>[CK2] - After The End

Old Thread:

Aww, I'd like to, kids, I really would, but that would violate the NAP.

R&I poop posts


>Basic School System
You already are violating the NAP

Remember to download and play Bombermod

Moscow has fallen, even it's own militia was caught off guard by our rapid advance
sucks to be those kids

So late game V2 what is the best way to use Tanks and Planes? Do I just swap out engineer for tank and hussar for plane then keep my 4 inf 4 art?

reminder to report and ignore shitposting

Don't use tanks entirely.

Should I go for it, there's no way that Poland would go to war over a small Italian coastal town.

what's wrong with tanks?

Why no tanks and also what about the planes?

All planes. No tanks.

someone should do an irregulars only challenge
with Russia for immersion

how about in hpm?

>labor unions of 8 year olds

>She looks qt as fuck.
She actually had a romance with some dude so I had to jail her. It was pretty nice in the end because I could force her to join the cold ones (hence she is injured). Too bad I got hunchback and clubfoot from using dark powers so there goes the breeding program, but at least I can use the babies as sacrifice

It seems like the bear can only take so much

They fall before the French

Just planes.

La Plata


Is that place nice

Real Thread


>Wow user, such a good question, to bad nobody's gonna give a answer because there're all masturbating over Victoria 2.

R&I eternally BTFO'd the fuck out.


The war quickly turns back into France's favor as a new strategy is adopted, luring the Russian armies into French territory where they can be encircled and destroyed. Meanwhile this has left Russia open for a counteroffensive by the reserves in Slovakia.

Though as the war has gone on for so long, opposition forms within the Party itself, calling for France to adopt a 'Socialism in One Country' approach, as well as to restore France's position in the international community. These 'national communists' cite that Italy's granting of military access to Russia has proven the failure of the internationalist faction within French Workers' Party.

>Argentina still sieging Corsica

What are the odds Kebab doesn't immediately go hostile after this war ends? Should I just full annex Blurple and fuck off the t*rks, or try to maintain an alliance with them?

How do I form Italy as the Papal States? Should I annex as much of SP as possible first?

Well, the ottomans have claims on all of your land, so it'd probably be best allying someone else aswell.

I just mean should I leave Byzantium Morea and give the Ottomans Kosovo so we maintain trust after this war in addition to allying Hungary et al?

My problem is if I keep them as an ally I'm effectively only going to be able to fight Venice until I cross the Adriatic or into Egypt, but if I backstab them I'll always be having to fight them. Sure allying them sounds great but if they tell me to fuck off after the war and go hostile I lose out on a one-war annexation of Byzantium and give the Ottomans a gold province for no gain.

[Hatred intensifies]

Have you been there

Meanwhile, in North America, the Eternal Anglo keeps the USA divided in a desperate attempt to preserve some prestige after losing most of India to Sepoys

Not sure what's with Argentina and sieging some islands and then getting BTFO. That's literally their only regiment so when I get to killing it, they'll probably insta-offer white peace.

dont give the roaches anyhthing. The less they have the eaiser theyll be to remove. Ally with poland/lithuania and maybe hungry or austria if you can. Keep Ottomans as an ally after you ended your war and attack venice.


or dont attack evnice and wait for them to declare war on ottomans. They are good for destroying ottomans fleet if you can help them.


Hey HPM, why does signing the Geneva convention GIVE infamy?

>making threads early again
When will you subhumans learn?

It implies you intend to either go to war or be involved in war


Because it means that at one point, before you signed it, you WERE stockpiling chemical weapons to use against the enemy, which is infamous.

>slavery outlawed
>public schools
You fucking commie


Can someone please explain to me this La Plata meme?

what do you mean by give? the +.01 is so that CB's take longer because your infamy drains slower

Welp, day after peace deal Venice DoW's and all my allies decline. Athens take 2...

HPM, can't you make it so this meme decision can allow you to grant you extraordinary powers and become a Presidential Dictatorship? Seems kind of pointless otherwise.

What do I do with all my shit-tier old ships?
Send them on a suicide mission in the Dardanelles?

Should i go for it?

My first tech was actually railroads then uni/land reform/mil/ and education second to last for plurality. Even with both economic reforms I still had starving pops because of all the wool farmers

Three German GPs. Not a single one of them is Austria.

On the first of January, 1836, having fallen from international recognition, with growing tides of secular state policies and Mohammedan control of the faithful, Pope Gregory XVI unveils a long labored over plan to his advisory cabinet. Declaring that Jesus himself delivered it to him, the plan is immediately taken as the Papacy's prime goal.
Sensing the stirrings of Italian nationalism, the Pope stresses the importance of unifying the peoples of the peninsula. He expresses the necessity of Italy as a base to achieve the most important goal, freeing the faithful who toil under the Mohammedan scourge in Egypt, the Balkans, and Asia Minor.
Some advisers fail to stifle their laughter at Gregory's absurd plan, given the state's pathetic position. The Pope assures them, that just as the lamb of God suffered, the Italian people have too, and they shall join under God's will.
In a red ink he draws an arrow, first to Sardinia, then to Turin.
The fabrication of a proper declaration of war is begun that day.

You do realize you'd lose all your immigrants if it did so, right?

I'm not trying to play well, I'm just having fun.

>Confederates without Texas

What was Mussolini's ideal extent of the italian empire? Trying to recreate it for the memes.

After being handed G&L, Poland then looses it to our forces


>3 (three)

stop blobbing like mad, Ukraine's OTL borders are already vastly oversized

Didnt he dream of recreating the roman empire some shit?

Stop fucking blobbing you stupid double nigger


kiss yourself


>the HoI4 school of strategy

They did have it, but USA went full Putin. Crisis happened over Texas, USA backed Texan independence, sphered it and since they have Texan as their only accepted culture, diploannexed it.

How the hell did you annex that former British puppet though?

Why is Russia meddling with Latin America so much?
And Indochina too for that matter.

I read some stuff about him envisioning it going from egypt to ethiopia. Can't seem to find some nice maps of it like the co-prosperity sphere

Sindgh isn't a british puppet, but if you mean kashmir I annexed it during the anglo-sikh war

An ideal army comp would be 50% tanks + 50% planes but there will never be enough goods to support that so you're best off using airplanes as hussars and tanks as engineers.

Oh, I thought you had annexed that OPM just east of Sindh. Turns out it's just similar colours.

would it be more aesthetic to take poland or leave t

What are my goals?


Australia has erupted into all out civil war, a situation exacerbated by the Civil Rights act of 1842's provision that the state can, at no time, have a standing army, and must resort fully to emergency mobilisation if forces are needed to defend the Dominion of Australia or it's people.

The capital of Australia, Sydney, is largely defended from these insurrections, but various parts of the country have broken off and formed their own quasi-governments. Militant socialist communes, coloured yellow, seek the establishment of a constitutional republic, free from the meddling hand of Britain, allied with them are the out and out communists, coloured red, who seek to kill those they deem to have too much wealth, power, and privilege.

A fourth faction is also in the civil war, a most curious one. A band of reactionaries, coloured blue, who claim absolute loyalty to Britain and claim to demand the abolition of the Australian parliament and the return to colonial rule, this initiative has been disavowed by the British parliament, who are asserting their loyalty to the proper dominion rule.

Uninstalling an playing a better GSG.

>EU4 is in the OP image
>not allowed to talk about it without some autist sperging out and shitposting

With the drafting of the emergency powers act and mass reprisals across the nation the "civil war" ends almost as quickly as it began, as across the nation political dissidents are arrested and summarily executed.
wtf lol this decision is OP as fuck

>Kingdom of France
>Has the CoA of the county of Brabant

You are allowed to talk about it, I'll just berate you for it.

Is mandatory vaccination moral?

While the plan to destroy the Russian armies worked, the lack of French power projection has led to an inconclusive victory as the French military prepares to disembark towards Russian territory once more. Meanwhile, worried of potential internal unrest, Party officials dispatch spies to many war factories to guarantee continued loyalty.

come on Russia I literally have your armies destroyed offer peace already

Anyone happen to have a link for War in the East?

>ywn live in the northern republic

That's a good industry score

He's right, what's your industry look like

Hey guys, is there a console command to force a country to surrender or something?
Totally not going to take over the HRE

>they never played as Australia or New Zealand


Is there a pastebin for people with Mac?

I have
It's ok for a South American city

No, theres no pastebin for gay people.

Name better borders

I'll wait

Make a rule that you are not allowed to attack other Catholics and stick to it. I'm having a good time with Spain going on The Unending Crusade.

Did you die lad? I was unironically looking forward to see something out of this