ITT: Post Fire Trucks

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KME is the most shit-tier apparatus you can get, but they're fucking cheap (relatively), so that's what a lot of smaller departments have to use.

Pierce is the fucking truth though. Once you've driven a Pierce, there's no going back.

Phuc rcr nyuggah

elsie go away



I was an engineer at a firetruck factory, AMA.

KME is garbage tier and they just got bought out so I expect that to get worse. Pierce is good quality, but their HURR INNOVATIVE marketing campaign is bullshit. There was nothing innovative about the Dash CF, they brought back a cab layout that was decades old and then pretend they invented it.

All of ours are just based on HGV chassis





>doesn't like RCR
>quotes shitty black animay

Here's my baby.


in europe, do they only have """"""firemen"""""" that first go and inspect a fire and then call the real ((((((firemen)))))) that can bring the water and put out the fire?

As an Amerifag, I don't know for shit.

There was a group of volunteer fire fighters in Italy who were starting them and them putting them out and charging for it IIRC; but I would assume that's not the status quo