Sauce Spot General

Does Veeky Forums's car have a sauce space?

This one is a real life saver. Now I do t have to hold the sauce while I'm dippin and drivin


>eating in your car

What sauce is it

Looks like BBQ.

Szechuan Sauce.

this post really ricked my morties

You must be an intellectual.

audi a best

Is this an a4?


Why is driving & eating allowed and why Americans are the only human beings on earth that need to do that?

2008 a3

because muh free-*belch*doms *farts*

God damn, clean your fucking car

What the fuck needs cleaning?

You're all casuals

This makes me feel uncomfortable

fucking amazing

BBQ from BK
I'm not going to clean my cup holder once a week.

>tfw no leather seats
>tfw no heated seats
>tfw no electronics other than abs and radio
>tfw only two shitty small speakers
>tfw 0 luggage space
>tfw all cheap, light plastics
>tfw engine in middle, power to the rear
>tfw suspension is stiff and harsh
feels good when car is made for driving not for this faggy ass pretend living room shit for normies

Because our 'food' is only good for 10 minutes after leaving the drive thru.

Gotta eat that shit quick senpai

Nigga, this isn't shitty GM firestarter general. It's Sauce Soace General. So take your sauceless space face and get out.

Also, those seats are clearly not leather.

>You're all casuals

>eating in your car
You people are disgusting savages.

>eating and dipping nuggets while driving in a manual
It's like you never knew the joys of driving an automatic. Kick down shifts are all you ever really need.

>he doesn't have to insert sauce wrappers in gear selector to start his car

>hi im a car enthusiast
>all I care about is the interior
no you don't give fucking shit about cars
you are an interior decoration enthusiast you dumb fag

Someone post the ones with coins

desu i started dailying my winter auto beater again and you gotta find things to do other than driving otherwise you fucking fall asleep.

Honestly auto is the gayest fucking shit ever.
This is coming from someone who dailies a literal 0 luxury track toy through stop and go traffic

Point out where I said any of that.

It still remains, you're complaining about interiors in a thread about specific interior features. It's not my fault you come to a thread full of things you don't like and get all assblasted because it's full of things you don't like.

Perhaps save a little bit of money next time?

But you aren't dippin nuggs in your manual, are you?

I'll stop when you all retards stop and have common fucking decency to stop tolerating this shit I'm doing right now.

Fuck your retarded disguised Veeky Forums threads and fuck your normie ass "I love autos and discuss interiors and comfort because im a retard who cant drive and I think my shitty audi I bought for 300 eur makes me better than everyone else"

The fact that you're putting so many words into my mouth and making so many assumptions is more telling of your problems than any flaws that I may have.

I'm just trying to have a fun thread, and something as simple as my interior is triggering you really hard.

Just think about that.


can't your gf dip it for you

Don't eat like a retard and get crumbs and sauce everywhere then. Common sense is really on the decline these days

I don't think you realize how taxing it is to have my dick sucked every time I have a meal user

welcome to the world of not being a benchracer on Veeky Forums

My e46 even has a little trey so you can just dump it right in!

>official car of the black people
>sauce holder


how do you get black people and old white women mixed up?

Grandma's buy them new. Non-white people buy them cpo.

the best part of my autotragic Frontier was the perfect dippin slot and fucknormous cup holders

>buying a literal rebadged golf
>buying an automatic


Automatic looks horrible. Lmao.

>he can't sauce while he drives

i once overtook what i thought was a drunk driver who was swerving while making a trip in eastern PA in the dead of night. turned out he wasn't a drunk, drove by him and he had a plate of waffles on the dash and a fork in one hand.

You nasty fuckers are getting your interiors all fuckin greasy!
Why do people do this?

They're probably capable of cleaning their cars like all people are.

That doesn't necessarily mean people do user