/fog/ Fallout General

Creation Club Edition

>Fallout 1 and 2
>General Information etc:

>Fallout 3 and New Vegas
>General Information, Mod Recommendations & Run Ideas etc:

>Fallout 4
>General Information etc:
>Collection of Nexus Weapon Links:

>/fog/ Asset and Mod Repository
>Mods & Rips etc:

>Rips (Primarily for NV):

>How to Convert Skyrim / Oblivion / NV / FO3 etc. Models to FO4 & Bodyslide Guide:

Pre-War thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


1st for abs on waifu are steamy hot.

Are there really no mods that add new gas masks?


It's your civic duty to vote!

have u tried just searching nexus for gas masks or nah


Institute = chill
Brotherhood of Sluts = degen

blueboard dumbfuck, spoiler it

also shaun is 100% nonsexual
the only person he cares about is himself and his clones

>also shaun is 100% nonsexual
>the only person he cares about is himself and his clones
what sexuality is this
i have it



Reposting it again, but :
>Here's Courser Crusher if you guys want to try it out (a good swan song really)
>Spawning in an Institute Courser tests out the basic one, then the fight with the courser in Greentech Genetics and Operation Ticonderoga have been changed.
>Test out those plus the courser weapon.

Courser Weapon as far as I know is pretty solidly tested, and the Courser behavior script is as well. Still just looking for specifics.

thx im a narcissisexualm

>no NPC option
>no Nexus Companions

Fuck off.

It's just retextures famo

>Nexus Companions

Thanks Trainjizz

>implying Ellen or Sydney arent better than Piper or Cait

Looks like you've got some work to do!

>The only sydney that matters is fallout 3 Sydney, which is a MILF now in FO4

Fucking plebs


>any part of that abomination of a game

How about not ?

What do the BoS think of robot intelligence and transhumanism and the like?
I mean the actual BoS, not maxson's merry band of fuckwits

>Reinstall NV for TTW
>Get to character creation
>All those fucking SPECIAL points

holy god damn, I forgot how many you started with. I guess FO4 had less to start since they treated SPECIAL as literally nothing special, and you could just buy points of it with your perk points.

I honestly have no idea how I should build my character without making them too strong in at least two fields. I like playing sort of a weak/underpowered character, or someone who's decent at one or two things, but not absolutely amazing at them, you know?

Also, if I use JSawyers, should I not use the XP reduction thing? I could swear JSawyer reduced the amount of XP you get, since the level cap is brought down to 35. Am I mis-remembering?

BoS was founded as a reaction to enclave/vault-tec malicious science

Transhumanism is like the number one big nono for them because their entire philosophy is technology being too dangerous to exist outside their armories.


IF you're doing ttw you might want xp reduction

I've got it in my load order for when I finally finish tinkering around with it. I only popped in a second to try the gun out, but it seems pretty neat. After this gets pushed out, you said you were working on Unique Uniques?


I use dave's black curie because she's really pretty and there's no reason why her synth body couldn't look like this

>technology is all big and clunky
>except cybernetics, those aren't visible at all

so I got to the courser and he had the soylent ammo but not the gun
>select all trains
I'll try it lower in the load order

user, please.
I understand your jungle fever but you could have just painted her chassis black

Not all technology moves at the same pace though

>black Curie

Tell me more.

Make sure you spawned in the proper courser too.

>implying people want to run around with a clunky ass power armor arm/hand

It would have been neat to see some people with synth arms/legs as replacements in 4.

>not including any of the actual best girls

I wear one arm of the marine armor to achieve an assymetrical look.
I would love a power armor arm.

>he's into dead girls

I'm starting to be convinced about the creation club.
It's open for artists not only modders.
A great design and concept can be made into a mod with the help of bethesda lads.

>converting outfits onto Hardbody
>everything is A-okay in Bodyslide and OS, no clipping, anything
>build them up
>load the game
>equip them
>massive clipping patches under armpits and on the ass

Okay, what the fuck am i doing wrong here ?
I do everything according to that tutorial posted in Hardbody articles tab...

you can also pay for a chinese armor mod that already exists

>tfw Water Overhaul + Ultimate Illness Mod make for an explosive and sinister cocktail

I had to make my own patch to restore the clean water sources from vanilla New Vegas. As much as the mod author would want to, this isn't the Capital Wasteland, and Obsidian added clean water for a reason.

must be sweat

cursed neck seam image

t. Hodd Toward

Who is this? Becky? Come to my office.

Becky's getting promoted to assistant janny.

W...What?! Who is this Ted Howard?

>no one answers
>Nexus hardbody forum is also useless

Fuck me sideways..

not compabitle with body or you change ingame weight

>be Blake Abernathy
>Doing the same old dirt digging one day, trying not to think about dead daughter
>Some guy in a united comes hopping in
>Pull my gun on him, he tells me hes friendly and is looking for his son
>Try to help, ask him to keep an eye out for my daughter's locket
>Few days later this nasally voiced fag comes back, somehow has found the locket
>Asks me about joining the minutemen, figure might be cool, a militia defending settlements is what we need
>Go to sleep
>Wake up the next day and go out to get back to an exciting day of dirt digging
>Suddenly there's a fucking shantytown in my front yard
>Bunch of unwashed vagrants fucking with my plants with no farming experience
>That night some of those smelly fucks steal my bed
>Go tell the king faggot to get his shitheads off my land
>Tells me he cant talk, his nigger friend heard about another settlement that needs their "help"
Fucking minutemem

>you change ingame weight
Yes i did but shouldn't it stretch like any other outfit ?
I mean, thats the whole point right ?
And if not, then how the hell do i get nif file for my in game body ?

the outfits do change but sometimes it doesn't work that well. you can just check middle weight to see

i dunno about the third question

Ahh shit ...

Fallout VR, mods, and loverslab

The future is here.

too bad they're complying with oculus comfort standards and basing movement off of teleporting

would have been nice to have a vr retrofit that's actually fun to play

No matter how you spin it, it's still shitty and immoral.
>stealing credit
>getting money for no work
>essentially taking money from the author
>indirectly encouraging piracy
>marginalizing and categorizing your playerbase
CC is shit and will lead to the downfall of Bethesda. Paid mods are a fucking meme: everyone forgets that, although Valve came up with the idea, Todd's cult of personality actually agreed to it, and even then, Valve's intentions were noble, while Bethesda's was not.
Fuck Bethesda, and fuck you for supporting this shit.

also shit (for 4 anyway)
>lovers lab
just masturbate to porn ya dumb fuck

>Paid mods are a fucking meme
what does that even mean

After a little work I worked my mods from 170 to a silky smooth 149 mods merging and bashing xediting. Only thing wrong and that will fuck me up is when mods are updated.

I knew what I was getting into and I will live with it.

Too bad about the mod "The Agency" looks like a decent quest mod that mod fucks shit up in my game, I can't speak to followers with it on.

It's the least shitty solution at this stage in VR.

VR needs to have more users. in order to get more users. there needs to be as less negativity available.

Content is being worked on. but slowely. because there is a low adaption rate. there is low adaption rate because it's expensive and there is little content.

The last thing we need to add to that shitty situation is people getting sick.

So we are fine with expiremental stuff. We can deal with it. Many people can. The few that cant will tell the world that got sick and threw up.
even if it is one crazy person on facebook. VR MAKES PPL SICK AND DED!
There you go. less buyer, less content., and VR is dead for another few decades.

some one is upset they cant have fun :(
Where are you? You can come over and play with my setup.

Everyone talks about it when the subject is Bethesda. Therefore, its a meme.

no idea. just be a monkey and covfefe them.

but user, the game IS porn when you mod it with porn mods

Did we finally get meme in the dictionary?

holy shit you're stupid

you're a meme

What's the with hostility?

Any good mods for a synth character?


just finished deciding what New Vegas mods to install and keep. you guys see anything that can be safely merged? i havent sorted it, only ran it through LOOT so if any of you have suggestions of good load orders and guidelines they would be much appreciated

VR is sickening and clunky, the mods are just shitty so far thanks to Bethesda's incompetence, and Lovers Lab is... well its good but just unnecessary.

Why go to all that effort though?

He isn't wrong though, you ARE stupid.

>just masturbate
My character, that I spend a lot of time with and vaguely resembles me and that I identify with, hugging and kissing and more with Cait or Lydia or whoever I really like and have also spent a lot of time with and all that is so different from just looking at porn.

I much prefer logging in again and entering skyrim where my waifu is there and we go on an adventure and save some people and then at night we have sex is so much more engaging than just looking at a video of two people who might not even be in love having sex and you don't know what's going, they just go at it.

It's just different strokes (heh) for different folks. Some/most people don't care about the things I just talked about, so the actual porn is better for them.

no needs for mods
sole survivor is a synth

delet this

>well its good but just unnecessary.
You and LL have similarities, but unfortunately as you mention it's actually good.


That's somewhat disturbing yet also endearing, but makes sense.

>Jerking to sex mods
Okay, that fine I get that-
>Self inserts
Get the fuck out.

I insert myself into nate all the time whats your prob

Buy Toddbucks.
Buy them.

Why do this before I upload my super duper mod compilation to RPG Codex?

I can guarantee you that merging mods will be the last of your problems if you play with stuff such as IWS and Factions Reloaded, among other mods.

I really, really, REALLY encourage you to reinstall the game without moving stuff around in the load order as you install mods. Install it all tidy, you have enough time to fix all the issues afterwards with a merged patch.

Look at my load order, for example.


Every mod is together with its plugins, whenever possible, and I tried to organize it in clear divided sections. Cut content with cut content, gameplay mods with gameplay mods, etc. Some mods I could have merged, like NVCE and the ILO optionals (YUP, GS Shack, Pip-Boy Light), but I had done my Merged Patch earlier and I didn't feel like rebuilding it just to get rid of 8 plugins.

99% of that mod list is working exactly as intended because I manually solved the conflicts myself in my merged patches. Only Spice of Life is loaded after them, because I decided to just forward the changes to that mod.


This makes it feel as though you aren't Nate/Nora

kind of

Also makes Codsworth seem like his circuits are fucked and has gone senile

>getting money for no work
They're paying people to make DLC. The work they're putting in is funding content creators so they can create content.

Codsworth being insane is a much better playthrough tbqh

How hard would it be to replace fo4's music with LISA's?

>They're paying people to make DLC.
A one time lump sum while they reap the longtime rewards.

Wait, Toddthesda is actually PAYING people? Shit, alright, that's good man. It's still outsourcing which is lazy, but...

I thought so too. You first meet him with that mod and Codsworth insists that you are Nora/Nate

Then you find the both Nora and Nate dead in the vault, which was a very nice touch

Garbage game don't bother.
Instead add Mirror's Edge ost
You're welcome (((slut)))

Just change the files

i literally just reinstalled it and followed the SRB fear and loathing guide apart from adding a few mods i wanted

whats wrong with factions reloaded? IWS also has always worked for me fine over the years

What, would you like the content creators to seize the means of production or something? Fucking Marxist.

It's not the best system, but it's way better than the abortion Beth tried last time. I'm not going to start praising it until we see how these microtransaction DLCs turn out, though.

why is there no clam chowder

or pizza

or lobster rolls

why can you only make coffee in the form of a donut hole

why is the federal ration stockpile just one shelf of consumer preserved food instead of a mound of MREs


While I dislike the concept of paid mods, I have to admit, this new system is miles ahead of the free for all that was and is the Workshop. At least now we have quality control: I heard in order to even get onto the Club you have to submit a portfolio of your work for review.

Because they only had 8 years of development

EssArrBee's guide is good for four things and four things only:

- Getting the basics of the game set up (.ini files and extenders through Mod Organizer)
- Installing UI mods (the basic procedure, not just simply "install all fucking UI mods"
- Learning how to merge mods
- Learning how to use FNVLODGen

I recommend following only those four sections, and use discretion at the UI section. A lot of mods he suggest I wouldn't touch at all out of personal preference.

Nora. and in skyrim as a young priestess of Mara restoration mage who had no idea how to fight bandits and dragons and was in way over her head, but had Lydia to protect her.

>not valuing fictional relationships