SC2 General

6-time GSL Runner-up soO edition

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blessed OP's
this one has words
so i'll post here

>StarCraft II StarLeague Season 2: Challenge 4d 9h 1m

IEM qualifiers in 5 hours too. our guy zest is playing in them

i like this one more

kneeling down and holding her hair..
very erotic
what could she have meant... by that...

wonder how many people on her team had their way with her? must have been most of them, the dirty girl

rainbow f*cked her and so did her current bf

those are the ones we know about, sure. what about the ones she gave a quicky to in the bathroom? a handy to cool them off right before a big match? the occasional team gangbang?

reminder that barbie is pure and single

gross! dude!

she only cheat on bf with white guys

degenerate general

no asian can resists that white mayo

young janny why you trappin so hard


i feel so bad for him

fuck racism


breaker is a god

why you gotta randall me, reddit bro

sal khan asmr

did you see him when destiny was was cringe


i watched the interview with the cosplay girls he seemed to do a reasonable job of translating what was cringe about him?

based sal

will sc:remastered save the bw scene?

do bears shit in the woods?

think the gooks already hated the new patch or something...
blizz will remove lan too... he he hee


champ stream


turned it on earlier and he had a zombie pop up notify thing every time he got a follow

twitch alerts ruined twitch

how? i dont mind it as long as they're not saying "thank you" every 20 seconds for a donation, but i usually stick to small streams

jan called my posts garbage...

just BTFO some guy on the internet. ahh winning the arguments feels so f*cking good

hope this irl streaming isnt a trend that picks up
its super rude


our guy got fucked over..

also introducing gookettes to all the normans

a grown man using '

join the friggin club

sleep time

last one...

2ooty god bless u



you see here

yeah i feel that

thank you for subbing my man

why is mtf more common than ftm

women are more cautious about giving up all the advantages our gynocentric society affords them while men have nothing to lose

hmm nothing to lose by becoming a woman you say

lets do it

why did this game die

many reasons

name some

my dick feels nice in these new feminine panties :3

ripping horrible farts


Kelazhur versus Maker is three days and twenty hours away.

ha ha ha haha

no lan

*grabs up battle rifle and does a quick 'BxR' to jans ugly mug*
he 'twas a pussy....

I want to try out starcraft but I dont know shit about the game

Will I basically be playing an inferior version if I just get remastered since it wont have starcraft 2 mechanics?


>inferior version

gonna save that one its good
wonder if he greened himself with a tooner too. masterful

there's lan in bw idiot

sc2 is shit don't bother

sleep tight gooker...



sunglasses heh... remember him? i barely do...


Thomas Kilian@Khaldor
Bike trails in SoCal are amazing! Beautiful view of the ocean, having a ton of fun on my first ride! #livingthedream

our guy living the dream...

bikes cause erectile dysfunction

i knew this guy and he told me his dock bled a bit after biking

did anyone ever work out why this game was so volatile?

I got my friend to install the starter edition so I could play with him, but I kind of overdid it and he got mad for getting destroyed too easily. Is there any decent tutorial for getting someone to understand the basics quickly? I'm a bad teacher

just gook bro

gay sex him bro

This is legit the most bizzare general on the site. It's like an art project for some kind of absurd stream of consciousness, mostly about korean grills

uh yeah whatever

we're only gay because the janitor keeps fucking us
go away j you gay nerd

i check back in here once every few months and the threads are noticeably more dead and the users are noticeably more mentally ill

get banned idiot newfag

let's have a jolly ol :3 shall we friends?



:3 time*

just destroyed someone in an internet argument aah that feels good

did you tell him to kys
that's how i win my arguments

i just called him a retard over and over until he posted a link that destroyed his entire argument

stopped arguing with people when i was like 17 but up until then i'd just say "no you" over my xbox live mic

so proud of you guys :3

almost 100 posts... CAN WE MAKE IT??



i wonder when the next ASL starts...

2 (two)

3 to go