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Old thread

have no idea what the fuck i'm doing in attila, the map is so cluttered
RTW's map put usability first, attila put looking cool first

Reminder that this is a history and anime general

30 Y E A R S ' W A R

W H E N ?

>tfw no sci-fi TW

>That air quality
>That construction quality

It's Total War: China alright.

Yes for Victoria.
No for Cao Cao.

Any building from the last 10 years in Beijing makes western skyscrapers look like childrens toys honestly. Look at the Olympics for example, the bird's nest is probably the greatest Olympic building ever erected.

t. chink

i want to murder Zulus so bad

designed by swiss architects...

am I the only one who sees hidden tank underneath?

accurate all the way down to hundreds of people living in the cramped basement

and the most famous Roman buildings were mostly designed by Greeks, doesn't mean they aren't attributed to Rome. China is undoubtedly the engineering and construction capital of the world, their top government advisors are engineers after all. The US has a hard time concieving of anything as great as a wall or high speed train line these days.

I see a wheel.

No ritual today?

It's gonna be a weekly thing.

They're also ineffective.

by that logic you should say that saudi arabia is engeneering capital as well.

but I don't know shit about warhammer so I might be wrong.


oh and by the way, engeneering was done by british company (Arup). the chineese just paid for the whole thing.

Skaven don't get tanks, and that area is too ramshackle and wooden to belong to either dwarfs or humans.

Sure, Dubai is touted as one of the most impressive cities in terms of engineering and construction, though I doubt Saudi Arabia produces half as many engineers as China does.

>Skaven don't get tanks
They do now.

Yeah but they do get doomwheels and such. Can't wait to spam warp lightning

think Skaven have canonically stolen an empire steam tank, but that picture is clearly just skavenblight possibly the skyre quarter and maybe the surface.



>Skavenblight is in the Old World
>Skaven are a TTW2 faction
>no Old World in the Vortex campaign
I still find this kinda bizarre.



Are you ready, my fellow redditors?

Such a perfect mishmash

I can see that being a thing.


where are my lizards?¿ xD

>30 years war was 400 years ago

nice deflection, /r/atman

Is there a way to set keybinds for abilities? Spamming fanatics is a bit clunky.

Sick memes Grimgor.

Also Lustrian skaven are the least likely to have anything clan related since they are poor and the other clans don't like them and are based in the old world. It would give CA a good excuse to totally butcher their roster, locking warp lightning cannons, hell pit aboms, doomwheels, eshin units and more behind an old world DLC.

as expected

Clan Pestilens tho, senpai

plz no

hahaha hilarious my /r/lizards friend ;)

not sure people are going to be that thrilled by sick rats in habits and a sewerage catapult compared to gatling guns, giant hamster wheels and unkillable monsters.

Also dont forget:

>no clan Mors and fucking with Skarsnik/Memedwarf for Karak8 domination

>old world DLC

How would this work

I imagine their roster might lack:
>Plague Priest
>Plague Censer Bearers
>Plagueclaw Catapult

For that inevitable Sotek vs Clan Pestilens DLC.

Maybe also Plague Monks, although they're seem too big a unit to omit on release.

They still can have it. Skaven trade their shit between clans.

So dark elves are servants of chaos or what?

Yeah but this is Total War we're talking about here. They're probably just going to have access to the main faction's units anyway.

What I think is really going to happen though is that Tilea/Estalia are going to be in the WH2 map, so that Skaven can just be actual Skaven

there are some slaanesh pleasure cults hiding around with them, but for the most part they worship elf gods like khaine

Dark Elves are their own thing but in the old canon they supposedly were all about that slaanesh life

misunderstood edgelords

also their leader is the biggest looser in the setting beign intentionally shat on by elven gods just for keks

That's a dlc for sure.

DLC for the second game that adds things to both the Vortex and Grand campaigns. Maybe?

>What I think is really going to happen though is that Tilea/Estalia are going to be in the WH2 map
What? That's WH1 map you are talking about.

So they are immune to chaos corruption spreading from the north unlike humans?

They are just really pissed. Hate moulds them.

Are they angry about elves?

Yeah, but nothing's stopping CA from using a chunk of the old world to have Skavenblight on the map. Conquistadors are already going to have armies in Lustria so why not just be like eh fuck it here's 2 already existing factions but with actual tilean/estalian units instead

I fucking love the no RoR mod.

It varies depending on edition.
They're asshole elves.
Some worship Chaos to some degree(usually Slaanesh), but in general they worship their own gods, but through more twisted rites than the Helves(Welves are just as fucked as the Delves though).
They specifically have a series of great watchtowers watching the Chaos wastes and are technically the most competent constant anti-chaos faction in the setting. Not that much chaos shit is written for Naggaroth because it's a backwater shithole lore-wise though.

Not completely, in general though yeah; same way Elves can handle more complex magic than humans.

>but nothing's stopping CA from using a chunk of the old world to have Skavenblight on the map
That's just stupid. Whole reason of those maps is to cover as much of warhammer world as possible.

The fuck did I do to you. Khazrak?

Seriously, they literally just spawned last turn.

They're already going to have the Southlands in the game anyway and potentially Araby, so again what's stopping them from having Estalia/Tilea to put the pressure on the Southlands and Ulthuan from the east?

Except for the fact that they stated it would not depict any part of the old world map. Four continents only.

Skavenblight as a city is actually pretty irrelevant. With the exception of the end times and the skaven just making the southern realms disappear all night, literally every important Skaven dance is done far, far away from the "capital".

>are technically the most competent constant anti-chaos faction in the setting
Oh, I thought that was lizardmen.

>Skaven have access to tunnels which allows them quick acess to and from the new world.


I just don't want Skaven to be a fucking horde faction

what ahppened in Norsca

>They're already going to have the Southlands in the game anyway and potentially Araby
So what?
>Estalia/Tilea to put the pressure on the Southlands and Ulthuan from the east?
They will do that on combined map. That's the whole reason for creating it.

mate, Teclis is already a horde faction. So with the approach that the same race can have two starts, one being horde and one being normal start with a city, it's not impossible for them to mix up the horde mechanics for delf black arcs or for skaven.

>No underground layer in WH2

Why live lads.

You showed weakness.

Keyword is competent rather than dedicated. And I mean it in that they set up a defense and the defense worked, unlike everywhere else where Chaos always slips through.

Chaos sometimes slips through the northern watchtowers but only for shit like Archaon's grand theft auto that doesn't really affect anyone except the unlucky watchtower garrison.

Lizardmen have fought Chaos more than anyone else. Delves don't fight them much. I meant the comment as a testament to how good their defense must be.

Looks like the standard WoC game, you want to eliminate every norscan but one, awaken it and then shank it and vassalize it. If you awaken multiple they just fight one another like the tards they are.

And chaos has died

Two were wiped out by Kislev and Kraka Drak survivors. I made the rest of the tribes my vassals. Then almost all the rest turned against me, now they're dead.

ethnic cleansing

>Teclis is already a horde faction
What? Ain't he just start in some kind of elf colony?


WH3, senpai.

No anime

>release a feature the game after the two games where it actually has factions to apply to

Gotta milk that Warhammer cash cow of course

I thought he was on some tower islands elf colony, also hordes seem much less relevant when the game is introducing the ability to take any settlement. If CA have been listening to feedback they should be pretty wary of making more horde factions, they get a lot of criticism. Also I think they might make Hordes more of a campaign stance than a limitation, expect Dark Elves to have sea hordes with buildings and full recruitment options. Even WoC will probably get a mixture of settlements and horde play with the next expansion.

I hate that shit in Heroes 3.

Wouldn't Chaos Dorfs use the underground too?


Have you made sure your troops are happy, /twg/?

No need to be happy when all you've got to do is not die long enough for my cavalry to do all the work.

Somewhat, not really. The chaos stunties have so little written about them at this point that they kinda just sit in the middle of the dead lands and be decadent with their slaves. They mine and shit but they don't really need to be connected to anything. Chaos and Ogres and shit will come by and buy a couple of things every now and then but that's pretty much it.

All their smiles won't make Durthu happy again.
Only the genocide of every other race can do that.

Do it for him.

>besiege Erengrad with Archy and Kholek
>defending army just sails out of the city

So this is the courage of the Kislevites.

>tiny UI makes the game look a whole lot nicer
>can't read anything for shit
How do you do it?

They don't call her Tsarina Chaos-Cocksleeve for nothing.

>try quest battles from the menu
Holy shit, what were CA thinking with some of these army builds?

The cowardly AI is the main reason why i prefer the older TW titles.
>Ai has 2 stacks sieging one of my settlements
>Still doesn't have the balls to actually attack it and would rather just wait 18 turns for the garrison to starve
>Have to march one of my armies over there only for them to run away again

Nope, Teclis is a horde start. There are some ruins nearby that he can take and make it a colony, or he can move into lustria and set up camp there, or just not set up camp and finish the ritual as horde faction