If you haven't taken your vehicle to it's top speed at least once, then you haven't truly driven it. End of story

If you haven't taken your vehicle to it's top speed at least once, then you haven't truly driven it. End of story.

Clearly you havent, as there is still a little left on the speedometer

This. Even if governed, you should be hitting the top speed your vehicle is capable of once just to see how it feels. After that you can baby it for the rest of your life.

Not if you're a novice driver though. If you haven't been driving over 5 years I seriously don't want you hitting over 95, even on empty freeway. Has nothing to do with whether you're able to handle it, or whether you're super comfortable at that speed, or muh guberment nanny state. Your reaction to your surroundings needs to be completely second nature, automatic, and without second thought or second guessing if you're going to be hitting triple digit speeds.

I'm not saying this to sound like a grandpa, we just don't need more statistics on the road.

>for the rest of your life.
For the rest of it's life*

>04 crown vic
>no governor
Uhhhhh, no thank you. I'll be hitting 135-140mph before I stop topping out. Literally no reason to go over 105mph on the ground unless you're racing on a track.



top speed at 2.7k and a full tank?
not enough torque to pull all the way to 7k?

Easy to say when your cars top speed is 140.

Not in 4th I can't.

Jokes on you my top speed is 140 km/h

Somebody shooped his speedo needle. Oh dear.

I disagree. You can only take your car to its top speed on the motorway and that's boring.

>few years back
>in mr2 sw20
>middle of nowhere
>dead straight road
>foot down
>speedo ends at 180
>needle keeps forcing it's way past
>starts getting shaky
>foot off accelerator
>roll back down to speed limit of 100
>drive home

I'm sorry you have piss poor motorways. First time I took the top speed challenge I was so sure I was going to die before I got there I had to back down.

>takes 45 seconds to reach top speed in my car
Simply not enough road in most instances, unless I hit the interstate. Even then, I have to have unobstructed road for a good while to do so, because for some reason there's a bunch of fags that like going 80 on the interstate instead of 95. 95 is perfect long-range traveling speed.

Feels good not to be a pleb

My car has a high top speed and the roads where i live are not exactly nice.
And i don't mean the American version of bad roads i live in the country in Australia, half the roads are dirt.

I took a newer Accord to like 210km/h and it was pretty boring and uneventful. The biggest fear one would have would be blowing by a cop and risk getting impounded because Ontario or hitting a deer and engine it all then and there

Is that a Holden cluster? It really has that "classy" USDM from the 90s feel to it.

I took an FZ1 to top of 168mph indicated the first time I rode it, at that speed you just stop caring about how fast you're going and try not to leave your lane or fly off.

Topping out my Jeep Cherokee was honestly a lot more fun because it's lifted and was shaking like mad going down the freeway. Same with my DRZ400SM where after 100mph if you sit upright you get immediate speed wobble which is terrifying.

>I was so sure I was going to die before I got there I had to back down.
And I'm the one who has shitty motorways. K then.

>If you haven't taken your vehicle to your local circuit track day at least once, then you haven't truly driven it. End of story.

hit the top speed of 105mph in this thing where speed limit is 80.
good times.

shut up the hill was so steep it was going to go get up over 90 if I'd left the clutch out all the way to the bottom

why the fuck would someone who needs a car to get from A to B want to do this?
If you like fast cars then yes, but if you like cars that actually drive on the road without making you feel claustrophobic then you always truly drive them.

Nigga, please. You see that bridge? It's high as fuck and downhill. Plus fuckloads of side winds. I did 250 on an E-Class estate. My heard was pounding so much at the end I thought I was going to faint.


By 90 I mean 90MPH not 90 yurocuck units. And I was driving a deathtrap, not a euroluxobarge. I'm sorry if that hurts some people. Some of us work at Taco Bell.

Mang, I do 170/180km/h erryday on a Punto.

Yeah, and I bet it doesn't start fishtailing uncontrollably for no reason sometimes when you get up to about 70 even though it's not even RWD.

>Yeah, and I bet it doesn't start fishtailing uncontrollably
You're right, it doesn't.
I used to shit myself sometimes on high speed turns when I was running 185 tyres, though.

But hey, at least you feel alive everytime you push it. That always feels good, provided you don't crash.

270 km/h in an AMG on the glorious german Autobahn. Manufacturers in germany modify the cars so they don't go beyond 260-270. good thing considering how many fucktards would kill themselves / others while trying to get to top speed


there's no feel like that feel when you thought you were superman because your car can't go that fast with the engine connected to the drivetrain, but then you hit a pothole and you think for reals somebody just shot you with a canon and you're going to tumble down the canyon but at least it will probably burst into a fireball halfway down.

I once maxed out a Kia rental at 170km/h

Not much driving involved desu, just hold the steering wheel on a dead straight motorway


If I'm gonna go, that's the best way.

A 2005 4cyl camry will go 117mph
>mfw i forgot the brakes were warped and the whole car shakes violently when you even look at the brake pedal going that fast.

just hang yourself and don't put other people in danger by driving like a dick

Nigga, I speed but I'm not a retard. Never crashed nor put other people in danger.

Taken this 60bhp beast up to 115mph down a really big hill

Went off the speedo, no clue what RPM because I don't have a rev counter

Apparently I unknowningly have. Went to about 183 kph by the tach, top speed on the paper is 175 kph, but tachs are always a bit optimistic so I may actually have been within 1 kph of paper top speed, and it wasn't even favorable wind conditions or anything. I'm sure it could do another 5 kph.

>I speed
>I'm not a retard

pick one.

fastest ive been is around 125,
I stop around there because I feel like there might be enough time for me to slow down to like 90 if a cop was to spot me.

I've done 185 km/h in my mom's diesel Ford Focus when I was 18, does that count?

I am fast as fuck boiiii!!!
Car was shaking so much and it felt like motor would blow up eksdee. 2.0 litre tucson, it was riding limiter in 5th gear when it hit top speed. i have done 260 kph in my 2002 745i too.

Yeah, the top speed of a diesel Fiat Punto would be boring, wouldn't it?

Took my formerly owned TL-S to its electronically limited top speed of 130. Fasted I've been in a car, aside from an 07 GTR in which I did 0-140 very quickly.

Ive topped out my miata a few times. Took a slight downhill to do but i got to around 125 mph indicated. Considering my wheel diameter is slightly larger than stock i may have been closer to 135

The S60R is just recently got can apparently hit 160mph. Havent tried yet, and im not sure theres anywhere near me that would be safe to try.

Lmao top speed at 3k rpms eh?

>V6 mustang governed at 113
What's the point? Maybe when I get a one piece drive shaft.

I've topped my 4cyl 1999 Camry a few times
Shit won't go faster than 103 lol
Pic before I needed to two hand the wheel for safety :^)

>tires only rated for 112 mph
I hate being poor

>taking a 20 years old car to the limit

I dont think so tim.

>tfw can't even use all of 4th gear before hitting the limiter

112mph limiters are soul crushing.

if you hit the overdrive off button you can hit 110 in one of those

Considering I drive what's basically a brick on wheels and I don't entirely trust the suspension, I refuse to take it to it's top speed.

My old Oldsmobile LSS I got up to around 110 before the little 3800 wouldn't rev anymore.

> 1993 Ford Festiva 610,000Miles
> Top speed not even speeding that much

I Only like shitboxes because you can run them near there limits without doing dangerous amounts of speed.

Perthbro here. Can't even think about it here because if how bad the speed cameras are getting. Australia can be suffering sometimes. Also what series is that?

>tfw governed to 106mph
Illinois tollway I have left my mark on you

i got my wrangler up to about 100, i think the hood would've achieved flight any higher

I've got my licence for one year and have gone over 130mph already

S197 gang? I have a 4.0, took it to 105 because the tires are shit and it can only go 115 anyway

Also driveshaft fail videos are fun to watch

Ever taken an NA miata up to 180? The back gets about 200kg lighter.

I've all of my bikes including the thou, but this miata man. Fucking scary.

I've done top cornering gforce.
You're a faggot

Why not? What are you a pussy?

>350hp del sol
>stock suspension
>rear drums in the back still

I've driven it fast enough

125 in my 2011 5.0
had to show up my girlfriend in her honda next to me

>230 km/h
>2700 rpm
Seems legit

Lmao in germany you hit 130mph in driving school, even my dad made fun of me when i didnt dare to get his a6 to 140 when i took it to the autobahn for the first time, as first car after driving school.
Stay mad non-germans

No one cuz germans know how to autobahn. Also, isnt it all limited to 250kmh, 155mph

> isnt it all limited to 250kmh

No i meant a car is either unlimited or 250, the guy claimed a 270 limit, and hes either lying or its the actual topspeed, i dont know any car thats limited to something different than 250, same with bikes and 300

I smell a normie

>everyone should risk a reckless driving conviction and license suspension to please an anonymous autist on a chinese cartoon board

No thanks

oh well

tfw you redline in every gear in town driving in your 4 cylinder shitbox that is 30 years old

feels good senpai