Just got off phone with dealer

>him: "yeah I hate to say it man, but Japanese cars just have better quality of manufacturing than American cars."

Is he right? He also said that compression ignition (non diesel) technology is coming that offers more torque and better mileage. Thoughts?

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Wow a dealer actually telling the truth. That's not normal.


A lot of "Japanese" cars are made in the US. A lot of "American Cars" are made in Canada and Mexico.

American - better Air conditioning, electronics and safer in crashes.

Japanese - better reliability and quality overall.

German - best for the first 4 years (minus technology and A/C) then no one wants to own unreliable German cars out of warranty.

Italian - driving feel but shit quality.


It’s funny how many cars and parts from foreign manufacturers are “outsourced” to America and then sold as “foreign” cars.

If an American car company actually brought their manufacturing back to the US we could probably compete against them AND slap a hecho en USA sticker on it.

Mazdas new engine

Everything Apple makes is made in China. What's your point?

A guy in chile drives a nissan truck with big made in usa letters in the truck bed

>shit products made in shit country
whats your point

>Ignoring all the massive recalls of Japanese cars and parts within past 2 years

That's a meme from the 80s and 90s.

They are almost all equally matched now.

The US has strange laws allowing the importing of cars, so most of the time they're 'made' in Japan and 'assembled' in the US.

If you're considering the car in the pic, my mum just bought one here in bongland. She says its ok. Autotragic though

The Dealer just bull shitting, test drive and buy what you like

As for the Mazda compression ignition engine, it's worth the wait, better torque and higher horse power
Improved structure so the new body frame is 30% stiffer, 25%less noise and vibrate and all these are achieved without adding weight
The transmission is better tuned to make cornering smoother and the new suspension helps reduce unwanted body motions

This. Too many memes exist about the auto industry

>Italian - driving feel but shit quality.
So true, a friends Giulia Quadrifoglio that I drove is hands down the best car I've ever been in. Though I wouldn't want to own one for more than a year or two when they start crapping themselves.

2 Japanese companies are in hot water right now. One for turning airbags into anti personnel mines. The other for making sub standard steel for cars.

I worked at a Honda dealership before, salesman will get fired if they lied to a customer.
At least that's how it was for our dealership, they're also not allowed to be biased when asked to compare vehicles like Accord vs. Camry/Altima/etc.
It wasn't hard because Honda's lineup is usually better than their competitors.

German cars are safer in crashes btw

They need to be especially with their failure rates.

>As for the Mazda compression ignition engine
Why is Mazda always trying to do so many things? They tried rotary engines. Capacitor energy storage. Fuel cells. And now this compression ignition concept. And of course the chinese will save a ton of money by just copying it because selling it is where the money is made.

>One for turning airbags into anti personnel mines.
It's technically a chinese owned company. It divested a lot of its assets to protect them from lawsuits and then transferred the core intellectual property and other assets it couldn't legally divest into new chinese company ownership to force a legal technicality break in the paper trail.

>The other for making sub standard steel for cars.
The lawsuit is filed against chinese metal suppliers for supplying bad metal alloys to Japan.

You know how dealerships work right? The manufacture can't have direct control over the dealership and dealerships are independently operated.

Im a total fan of GM but i love Mazda for trying new shit they keep stepping up the game of their competitors

Yours would be the exception then, most dealerships employ salesmen who know as much about a car as the homeless man across the street from the dealership.

Because when you patent shit, and other legit non chink companies needs to use that tech later on becuase their R&D fell through, then they can charge then X amount per vehicle.

You know why a lot of Chinese automakers can't sell out side china? Because they would get their asses handed to them in copyright infringements if they tried to.

That's why Tesla still has a lot of problems selling in many USA states due to the state laws. But lobbyists keep on getting exemptions as legislators see the light (chinese led light no doubt) or get some tesla payola under the table.

>It’s funny how many cars and parts from foreign manufacturers are “outsourced” to America and then sold as “foreign” cars.
>If an American car company actually brought their manufacturing back to the US we could probably compete against them AND slap a hecho en USA sticker on it.

How do you plan to combat the massive price increases that come from manufacturing in the US? It's nigh impossible to continue selling a product at a reasonable price when the manufacturing transfers to USA

>How do you plan to combat the massive price increases that come from manufacturing in the US?
That's why the USA should lower the minimum wage to $1 per hour in all states. And make it mandatory that a state cannot require a company to give benefits to employees. By making it this way for ALL companies in the usa, that creates a fair and level playing field for companies to compete with Chinese businesses and their low-priced products.

All those salaries and benefit packages currently required by law for usa employees raises the product prices. That's why if you want the usa to compete with chinese prices, you have to lower the cost of production by a huge amount.

Continual Innovation is good. I like seeing a healthy attitude towards taking risk in developing new ideas to keep ICE useful and efficient in cars. I just get nervous about anything that is "high compression" though as it always implies non-leaky piston rings and a less forgiving engine environment.

You're retarded, labor costs barely factor in to electronics. Apple literally can't make anything in the US anymore because all of the skilled workers and vendors are in Shenzhen.

>Japanese steel
Pick one

yes. they do. Toyota literally invented LEAN manufacturing. ask anyone who's studied statistical methods of reliability and you will inevitably end up on the subject of Toyota. also, pic related.

oh no the airbag might explode in .3% of accident!

>Apple literally can't make anything in the US anymore because all of the skilled workers and vendors are in Shenzhen.

The is the irony of things when industry is destroyed by copyright theft, patent theft, and general intellectual property theft. It has happened more than once that the usa industry that invented or created a certain industry had so much of its customer base eroded by chinese pirate products that the company was then weak enough to be purchased by those very same pirates. Thus the intellectual property transferred from the inventor or developer right into the hands of the pirates.

>can't make anything in the US
>all of the skilled workers and vendors are in Shenzhen

Sounds like this problem needs to be corrected if only Trump would be allowed to do so.

again with the german car memes, nigger I don't know what third world shithole you live in but here even a fucking 30 year old bmw still runs with no problems and shits all over everything else on the road. mercs and audis too.
electric shit might fail but the car as a whole, the chasis, the engine, the engineering is tight as fuck. especially bmw straight six engines. those things are incredible.
>muh reliability
just change the fluids when you're supposed to and don't drive the car like a literal retard and it will last you a million km. I swear the average normie fuck thinks the second they buy a car they're exempt from ever maintaining it, like it's some magical shit that self regenerates, not a piece of machinery.

that's because 30 years ago bmw built cars to last, and now they just make shit that expires after a couple of years so people will buy new one.

thats a lot

Even if the model is manufactured outside of Japan, I would usually agree due to Japanese manufacturers enforcing their stringent quality control systems/audits on their overseas subsidiaries.

Not to say that everyone gets a free pass - they all sweep stuff under the rug to some extent but I would still put Toyota first in terms of global QC systems among Jap automakers.

>t. working in autist auto industry in Japan

>"yeah I hate to say it man, but Japanese cars just have better quality of manufacturing than American cars."
Not if it was Mitsubishi. It had decades of corruption before it finally squandered enough of its resources to shrink to the point of being sold by the parent corporation while there was still some value left in it.

If a German makes something out of steel, great. If a German makes something out of glass, fantastic. If a German makes ANYTHING out of plastic, run the fuck away.