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No one can nerf death Edition

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Where the FUCK is Maiev????

On my dick

i changed my mind tyrael is pretty cool
post tyrael builds

There's only one good one

Swap ults and upgrades depending on your comp, can take burning rage and damage shield if you have good support

How do I play TLV?

Look up videos and learn micro

>He doesn't First Pick Nova on Ranked

Reminder that you cannot 1v1 the ogre.

>he doesn't 5th pick nova when his team still has 0 supports

>5th pick
>No supports
That's typically when it's time to go Azmodan or Murky.

>he doesn't highlight nothing until last pick when they need a tank and instantly pick nova before the timer runs out

>chaining Calamity kills
>knocking people into orbs with wave of force

I forgot how much fun this bitch is in QM

Pssh...nothin can stop death...nefalim...

Seriously though, do you think Malth needs nerfed?

>highest win rate

Uh, probably.

How do you change color for teams?

The nigga is color blind.

>extended fight vs melees

he dies to anything ranged

The amount of healing her can get off of a creep wave or a group of heroes is fucking insane and infuriating to fight against. He has JUST enough health to not die to a moderate amounts of burst, which is then offset within a few seconds from his heal, while hes reapplying his DoT on you, and then its everyone chases after Malth because hes ALMOST dead.
Hes isnt even an assassin, he takes too long to kill anything to be an assassin. But he can also destroy bosses, jungle, heal himself fully off creep waves, and be the strongest counter to tanks, and especially 2 tank comps.
I dont like fighting a good Malth.

>Malthael from worse tychus/lunara to op blizz PLS nerf in not even a week


I think a lot of people were going MEMEnto Mori early on because DUDE 5% HP PER SECOND and he was trash, then everyone realized that the Q talent is way fucking better and now shit like that webm can happen.

Tychus is worse because he sustain was gimped, he has shit aoe, clear, healing, and durability compared to Malth. Plus, you can pretty easily run away from Tychus. Malth can tag you, run away to juke, then pssssh you 3 seconds later and keep applying his shit to you.
Also, their trait makes up most of their power, but Tychus' trait has a cooldown, uptime, tries to force you to AA to make the most of it, and relies on a quest to extend itself, and even then still has a cooldown.
Lunara doesnt have as much aoe or sustain or durability but she has more speed and burst damage, and is ranged. She is the actual assassin version of Malth. Malth is a super sustainable assassin with the damage of a warrior.

>catch malthael out of position
>gang up on him 5 v 1
>he still shaves half of everyones health
shits scary

>most people and their thoughts/predictions are retarded


>valla chest
oh.. ok..


For real, Malth is a joke to duel with ranged. Just dodge his one slow wave attack, and he can't get mark on you easily, which means he can't port to you, which means you just kite him and win.

I really wish those character chests guaranteed the item for that character being the one with the highest rarity, regardless of what the actual rarity it spits out.

nice valla voice line you got there senpai

This time say it with me:


what's the point of making hero-themed chests anyway?


>tychus has worse waveclear than malth

basically what said

i think the smite speed buff at lvl 4 is noticeable, 135% speed for 3s instead of 125% for 2s but it requires you to understand that smite is more than just a nuke

i prefer exploding shield over zealotry because i'm not sure the 50% extra duration helps

anyone found any nice combinations for the new treasure goblin mount?

>Genji dashes in and does something retarded
>turn him into a pig before he has a chance to dash away
>teammate slaps his shit

Brightwing is the most fun support.

Which heroes can go BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLS DEEP? Just ones that can rush into the middle of the fight at an enemy and do damage/toss around CC and not care

If Medivh got a Summoner skin, what would his bird form be?

Is Tyrande a shit hero?

Muradin, Anub

>Medivh's bird form does not have a /dance

I am legitimately upset by this.

It's a shame because her design and her kit are pretty great, it's just her numbers are too fucking low.
Kharazim is a much better support/damage hybrid.

Yeah, they made her worse with the rework. I don't know what the point was behind nerfing an already weak hero though.

>teammate says "gg" after one lost teamfight (not even a wipe, we just backed off after we lost two people while they had everyone up, a fucking rarity in qm)
>proceeds to take dumb as fuck 1v3s
>says "I told you it was gg" after we lose because he straight up would not follow us and instead tried to engage in worthless fights

mother fucker how are people so stupid

how many fucking threads deep are we and it's still "Mathael's Bargin" instead of "Bargain"?

>17 convection stacks
i hate this hero


But when she has 40 stacks of her E quest!

Though no seriously, it does feel like they balanced her around the game going stupidly long and getting 40+ ticks on all of her quest ticks.


remove valeera from the game

any murky bros in this thread right now?

I think I've finally gotten the hang of Genji, after 20 games of him and being the least ammount of deaths of my team in all of them.

Genji is fun and owning bitches with him is what good shit is made of.

What are the chances she'll be buffed?

>removed my favorite bullying target
Nah, you just need to git gud.

Hopefully high. I'm sick of fucktards picking her thinking she's a viable solo support and ruining games.

>tfw no tyrande gf to sit on my face

She will probably get buffed after blizzard is done being buttravaged about failing so hard with a rework

but how do i outplay getting instagibbed

she cant even insta kill probius dude

>play Malthael
>top hero damage charts
>top kill/takedown charts
>rank highly among siege damage charts
>top death charts

ok how do i outplay getting killed in 2 hits then

More like a clown of death

>No friends online
>I'll just play some solo QM
>Enemy Zera/Nova every single game
>My teammates free trial of Eyes.exe has expired and they just walk into them 24/7


Anyone have a quick walkthrough for Vikings?

put 1 in each lane
have erik in lane with your teammates in it

at least exactly one more

>play tank
>ping to retreat from a fight where we're obviously outnumbered/losing
>i'm still a healthy tanky tank so I hang around to protect teammates while they retreat
>they take the fact that i'm still next to them as a sign to charge in 3v5

if voice chat existed this wouldn't be a problem

I wish people understood how to draft god damn

>laning with team

There is no quick walkthrough, learn to play or watch youtube videos or something, no guide will make you suck less shit

Yeah, obviously the way to play Vikings is to have everyone pile into one lane and overwhelm them with sheer numbers.

Git gud at watching for the shimmer.
Knock her out of stealth, she becomes and even more pathetic version of Zeratul than she already was.

>someone first picks tyrande in ranked

That's how bad she is.

ETC, Guitar Hero > Speed Metal > Hammer-On > whatever > Face Smelt > whatever you need > whatever

go balls deep and actually do a lot of damage

pls gib Kerrigan builds

>Git gud at watching for the shimmer.
>Knock her out of stealth
What if I don't have a skill shot

Then stop playing Li Li

Then you're playing Kharazim or Li Li. Get back to your party and heal.

Or Samuro, I guess, but in which case why have you even seen the enemy team? Go get more camps.

Stop posting my edit where ever I go thanks

>blizzard says they are working on fixes for hanamura
>keep it in the rotation anyway
It's like they actually have brain damage

Then go back to your team.


What if my team is dead

What if Val is teaming up with a Butcher


they wouldn't listen to your girly stuttering voice regardless faggot

>What if my team is dead

Then what the fuck are you doing outside of a gate where they can reach you?


Is Tassadar's Templar Will build deceptively strong?
+150% AA damage gives him the dps of an assassin, and +1 range on top of +1 inate base range makes him long range not to mention the built-in slow


why does this map exist?

>Is Tassadar's Templar Will build deceptively strong?
That's the build everyone is using user.

To trigger your girlish emotions.

I hate Hanamura
I hate these god damn garden maps

>In draft
>Just as the game's about to start get dc'd from b.net for 2 seconds for no fucking reason
>immediately get leaver status even though i'm leve 852 and have never once left a match
wew lads

Then you're likely overextended.

See above. Back the fuck up.

>it's still in rotation
who knows
even ribbit doesn't like it

Abathur buffs when?

The only thing I don't like about hanamura is when you win a teamfight and all the forts are down you can't even fucking do anything. The boss shouldn't suck your teammates in because it makes winning a teamfight with only killing 2 people even if you go for boss. The whole map is terrible

in the hand of a shit player, sure

- map vision
- W can finish stragglers and squishies
- E + hunter's mark secures kills effortlessly
- varied talent tree paths possible
- can counter spell damage burst or stuns with Q
- good self-sustain
- above average damage

fits almost every team comp, let alone 4-man gank squads

Any time I queue with Falstad I always get both the worst teammates and the worst matchups.


>2% of the people who voted in this poll are so retarded they love Hanamura.
These are the people Hitler should have gassed, not the jews.

Hell, Lili's Blinding Wind knocks her out of stealth AND makes her completely useless.
It is dangerous against a truly good Valeera, but I've yet to come across one of those.

>Hell, Lili's Blinding Wind knocks her out of stealth
Li Li cannot activate her abilities unless enemies are in range and targetable. She cannot knock enemies out of stealth.

So, is there like a trick to playing Cassia well? Playing her like other ranged assassins seems to get me killed and not much more.