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Old Thread


I need more free packs.


Enjoy Shadowverse.

Sleepover with Fighter-kun!

After some tinkering, I found that tempo forest actually got some usable cards, namely
>Woods of Brambles
>Magical Fairy Lilac
>Fairy Dragon (0/4 spiderweb imp lmao)
Among them surprisingly the fucking amulet has the most potential. Fairy dragon would be auto include if only it has 1 more hp. Fairy driver is useless because it usually is just 4PP 3/3 ward.

>all three Eachtars are at the bottom of my deck
holy fuck why am I so unlucky.

haven't been keeping up with the news, when's the expansion?

> They say home is where the soul is.


_ _ _ _?


That's a cute boy

you got the boy who cried wolf though

Scheduled to launch on the 28th at 11pm EST



>3 am
Guess I'll miss the big pack opening


You called?

I want to fuck that dog


And no, Im not gonna use cancer roach

Corruption is bad and you should feel bad.

>opening your packs on day 1 with lower drop rates
Don't underestimate the power of jewery


>Im not gonna win

literally only hagfags and bloodfags complain about roach at this point

>shadowverse portal updated
Okay guys I'll be back in 5 minutes with the next T0 deck

You just weren't skilled enough was all.

Are we ever gonna get new game modes other than take two? Like some weekly brawl or something.

who uncute, you uncute

who is that


roach is cancer cause its the only viable/ consistent win con for forest

you see it more in Forest than Oracle in Dragon


Dork Dragoon.

>you see it more in Forest than Oracle in Dragon
no you fucking don't all these dragoncucks have oracle on turn 2 FUCK OFF

Concede at 78767 please.

no tail, no animal ears, fat
why would one want to look like that anyway
even rabbit healer is better

roach is soo cancerous they changed a whole card fetch ability just cause of it

t-thanks kmr, i see you're practicing vampire again

Roach. Is. Balance

This is your hand for tonight.

Anime of Dorothy's dimensional adventures fucking when Cygames?

open your goddamn packs

Why would you run 3x fairy driver and 2x fairy dragon with 3x wood of brambles with having like more fairy generation? You only have fairy circles, sylvan justice, flower princess and epm evo. You are relying too much on fairies while not being able to generate nearly enough.

Can Jabberwock pull himself?

Not until the expansion hits and I get to open 80 + 10 bonus WD packs, 70 standard, 10 DE and 10 RoB all in the same day.
and still pull absolutely fucking nothing

hentai of Dorothy getting railed by oglers while Clarke watches when

why not craig

clarke's more good looking

Wood of Brambles generates 2 fairies too.

>opening 180 packs
You better stream this

>and still pull absolutely fucking nothing
Except for enough vials to craft whatever the fuck you want.

Fuck you.
Nofunallowedmut didnt save you this time from the memes.
Doing nothing and hoping that fag saves you is not a good idea.

of course, it'll be a nice short card party with good music
Good point. I'm hoping for animated legendaries from the standard packs though

>of course, it'll be a nice short card party with good music
Looking forward to it!

reminder to open 1 pack at a time so you don't lose 10 packs to a bad seed

need concede please


>garuda leader
>x3 themis
>x2 aegis
You're bad and you should feel bad

Godspeed, user. I hope you get your animated legos, I don't think I'll ever have the patience for stocking up that many packs.




>implying the seed wasn't chosen for you the moment you created your account
Enjoy your account with eternally bad pulls.


My game closed on me. New room: 49707

Read the card.

>Go all in on Anomaly in TT draft for fun
>Get Anomaly on board in first two games. Dies to Lily one game, dies to Olivia a second game
>In third game opponent DCs when I put Anomaly on board
aaaaaa I don't care if I go 1-4 I just want to win with Anomaly

>forest in T2
>anomaly in T2

How do I have Soul Conversion in my opening hand every damn game.
I actually can't wait to drop this trash card.

I still need to battle some people in room matches for the achievement. If anyone else has to this as well or needs a win for daily join my room, i´ll just pass turns. I will keep it open for the next 30 to 40 mins or so.
ID: 69777

It's even better when you do it in constructed. All you need it is 3 Wolf, 2-3 Anomaly, 2-3 AFD, 3 AE, 1-2 Tias, 1 Elf Queen and bunch of other golds for this extremely inconsistent meme deck. I only crafted 3 AFDs, no regrets.

It's dogshit

Are you ready for new OtK

>no Sybil

>i can't wait to drop shadow's best card draw for a shitty 2pp 1/2

mess the RNG for pulling the stoms ones Can change 1 gil and 1 zeus for 2 sibyl tho

>draconic fervor
>waiting for response

>Jabberwocky into 2 Jabberwocky into concede

You will literally never have a board to play Jabberwock on. Using the cannot be attacked followers like Trinity Dragon could help, but at that point normal face dragon is probably just better

>play aggro blood
>go second

>play kys blood
>go first
I think i hate bloodcraft

It dont have to be 7PP- 8PP tho.
save the ivory and sand storm dragons then ramp, when you get to 9PP/ 10PP you can play in combo.

do people still run Brick of Vengeance? Saw someone drop flowerbed bloodpact devil today with no activator to follow up
Bet these fuckers are running only belphs and the devil
He conceded when I filled the board T5 with Daria


>do people still run Brick of Vengeance? Saw someone drop flowerbed bloodpact devil today with no activator to follow up
it's their fault playing the belph only deck, that one is so bad

this card is banned, face it

oh right i didnt watch the stream, what did i miss?

it's never going to happen, user

>Devil of Vengeance with only Belph
that can't be a deck. That's retarded.

Arisa's VA being a shrill attention desperate whore.

even moreso now that forest is 5% playrate

It's only bad if you also run Brick of Vengeance, I'd rather see that version than retards running Laura

I only use him with Laura on t6

>even moreso now that forest is 5% playrate
Gee, I wonder why

it's outdated you dolt

sure, what is the new Forest "meta" deck?? please tell me PtP is back ;^D

like pottery

>still losing to roach
jesus some good cards


I'll play whatever the fuck I want, I don't care about your shitty opinion.