How will car culture look like when the production of gas powered cars get banned around the globe...

How will car culture look like when the production of gas powered cars get banned around the globe? When every normie drives an electric car and feels amazingly smug for "saving the planet". Will there be a small subsection of the public that still maintains and drives gas cars that get frowned upon in public for being loud and smelly? Will they stick to their old cars or jump on the other side for the performance gains of the electric motor? What will happen to gas prices when the demand falls off the cliff? Will people horde gas like people horde gun ammo?

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It'll just be seen as an expensive hobby. No different than the old fart driving his Model T around today.

>When every normie drives an electric car
cool where do we take the energy from?

Motherfucking water dams, coal plants and nuclear plants.


>implying electricity isn't retardedly abundant

>Coal plants
Those are going extinct

How will car culture look like when the production of stea, powered cars get banned around the globe? When every normie drives a petrol car and feels amazingly smug for "saving the planet". Will there be a small subsection of the public that still maintains and drives steam cars that get frowned upon in public for being loud and smelly? Will they stick to their old cars or jump on the other side for the performance gains of the petrol motor? What will happen to wood prices when the demand falls off the cliff? Will people horde wood like people horde black powder?

ill be ready for the electric, self driving cars.

so where do the thousands of plants required come from?

interesting, have a sage

If people weren't stupid about nuclear we'd have tons of excess energy. But people point to shit examples and it's ruined for everyone.

ICEs will be around for much longer than you guys think. Sure, the commuter is going electric, but what about commercial transportation? Freight trucks can't get the range they need on a lith Ion battery. What about charging time? 30 mins refuel vs overnight recharge? Time is money. How about international frieght? Jet planes will always need fuel and freightliners will always burn a fuck ton of diesel. These industries are arguably as important to fuel dependency as personal transportation is.

Global transit of goods will decrease anyway with shrinking income disparity between the western world and other countries (and therefore shrinking profit advantage from outsourcing production) and with increased need for flexible production near the destination that won't have to rely on several weeks of sea travel. You can already observe it on a small but growing scale. 2016 was the first year since the 1970s when more jobs were brought back to the US than left it. And no, bringing jobs back isn't Trump's accomplishment, it's happening anyway.

Ships will become much less of a factor, so will trucks to some degree, planes were never a major factor in the first place. It's likely that freight will move to the rail again where most of it belongs anyway and where electrification on a ton of routes already exists, with electrified local distribution from freight hubs which is also already in the process of taking a commercially competitive shape.

You’re the dumbest poster in this thread.
International trade is bigger than ever, and the fact that you’re leaving flight out of the equation entirely proves you know absolutely zero about how planes are vital to business around the world.

>freight will move back to rail most likely
No it won’t dumbass. Stop posting forever

Wrong. International trade only grew by 1.3% last year as opposed to an annual average of 6% between 1990 and 2008 -despite- a surge on Asia's own markets thanks to increased general wealth. Some of the world's largest container shipping companies like Hanjin have gone bust because they bought ships for a trade growth that didn't happen. Most of the cars for sale in North America are now made in North America, barely any are shipped from Asia or Europe anymore. American companies are bringing production back to North America. The market is expecting ever quicker reaction times to changing demands, and international shipping is simply too slow for such a business model. And with increased automation cheap assembly workers have become less important and competent engineers have become more important, and you'll find far more competent engineers at home than in Asia. Also Asian wages have increased over the years, by 250% in the last ten years in some fields. In many cases you don't get an Asian for a fifth of the wage of an American anymore, he now wants half the wage of an American. It's simply less and less worth it to produce overseas.

these things will happen sooner than you think.

-autonomous car services will be 10x cheaper than buying a new car and still 4x cheaper than owning an existing car that is already paid off
-the population at large will be moving to transportation as a service, and as a result, the number of automobiles in the global fleet will shrink by 80% in the coming two decades
-this eliminates traffic jams and frees up unnecessary parking space for other uses - space equal to the surface area of three entire San Franciscos just within the Los Angeles urban area alone
-also, the majority of all automakers will die, and the jobs they provide with them
-private rooftop solar power will become so cheap that it undercuts the cost of electricity transmission (not generation, pure transmission), even when including the extra cost of buying battery storage
-oil usage will fall to 70% of what it is today by 2030, depressing the price to $25/barrel and making the majority of extraction forms uncompetitive

Same thing with horses.
There will be a place where people can take their gasoline powered cars to have their weekly/monthly...yearly fun.
It will become an expensive hobby that's for sure.
There will be other ways to maintain said cars, cubans build their own parts at this point.
Gasoline can easily be replaced with ethanol altogether.
Some will probably convert their beloved shitboxes/race cars into electric batteries just for the sake of keeping the chassis.



parking lots are a scourge on humanity and a horrible use of space and assets. Will be glad when they're reclaimed for other uses

I know, I was being sarcastic.

I know you were too

what am I looking at here?

Obscure animu references.

Nice irrelevant data. Its still growing and you honestly think that it will stop?
And despite the fact that production has been moved to mexico and canada (not the US like you keep deluding yourself into thinking) the reality that you still fail to put flight as a vital component of international trade, again.
Paying an engineer half to do the same job overseas or beyond out borders is still cheaper (you admitted this not me) and will always be chosen over using US engineers since they prove to be incompetent, using the new NSX as a prime example.
Like I said, stop posting. You are using really weak data to support your argument.

yerp. IBM now has more oversees employees than in the US. Crazy!

What makes a comparison to past growth irrelevant exactly. Work will be cheaper elsewhere, but not cheap enough to put up with the transit costs, transit delay, inflexibility and potential quality issues.

I was only mentioning the US so you would have a point of reference. I myself am from Germany where the engineers still know what they're doing and are world leaders in niche fields. For example the company that supplies pretty much all of the major tunnel boring machines in the world is German, and unlike a few hyped up Silicon Valley memes you've never heard of Herrenknecht.

Meanwhile Australia shuts down its last car manufacturing plant as car companies move towards global platforms. Just accept that blumpf is doing more for workers than you pinko faggots ever have.

What if they made battery replacement stations that swapped out your dead battery for a charged one? Of course this wouldn't work with current electric vehicles and every car would need interchangeable batteries but i think it could be done

>with shrinking income disparity between the western world and other countries (and therefore shrinking profit advantage from outsourcing production)
do you seriously believe this
holy fuck.

this is the kind of thing globalism and outsourcing was supposed to fix.

Newsflash, it hasn't, and never will.

This sounds like heaven for a shitbox, as long as they don’t ban personal cars or ICEs altogether.
>driving down the freeway during rush hour
>traffic is moving at 65 rather than the usual 35
>all the self driving cars move out of my way for the safety of their own passengers
>no speed cops, self driving cars have made them a waste of tax dollars
>normies pointing and staring at my glorious boxy station wagon which has not been affected by the death of gas production because it runs on french fry grease
>pay extra taxes for carbon emissions etc but idgaf, I can afford it

>because it runs on french fry grease
i strongly suspect biogas will be a thing by then, as in basically gasoline produced by modified algea.

yeah, I don't see why people think self-driving cars are a bad thing for their car hobby. Sure, there might be special self driving-only lanes like how there are carpool lanes right now, but to think that they're going to ban human-driving is 100% crazy.

Oh, and don't forget, your insurance will decrease around 95% as well.

banning human driving, unlikely
insurance premiums for human drivers going way the fuck up? of course.
then again the opposite might happen. classic car insurance is actually pretty cheap because insurance companies realize that classic car owners know what the fuck they're doing and drive super carefully so they're almost never at fault for accidents

We all buy dirt cheap HUMMVEs after they are mass produced for the lithium wars. We don't have all that much.

We're headed for another cartel, but because they also make all the stuff in phones etc. Its gonna be 3 times worse than OPEC

I think that you will eventually just have to go to a track or airport or somewhere similar to get gas. But hopefully we'll just coexist and rev at normies.

what we should be worried about is cobalt. half of it comes from an unstable region in the Congo. Super iffy future supply

t. just did a paper about peak cobalt

>gasoline produced by modified algae
Can only really make diesel from algae, I talked to an engineering student who was working on that a while back, huge potential but then we’d have to worry about the issues inherent with producing lots of passenger diesel cars (more particulate emissions, more NOx, complicated emissions controls for both of those, more expensive manufacture, etc). Biogas for spark ignition would probably just be methane from decomposing food waste, which would need to be stored as a gas, which is an issue for range and storage space as in CNG or LPG cars.

That is my dream too. I can't wait to blast through all the robocucks and get to my destination while they're twiddling on their niggertech and scoffing at my ICE.

they would be blasting past your desu

once lvl4 is perfected it'll be trivial to dial up the Robocar speed to 90+ and have it still be safer than the average person driving at 65

teleportation was being worked on in san marcos california in 1993. we had to build sensors that could track "things" that flowed through tubes from one building to another. we werent allowed to watch but the people buying our shit they wanted said that they could transport small simple non living objects..
this was 1993..

imagine the bombshell that would create if it was realeased at once.

Put the drug paraphernalia down, my friend


>How will horse culture look like when the breeding of equines get banned around the globe? When every normie drives a horseless carriage and feels amazingly smug for "saving the cities from mountains of manure". Will there be a small subsection of the public that still maintains and rides horses that get frowned upon in public for being loud and smelly? Will they stick to their old horses or jump on the other side for the performance gains of the velocipede? What will happen to hay prices when the demand falls off the cliff? Will people horde hay like people horde gun ammo?

Pretty much. We're headed towards a future that caters to the auto enthusiast. No FF compromise cars.

Off topic question: Why don't we build the largest fucking nuclear power plant in the world in the middle of the US in buttfuck nowhere? Like, it would be the size of a small city. 30 miles in diameter for first plant, and 50 the next, etc...

This 2bh

Apparently, the fact that the most recent example was both built near a fault line, a tsunami zone ans in the late 60s means that any new version would be built exactly the same.

Because electricity transport is as much of an issue as electricity production and this approach requires a retardedly huge branching grid, plus it would make the power supply more vulnerable to failure. Decentralized production in an evenly loaded grid is already the best possible approach.


Hopefully fusion, better than covering billions or acres with solar panels and windmills

Tbh nuclear is the only way we can ditch carbon fueled plants for good, but people are retarded about fission and fusion is like 20 years away from being useful, at least 50 from being practical. I hate how people just can’t see the issue with solar and wind, as much as I like both of those, they just take too much space and aren’t consistent enough.