Is it possible to pass your road test on the first try? Even when examiners of a quota of fails?

Is it possible to pass your road test on the first try? Even when examiners of a quota of fails?

How americans are able to fail the driving exam is beyond me and any european.

its pretty much impossible to fail driving tests. if you do fail, even once, you dont deserve to be on the road

I passed my road test my first try.

The examiner literally told me, to my face, "yeah, so you made instant-fail error X, but you drove well otherwise, so I'm just going to go ahead and change it to be Y, which is not failing."

I live in California. This explains everything.

move to Cali, it's impossible to fail with 3/4 of the road test taken out.

i think even if you are mostly blind you can pass. yeah you have to be REALLY SUPER BAD to fail

Considering how fucking easy it is, you have to be a borderline moron to fail at all on the first try

Sure, thats why almost all the threads like this are full of euros complaining about their shitty version of the test

>Says he made a failing error
>Does not expound on what said error was

You can't say shit like that and then not say what mistake you made.

There are 2 reasons you fail the test.
>You're a shitty driver
>You got profiled by a jealous fuck
Otherwise you should pass, i mean user wtf have you been doing the past year and a half?

>horrible gun laws
>even worse drivers
>no water
>everything is expensive as fuck for no reason
Nah im good

I got a perfect score on my first try. It's literally the easiest thing as long as you don't hit anything

I tapped the curb on the parallel park part, and still passed.

Yep, just like I said . They give it to you.

Pretty much have to get into a crash to be failed.

See, what had happened was: I was drivan', examiner is telling me 'left, right, right, right, left' in like the last ten feet of the block, as per usual, requiring me to wrench that shit around and hope I clear the turn safely.

As I remember it, I was told to turn left onto a '5-lane' street (had a center turn lane), traffic was fairly nonstop, and bitch was like "just make a left turn when you can" when I had been sitting at the intersection for about 10 seconds, with like a "hurry the fuck up" sound about her.

Roger that, I turn when the road is clear-ish, but some asshole comes barreling down the street in the closer driving lane, so I stay in the center turn lane to avoid being fkin wrekt. As I merge into the driving lane, she's like "the center turn lane is NOT for merging!" and rather than argue "sorry cunt, I didn't want to wreck my friend's car and you were all impatient and shit", I just shut up and kept driving.

When we got back to the DMV, that's when she marked the error down, saying that she understood that I stayed in the turning lane to avoid the crash, admonished me I should have waited longer, but still passed me.

So the long story short here is: California DGAF unless you literally get in a crash.

If you fail the first time stop trying. We don't want you on the road. It's so easy to pass.

yes, its simple, make sure that you are the best driver.

We are all human, we can all become Ken Brrock, we just need devotion and the will to succeed rather than the will to shitpost in a board full of people who are good drivers.

I passed the road test my first try but failed the written test.

My most recent road test fail was for accidentally doing 50 in a school zone.

Yes, I passed mine first time with only one minor fault

Try and stop me.

I “failed” on the first try because I brought a shitbox 79 Accord that was deemed not safe for the road.

Second time I asked my uncle to let me use his Camry and I passed the test with no problems.

I failed my first driving test because I changed lanes while going through an intersection. In an intersection where my direction of travel shifted from one lane to two...

yeah, was EZPZ
mostly because my driving instructor was a chill bro-teir dude, and i practiced "paralell parking" in my driveway before the test

I managed to fail my theory more times (1) than my practical (0).

>tfw failed the written test 5 times now
>too scared to take it again
i'm ok with public transportation

>I live in California. This explains everything.
>move to Cali, it's impossible to fail with 3/4 of the road test taken out.
This makes so much sense. I passed my first road test easy, and first written exam when I was 15 and got my permit, but my father taught me a shitload about driving so it wasn't a huge sweat.

Then you have cali drivers driving from stateline to vegas and I swear not a single fucking california licensed driver understands what flashing headlights/highbeams in the passing lane means. I'll sit there for minutes continuously flashing my fucking highbeams and they won't do jack fucking shit, they don't understand that I want them to MOVE THE FUCK OUT OF THE WAY YOU PIECES OF SHIT WHY ARE YOU DRIVING 80 IN THE PASSING LANE ON THE INTERSTATE FUCK YOU

Oh, and I was licensed in nevada not cali just for the record.

>he actually thinks there's a quota for failing people

Sure, just move to the US and it's practically impossible to fail your first attempt.

No one should be doing more than 80 ever

Driving regularly on highways where half the exits are to the left you can't really blame them. I wouldn't be surprised if "flash to pass" doesn't exist in California's Highway Code either

From the handbook.

"When turning left from a side street or driveway, signal and wait until it is safe. Then you may drive into the center left turn lane. Enter traffic only when it is safe."

oh and "You may only drive for 200 feet in the center left turn lane."

Maybe that's what she meant by "merging"?


I passed my motorcycle test on the first try, my actual driving test took three times.

But they were decades apart.

Same, failed the written test first time by 1 question but then passed road test first try in a car I've never driven before.

I took driving and riding school for both. Passed the drivers at 15 years old or whenever and the MC class means you don't have to take the riding test.

Pretty win.

It all depends how much of a sociopathic cunt your instructor is. I failed the first time because I went on a yellow.

>first test
>fuck up parralel parking by backing over cones
>still pass
Stay shit

I get it now. I was driving from Tucson to California and once I got in deep enough in cali I noticed people driving the same speed in all lanes. I flashed one guy few times, and then passed him on the right. Then he starts flashing me without passing, speeds up and starts honking on my right, like I did all of this just to be an asshole.

I took my permit test on my 15th birthday and passed without even studying. I took my license test on my 16th birthday and passed the first time and even finished early because I did everything perfect so even if I failed parallel parking and a 3 point turn it wouldn't even matter. Alabama for everyone's reference.

American, didn't even come close to failing the first time I took the test. OP is just autistic

In California.
Passed on my first try.
My ex gf failed 4x because she kept hitting the curb at a tight corner on the side of the dmv building, autofail. I even took her there when they were closed to practice hownto make the turn wider.

It was safe. Like I said, some dude in a car (bretty sure it was some 'modern muscle' if memory serves, like a camaro/mustang/challenger or some shit) came blasting down the street and I stayed in the left turn lane for the sheer sake of not fucking dying.

And what I think she meant by merging is, you're supposed to turn left, enter a driving lane, and not be in the left turn lane at all. The left turn lane, you see, doesn't exist except when making a left turn, at least per the rulebook/legal bullshit.

But as I said, while the traffic was clear otherwise, I wasn't able to pull into the proper traffic lane because of aforementioned asshole, so I stopped my turn in the left turn lane, let him go by, then went into the traffic lane proper.

I'm afraid I'm probably not explaining this very well, so I'll revert to what I said originally: made an 'illegal move' on my test, still got my license, California sucks.

aced it first time senpai. if you can't don't drive.

>tfw failed the written test 5 times now

mine was 20 questions that might have been a fucking road sign test

>tfw couldnt even circle my answers on the written test

its expected that you pass on first try

at least 25% of americans in the state im in are illiterate or immigrants, who are also illiterate

>signal before turning, check mirrors when changing lanes
>turn into your lane
>go the speed limit not more
>stop before the line/sign when you're supposed to

Fucking mongoloids. If you failed your driving exam stay on the fucking bus because there are enough shit drivers as it is.

I went 1 mph over the speed limit according to my test instructor and failed my first test. Nbd though. It doesn't affect your insurance if op is worried about that.

>going the speed limit

i just took it over and over again until i got a bro cop for a sit in who said "yeah 10 over's fine i wouldn't arrest you for it either"

Sugoi story senpai! Who cares. Look, if you can't follow simple instructions to get a license, even if you NEVER follow those rules again, you're obviously mentally challenged. Get off the road.

>tfw I went to the written test while still drunk from the night before
You really have to be a retard to fail.

Following instructions is nothing to be proud of. Attempting to and succeeding in circumventing the rules that make them necessary, now...

I didn't know not being a bootlicking sheep was called being "meantlly challenged".

I hope you're the next slowfag I pass on the togue
>reeee it was a double yellow you cant do that get off the road ur 2 dumb to drive

>tfw carpal tunnel getting worse
>tfw fingers lagging
thanks nintendo

>tfw I just failed my driving test for "not giving way" to a car that was literally stopped and waiting for me to go

I got docked because I didn't signal to parallel park, but I still passed because that's all I did wrong. I half wonder if I got extra points because I took my test in a stick

>failed written with 39/50 and 67/80
>autismed up, read through the entire fucking bank of questions on the morning of the test and got 49/50 and 62/80

First try practical, but the UK theory is bullshit. Do you know how fast a motorized scooter can go? I do. 8mph. Except for the ones that go 12mph. Thank you, theory test.

I passed my exam on the first try a couple of days after I turned 16. Fun fact, Michigan licenses have full reciprocity with Germany.

I passed my car and motorcycle tests the first time. I nearly failed the car one though.

>be a really good and safe road user
>fail test 4 times before finally passing
>meanwhile Chad and Stacey pass first time and are complete fucktards on the road terrorising other drivers and cyclists in their BMW/Audi bought for by their rich mummy and daddy

hmm really makes you think.

Canadafag, I honestly thought every test I've taken was fairly easy and passed first time for all of them (graduated driver, regular driver, motorcycle).
Though a friend of mine lives in a small town in BC - apparently they have only one examiner, and she's an obese old cunt on a powertrip who fails virtually everybody. Most people as I understand go to another town like an hour away when they need to take a test to avoid her.

I know my license legally would let me drive in much of Europe, but I honestly wouldn't want to. When I was in Belgium I noticed that a lot of the signage, signals, etc. seem different enough that I would be seriously confused.

Including my beginners and shit, I've upgraded my license like 5 times when I've needed to do a road test. I've only ever failed one, and it was near the end of the month and the cunt obviously didn't want me to pass.

It was the parallel park portion, and she wanted me to park against a curb that literally didn't exist because the sidewalk and everything was covered in hard pack snow, and the curb and the road had a gentle slope of hard snow. So when I tried to park beside the snow, she said I wasn't close enough. When I tried to park on top of the snow she said I was over the curb. Repeat a few times until another car showed up and she told me to go around the corner, where I could see the curb, and I nailed it my first try. Still failed me though.

It's easier to drive carefully when you are two feet away from a buff 6'4" Texas state trooper in full uniform and aviators

The theory tests here are poorly designed and have trick questions you need to study for prior otherwise you'll most likely fail.

The practical exam (driving) is easy and many instructors aren't actually that good, so you'll most likely pass as long as you dont freak out and do some dumb shit.

pretty much this, I had my learners for 3 hours before passing my drivers test and probably only had 1/2 an hour behind the wheel of a car at the time.

I took drivers ed after I got my license because it cut my insurance rate by almost a thousand dollars a year,

Where I live not a single person passes on the first try, ever. Examiners come up with bullshit so you have to pay and try again.

Where you from ?

Hungary. This is my personal experience and so is everyone else's aroune me.

French here. Same shit, the driving exam is so fucking hard.

Right? If they run out of crap they came up with already they just come up with more "mistakes" on the fly.

What? How dumb you can be to fail the test? A girl I knew took the opposite road direction and stalled two times during the test. And she still got her license.

>shitty version
They teach us manual, unlike Americans

>California DMV testers let instant-fail drivers onto the road
This explains why my daily commutes are jam-packed with either autists or retards.

>Go to DMV
>See inspector get out of car
>sweaty, 300lbs of bitch face
>pls no I don't want that in my car
>go inside
>do paperwork
>turboqt walks in and takes over the shift
>fuck yes thank you
>start all the basic shit
>leave and drive for like a minute
>pull up next to a hellcat
>both start talking about it
>drive around and talk about american muscle for a while
>get back to DMV, passed just fine

Literally the only time I've ever had an enjoyable conversation about cars with a girl, fucking why. Also I got my license at 20 because reasons, and she was maybe 25.

Passed the written and driving first time when I was 15 1/2. With short term memory loss. how Veeky Forumstist are you guys?

Yeah, they know you can drive but they want you to drive without any mistakes even the smallest. Anyway after you earn your licence everything you learned go through the roof

Yes. When you have your learner's permit you should drive every time you go out.

Drove like a grandma, passed first try when I was 16, 28 now.

Suck it kids.

OP here.

Went driving tonight to prepare for my road test tomorrow. It was dark and rainy and i almost got into a car accident, "suddenly" forgot how to parallel park, and kept getting yelled at by my backseat driver for not going slower when its raining (even though i was slightly below speed limit)

Fuck this. I fucking hate driving.

you dumdum

You should ride a motorcycle instead

Daily reminder that there's literally people with down syndrome that can legally drive. Some people are just destined for the bus life.

>they teach us an outdated technology 70% of people will never have a reason to use

>>they teach us an outdated technology 70% of people will never have a reason to use

95% of people will never have a true reason of driving a car. You know you can get a bus or a taxi.