/sthg/ - Sonic the Hedgehog General

Welcome to the Sonic General. Here we talk about all things Sonic! Share art and music, talk about new developments, discuss ROM hacks, speedrunning, and more.

/sthg/ #805 - FIGHT THE POWAH Edition

>Link CompilationSonic News<
Sonic Mania vids:
6 Minutes of Gameplay: youtu.be/uB9RP2SV8HY
Green Hill Boss : youtu.be/X1GZbQgtGLY
Chemical Plant : youtu.be/4TX2I3iUORQ
Pre-order Trailer: youtu.be/wvD8NZN9Zsg

Sonic Forces vids:
Sonic Forces E3 trailer:
7 minutes of Gameplay: youtu.be/fyTzm8WgtlE
Full level Gameplay: youtu.be/6g6_rRqjlCI
Avatar Gameplay: youtu.be/TJZfptketUc

>Drawfag/Writefag Idea WallsGeneral Interest Links

Other urls found in this thread:


1st for no 3D girls allowed

fuck off

I was 5 seconds from posting another gay thread ;_;

Fourth for no 2D girls allowed


Says the 3D girl trying to reignite drama.

I agree.

I disagree.

The joke is dead user, do something new.

Good, fuck off.

I know.
I need to think of something else that triggers people.
Any ideas?

Naw that was me.

Game Grumps

Talk about Trans people, that always seems to get people mad.

>Come back to the thread after a long day
>GHPAnon quit the museum project

Time to kill myself

Thanks for the updated header, OP. In case you missed it, please feel free to check out the small level I threw together last night in celebration of Sonic's 26th. It's not much, but a 3D romp through a surreal environment might be just the thing the doctor ordered to wait out this thread's sudden hostility. Cheers.

Tell them you're female.

Game Grumps Edition, Egoraptor Edition, Egoraptor Eating Cupcakes Edition

Thread theme?

Please don't be sad, user. I'm putting something else together tonight that might ease the pain just a little bit. I hope that it will.


have you fixed your bayonet today, /sthg/?

That could work.
Thats the same as the gay threads.
It has to be believable.
There are no girls on Veeky Forums.

do you think they will be reunited as a team in forces?

Is that a motherfucking Bayonetta reference?



low quality version's up

>Recording of a tv screen.

What do you mean? This show's always low quality.

Good luck finding anyone else who watches fucking Boomerang.

>Can throw Chaos Spears
>give him a gun

I will never understand this logic, now then /stgh/ what kinda political beliefs do the characters have? I can't exactly play a sonic game since in our house we have a strict no liberal bullshit rule, hopefully they're conservative enough for my parents

"elite-earthbender" does. But, from the last thing she posted on Tumblr, she might be trying to splice this episode with "Planes, Trains, and Dudemobiles".

Sonic Boom is on Boomerang?
I thought that station was for old cartoons.

Sonic does whatever the heck he wants, whenever the heck he wants and doesn't care for what you think about that, nor does he care about the law. Tails follows Sonic's lifestyle, and Amy probably does as well.

That's all I got.

Sonic is a children's franchise.

It's suppose to, but now fucking Teen Titans go and the Powerpuff Girls reboot are on Boomerang.

>can't play video games because mommy and daddy will get mad

Underage b&.

It used to be, but that formula wasn't giving them sufficient ratings, so they rebranded into an alternate Cartoon Network in an attempt to not go bankrupt.

but basically boom was sent there to die because it took precious screentime away from teen titans go

I'm 36 user, Our family lives together in a trailer park because we don't make enough money to live anywhere else.

It's a fun little level. Though, I did see what you were mentioning last thread about the homing attack fucking up. Still, it's enjoyable to roll around that environment and the loops.

I like it...

>actually implying cd's level design is anywhere near as convoluted as chaotix'

r u fuckn srs m8

Sonic is the star. He is a cool blue dude with an attitude. he is _not_ a "do-gooding" hero. He is loyal to his friends and has a good sense of right and wrong, but he is a very independent guy who is mostly interested in doing his own thing. He is not book smart, but he is very street smart. He loves beauty, nature, and adventure, but his primary passion is for speed and indeed he can run faster than anyone on the planet. Two things he does _not_ do are; swim (he sinks like a stone), or ride around in cars, motorcycles, etc. (why _should_ he when he can run faster than them all!). He fancies himself as a bit of a ladies man, but he does not like to be chased by girls. He is generally impatient and likes to get things done quickly. Sometimes this can work against him because he is not very detail oriented. But for the most part, Sonic is as quick witted as he is fast footed and this gives him an extraordinary combination of talents that keep him the idol of kids around the globe.

DESU I feel like one of the only reasons Sonic isn't a villain is because he's too impatient to do the kind of planning that good villains do. It's easier and more fun and less time consuming to smash shit up

the other is because he has a strong sense of right and wrong

Sonic is not a villain because he is not evil. He is a benevolent spirit with a strong sense of right and wrong.

If Sonic was evil, he'd pretty much be The Joker without the insanity.

Don't worry /sthg/ Buddy is here to save the day!

Eh, I mean he's said that he's not afraid to be the bad guy, so honestly he has the potential to be a bad guy if he really wanted to, if he got bored of being a hero. Maybe he'd become one if Eggman bit the dust just for funsies. Go around and fight everyone because "Hey I got nothing better to do"
>If Sonic was evil, he'd pretty much be The Joker without the insanity.
See here's the thing. Even someone like the Joker, who's all about chaos and unpredictability, still plans things. His most famous stories are him pulling off elaborate schemes, schemes Sonic would be too impatient to even set up

You can't save shit, Buddy.

I hope you get dropkicked and break your glasses.

Not My Buddy

He's not a hero. He said that line in the context of breaking the rules to do good. fuck off sparky

Four eyes.

You know what I mean. I meant if he got tired of doing the right thing or whatever. He's only a good guy because he finds it fun.

whatever happened to the google drive recordings? they were decent


They're still around if you need them:

You should just give up, Buddy. Give yourself up to Eggman and Infinite.

I want Aaron Webber to give me his autograph

That wasn't me. I saidnot

Oh look, another "Sonic would become evil if he wanted to, just because" episode. How many times have we had this discussion already?

Me too, user.

You gotta meet him first.

Or maybe send a letter, I dunno.

He was talking about the Sonic Boom rips.

This image makes me very happy.

Ah. Well. Okay then. I just saw Google Drive Recordings and made leaps of logic. I'll shut up then.

So does this one.

this gives me a boner for some reason.

Please don't ship Shadow and Metal.

No, that's disgusting.



Cry more babies.

But he's a robot.
Does he even have a bepis?

Shadow is aromantic and asexual.

This general sucks

He has nuts

>Aromantic and asexual
You mean he's someone who's too ugly to get laid and basically makes shit up to say "I-I didn't want it anyways, joke's on you haha". Either that or a broken person

And bolts!

>Forces on Switch is 30fps
Gonna be a hard sell for Sega might as well just tell people to buy Mario instead.

Look, Eggman was determined to make a robot that was better than Sonic at everything.


>Either that or a broken person
Gee, I wonder what the chances are of Shadow being just that.


No unless you want to write a story about eggman giving him one.

So what? It's fanfiction.

No, it's means you don't have sexually feelings for someone.

Exactly! Metal can totally screw Shadow

>No unless you want to write a story about eggman giving him one.
I'm sure that already exists.

Eh, fair enough. Someone needs to fix him if you catch my drift. Probably Rouge, she's probably fucked everyone in the GUN forces
>No, it's means you don't have sexually feelings for someone.
That's just called not liking one person. If you don't have a sex drive, that's a big fucking problem that you should fix. Living without love is no way to live

>There are people considering to buy Forces on anything but PC
The fools, all of them.

>that's a big fucking problem that you should fix. Living without love is no way to live


No one cares about your shitty shipping that makes no sense except in your head.

Well, I mean part of life is spreading your genes, so you gotta fuck someone, it's in our nature. It's part of being a person. If you don't feel love or lust, you're no better than a robot

You're all sociopaths.

Welcome to the Sonic fandom :^)

I am so sorry that you have a basic mindset. But it's good that you have someone that you share your love, right?

>Living without love is no way to live.

user you can love someone without wanting to fuck them, if you think that's a problem then that's might be just you.

>I don't care and now i'm going to explain to you why.

Good one user.

And what the fuck so wrong being like a robot, robots are fucking cool.

>user you can love someone without wanting to fuck them, if you think that's a problem then that's might be just you.
That's true but you can't just NOT want to fuck anyone. What's the matter with you? I think you need help
I'm sorry you're so broken that you can't feel things other people feel

Yes, and?

This is Sonic. Say something nice about nice.

It's a four-letter word.

Sonic is a cutie pie.
