/hg/ - Halo General

Icons of War Edition

>The Halo Wars 2 Icons of War DLC pack is available now for $9.99 or as a free download for season pass owners
- two new leaders, Commander Jerome and The Arbiter, each with their own unique playstyles, units, and abilities
- New blitz cards available exclusively to Jerome and Arbiter
- six achievements for 60 gamerscore

- - - NEWS - - -
Halo Wars 2: Awakening the Nightmare expansion announced for Fall this year

The Complete Oral History of Halo waypoint.vice.com/en_us/article/the-complete-untold-history-of-halo-an-oral-history

Installation 01 Cinematic Trailer

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1st for Omega Team


>spartan spawning with energy sword
Sure, why not...

Gotta keep taking the covvie tech and making it more useful

You are currently browsing /hg/ thread #318.
The featured map is "Raid on Apex 7"

>Previous 50 threads
#317 - At least do it right #316 - Somehow, some way, we are still here #315 - Never Give Up #314 - Final
#313 - Xbox One X
#312 - E3 2017
#311 - Imagine Being Chief in this Scene
#310 - SGT Johnson
#309 - 16-Bit
#308 - 8-Bit
#307 - Banished
#306 - Post GT
#305 - Halo Triple
#304 - Colony
#303 - Custom Warzone
#302 - Customized Gamerpics
#301 - Easter
#300 - Breakthrough
#299 - ITT We Discuss Halo
#298 - Scorpio Specs
#297 - /hg/tage
#296 - Main Menu
#295 - Hunter Leader Inbound
#294 - All Systems Critical
#293 - Failure
#292 - Kinsano
#291 - Hayabusa
#290 - I Want to Believe
#289 - Implying
#288 - Re-Write
#287 - Place Your Bets IV
#286 - Exploration
#285 - Warthog Rush
#284 - Let 'Volir
#283 - Dinos Playing Hoop
#282 - Standard
#281 - Halo Wars 2
#280 - Ultimate
#279 - Early Access
#278 - War of Wits
#277 - Imminent Hexagons
#276 - Soon
#275 - Never Forget
#274 - Opinions
#273 - Halo Wars is the only good Halo
#272 - Definitive
#271 - Blitz
#270 - Inauguration
#269 - Also on PC
#268 - Halo Wars

For even older /hg/ threads, check the archive here:

>warzone map
We must be running out of remaining options

>we warzone maps now
Aaawww sheeeet


This would have been a neater idea, but it'd probably have to be symmetrical for fairness.
Like both sides have their own Zanzibar that they have to break through.

I actually like Apex

It feels like THE warzone map, like the mode was made, tested, and balanced around it.
Except for maybe Noctus, all of the others have too many problems.

Exact symmetry is not necessary on huge maps, as long as it's relatively equal.

Escape is interesting

Dude Megablocks lmao



>someone spent weeks making this
Did a set ever get released, or was this just the attempt at trying to make that Believe diorama?

it was never a set, it was done by megabloks employees and displayed at some con

From what i understand it was an attempt to make good use out of the partnership between Halo and Megablocks. A new map wpuld be reveled, and MB would get some free advertising.

It's a pretty impressice build. I wonder what ever happened to it.

>6 achievements for 60 gamerscore
The grind never ends

None of them seem that bad this time.
I'm still not even a third done with the Johnson colossus stomps

You know sometimes I can't stand playing Halo or other vidya with you anons and I'm sure I'm disliked by a few people but at least I can rest easy knowing I will never be (((I AM McLovin177)))

Gotta keep up on those dedication points

in my opinion. based more on design and gameplay.

CE: great maps. open. explorsable.. but empty spaces and repeat levels arent good.

Halo2: Good maps. Even more variety. Good action.. But small. more linear. and not as grand as CE

Halo3: : Fair maps. Some are just weak and very uninspiring or very unHalo. However The Ark and The Covenant (tsavo a bit too) are well into amazing. without those 3 missions Halo3 would be a lot less good

Halo 4: Ok maps. nothing special. But unlike Halo3 doesnt have anything horrible. But also nothing over an 8/10.. It has no super good or super bad. just average.. pretty well diverse in enviorments

halo 5: slightly better in ways than Halo4. Yet no map worth praise. Enviorments look good but seem weak. Only a few levels look good. most are just bland

Since my h3 opinion may be the most talked or asked about.. i view its missions as such

>sierra117: Nothing special. Fighting apes in a jungle is not the best Halo moment

>crows nest. weak level. why even replay it

>tsavo. first good map.. enough vehicle fun and combat. one of halo3s better maps

>storm. ok level. id say its decent. scarab battle is not as good anymore. and too short

>floodgate.. outside of elite buddies its not good..

>the ark. GoaT map.

>the covenant. TWO SCARABS

>cortana.. horrible

>halo.. Lets take a possible AoTcR remake that could have been on TheArk/Covenant tier. but instead a shit fight. shit boss. escape part was run but The Maw had a timer which was better

I'll wholeheartedly agree that the run in CE was far better than the run in 3

Any /hg/ anons want to play Halo Online?

>I'm still not even a third done with the Johnson colossus stomps

I have 2, by the time you get colossi nobody uses anything weak enough to get killed by them. Especially now that most games are over by that point because of WE WUZ the spartan

I like crows nest, i find the whole base defense thing quite cosy and the sections where you fight 8+ brutes are quite fun.

Hit me up with a download link and maybe

There's also the issue of Johnson being not that useful in general. I can win with most players, but Johnson and Decimus I have to work like 3 times harder. Add in trying to get specific types of kills agains specific types of enemies and it's such a pain.

Get the mod manager if you want cosmetic mods like Halo 3 armor.

Johnson recently got a buff in respect to the Mantis in regards to health and shooting while moving making him a bit more useful.
The weakness of the colossus is still apparent though, in that it has no real Y ability of note.

It literally kills marines faster by just shooting at them rather than powering up the stomp. Why this hasn't been adressed in a patch is beyond me.

Literally metal gear

That feel when a girl finally tells you she loves you

Post maps


Damn, so that's all it takes



I prefer H3's warthog run because explosions. If you go too slow the ground also actually does fall away beneath your feet.


Do we have any clues as to how many missions it's going to be?

I've heard only two... but that can't be right

Any anons hear what happened to Halo online today? Some famous youtuber gave exposure and playerbase is now thriving, to any anons who still a haven't downloaded/played it: mega nz slash #!05kEGBBA!f-CGZGqPhPDwXvW-M4vCg0FpbxUWDoxGs8y_JcxcXWU


>Some famous youtuber gave exposure and playerbase is now thriving

>some famous youtuber
user, pls
>the playerbase is now thriving
As someone that actually plays eldewrito, this is false

Which youtuber?

Hey guiz it's me late-night and my Dad works at 343





Why is the lecel "the covenant" called that?

Because it's the end



These are my best screenshots




Probably look better with black lettering and the white background




>mfw this general right now

Spartan Assault Co Op is... actually fun

Will halo 5 ever come to PC?

>Will halo 5 ever come to PC?
It's already on PC

I mean the campaign not just the forge. I've only got a 360, and have no intention of buying an xbox one.

Have you been living underground?

The campaign is trash.
No it's never coming to PC

Probably not.
It's really a shame Microsoft didn't just release H5F on steam with no xbox connectivity. It probably wouldn't be dead.

Who takes care of the thread at night?


I do, until I go to bed around 2 or 3 a.m
And then I go to sleep wondering if it'll still be here when I wake up.
Sometimes I hope it isn't.

Keep fighting the good fight, user.
Nobody said it was also the easy fight.

Are you really bias?

Halo is the official shooter of the united states.

May lady liberty watch over and protect /hg/

Happy 4th

Figured I'd drop by and give a bump or 2 while I listened to music

Please play more often, friend

She's cute, m8

I'd be down to play Reach more often. I can't bring myself to play 5 anymore ince I've got everything unlocked.


bias was eaten by a skinwalker months ago

Can Halo Online become big enough to make Halo relevant again?

Bias? Why thats a name I havnt heard in a long...long time

a whole hour

1:17 hours

Is ElDewrito legit Halo 3 on PC or just an elaborate ruse? Seems too good to be true.

It's neither.
It's not quite legit halo 3 but it's still very good.

were it so easy

It is

Soviet Turf

Go to Valhalla in MCC today and look at the forerunner wall for part 1 of cheevo

Thanks for the heads up!

Oh nice reminder user!

Is there a zanzibar sign today too?

It can help.
I01 will be a big test

Thanks for the heads up, user