/dbg/ Dragon Ball General

shit you want edition

>DLC 4 included:
- 2 New Playable Characters: Merged Zamasu and SSGSS Vegito
- 3 New Parallel Quests
- A New storyline based on DBS Future Trunks Arc
- Some new costumes, including SS4 Goku and Great Ape Suit, as well as (static) saiyan tail accessory
- DBS accurate variants of SSB Goku, Vegeta, Kid Trunks and Future Trunks
Some of it is free too

>DLC 3 included:
– 3 New Playable Characters: Zamasu, Goku Black (Super Saiyan Rosè Goku Black), Bojack
– 1 New Master: Bojack
– 3 New Parallel Quests
– 5 New Attacks (4 Bojack mentor skills and Rosè Kamehameha)
– 3 New Costumes (Future Mai's outfit, Black's Gi, Zamasu's outfit)
– 2 New Poses

>Helpful Xenoverse 2 Data/Links

>1.06 patchnotes
>1.07 patchnotes

>Xenoverse 2 Mods

>No Hud Mod (for beautiful screenshots)

>Xenoverse 2 changes

>new 2D 3vs3 fighter by ARCSYS announced

PC: steamcommunity.com/groups/vfightersXenoverse
PS4: Search "Dragon Ball General"
XBone: account.xbox.com/en-GB/clubs/profile?clubid=3379873991575336
/dbg/ players: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ElJpKAB8F9xw-4oqsOuorggP_Hngdvxm7aduvpY1DIg
/dbg/ discord: discord.gg/wtSsdgv

steam > userdata > [your steam id] > 323470 > remote > DBXV2
DBXV2.sav should be there, which is your savefile
If you wish to delete it to try reimporting or for other reasons, disable steamcloud on both xenoverse 1 and 2 first.

>Xenoverse Booru: Upload all Drawfaggotry here

last time on /dbg/:

Other urls found in this thread:


Remember to punch Gokus of all types

>when ningen just won't harken

Jesus that's ugly. Green skin and gold hair do not mesh

Yes but it's kind of like an ugly dog in that it's endearing somehow.

>no mewtwo helmet yet

Real slow night around here, hopefully the thread doesn't die because of the 4th of July

Thinking of getting XV2 before the steam sale ends. I remember having fun with XV and the /dbg/ threads at the time, though I joined in late. What am in for lads?

way less super armour and ult spam from the ai, Better put together combat, slightly less grind, and more ways to punish/get punished during a fight.

I miss AI super armor. ;_;
I may be the only person that does but it made the later PQs actually challenging.

>I miss AI super armor. ;_;

I do. I'd put on super armor myself and slug it out. It was fun.


kids these days have no appreciation for a vicious slugfest.


What mod all cap-san?

sorry i didn't notice it was in all caps

Just use the everything in store mod on the website in the pastebin

{but i want the extra skills}

Just reading it it does seem like a bit of a clunky mod, you'd probably be better off finding a few separate things that you like rather than installing all of that

How do i install just the items and skills in the shop i don't care about the characters..

Well i want the special skills he included too i don't know if they work online but he says they do

the shop files will be in

>system/items/then the files are here

So you can try just installing that I suppose

I can't get this to work!
Why doesn't this work for me?

Is there a mod to give Saiyan females the Human female top, and vice versa?

>Dragon Ball FighterZ at EVO
>probably won't even reveal new characters
Yeah woo so cool that we get the priviledge of watching a bunch of nerds play more of a demo build.

At least when Nintendo held that cringe-y SSB tournament at E3 some years back the game was right around the corner and tons of characters were playable.

This game's like a fraction of the way done and won't come out until next year.

At least we get to see Trunks gameplay

looks like a dirty, smelly fujoshit

Sometimes it's just neat to see what combos you're capable of, even if most of them won't work online, or even be viable to pull off.

I'm no fighting game fanatic but I think the fact it has a presence at EVO at all is quite notable, right? Shows they're serious about this.
Also is pretty important too.

Is that confirmed or just assumed?

>but I think the fact it has a presence at EVO at all is quite notable, right?
For sales and interest? Yeah, maybe.

But personally it's fucking boring unless they reveal more characters. If I wanted to watch a fighting game tournament with only 4-6 characters I'd go watch competitive Melee.

Well, the Tweet linked here was deleted saiyanisland.com/2017/07/dragon-ball-fighterz-at-evo-in-july-with-future-trunks-playable/

No wait, it was wrong twitter.com/EVO/status/882014015949426688

God damn. Are there any more events happening this year that might have some reveals or are we stuck with blurry Jump screens until next year?

>bojack mentor
Oh shit, I picked the wrong time to stop playing. Did the game really pick up much after the 2nd pack, because I was getting a little bored around then.

Don't get excited. You have to farm hundreds of TP Medals to get Bojack to be your mentor.

He's not just flying around or some shit, you have to buy him out? That's kind of dumb.

You should use vanishing balls. For combos.

It's really, really dumb.

He won't train you unless you have a full set of Bido and Bujin's clothes in your bag, including the Bujin turban accessory.
They're all bought in the TP Medal shop.

I've also heard you need to wear Bojack's outfit to get the final lesson and learn his Ult.

Ignoring the dumb conditions to get him to train you in the first place, Bojack is a pretty neat mentor. His skills are all great too.

Honestly, every DLC pack was better than one before it.

It's also a great way to bring back dead generals from page 10.

Have another with savage flavor.

Here's something fun Celine found: If you use the Scouter after being turned into candy, you can still attack, use supers and ults and even transform.

You still turn back after a while though.

Also it still works if you get candy'd while in your Scouter already, probably better that way since you get some extra candy time to mess around with.

Its pretty fun yeah

I love it, too bad I'm the only one who actually uses Candy Beam.

Post Towa

bigger slut than chronoa

I use it on a few sets too after seeing you play around with it. Shame that the scouter thing ruins its usefulness, but at least it'll make for some nice screens!


Probably not a whole lot of people know about it so you can still use successfully it i guess.

Eh, I don't pvp much anymore regardless. Cool screens are more important!

What's the appeal of buusluts? The degeneracy? Or are they actually good?

They're fun to play and Taino is cute.

RIP Candy Beam, at least it can still give us fun screenshots.

Wow someone actually saved it

>Taino is cute
can you back those claims ?

It being my opinion makes it an irrefutable fact, as I am clearly the beacon of hope and good taste in an otherwise bleak and tasteless world.

Well most people like character they fantasize about having sex with so there is that. From a combat perspective yea they are pretty good. If broken their stamina zooms back real quick, their heavy attack has super good range and in lag makes it fucking impossible half the time for people to hit them, and there's a slew of other things that make them good gameplay wise.

Personally I don't care to play as them.

>tfw make a team but no one wants to join

>asking what's so good about buufus

You're referring to them having the best race-exclusive pants in the game, right? You know, the poofy ones.

you better mean the sleeveless+scarf top and the zr bottom

They do actually have one of the top 3 pants in the game, that being the Fun Suit bottoms.

Its alright, finding shoes that work well with it is a bitch tho.

Skintight pants with the same color as their skin

Yeah, that's true. It cuts off a bit around the shins, making it rather limited in what you can use since the cutoff looks weird with shorter shoes.

I don't think it had that issue in XV1, but I could be remembering wrong. But I do know the shorts could go full black back then, and not black with grey strips.

I like #17's

Absolutely on the top, we need more scarves in general. While the Fun Suit bottoms aren't really to my taste, they're still some of the best pants in the game thanks to how unique they are. Finding shoes is totally a pain though. It's a bit silly how many pants are cut short to avoid clipping.

The fun suit bottoms are great but they did something strange with the lighting or with the textures of the pants so now the colors look really off compared to how they did in XV1.

This would've been an amazing finish if he didn't still have super armor, but oh well.

Alright, beat the last dlc and fucked up Trunks' future for good. What do you guys recommend I do in the game now, kinda feel without reason

You pose with people and fight them

train, try out move combos, pvp, z rank erryting, get all moves and clothes, etc.

Alright, thanks. Guess ill also make a buufu later too

that's the spirit

So how does the shading in Fighters? Work I'm trying to replicate it in Blender

Is it impossible for a PS4 controller to work properly on X2? What the fuck? My camera constantly spins and some buttons are unresponsive

Why does that Gohan have two bangs and earrings?

It's a PS4 game, why wouldn't a PS4 controller work? Are you sure your controller isn't just broken?

Are you an idiot? That's Raoh

literally whomstve?

What matters more?



a e s t h e t i c


Probably something like this, which is why it looks so good. Time consuming and difficult though.


I'm playing on steam. Pretty sure it's not broke

Both, that's why they added QQ bangs.

Fashion. It's also why I don't play XV2 anymore.

The average build is totally NOT cute!

Take moves into consideration as well.

Yet despite it everyone still looks like a mismatched WoW reject.

That's because they can't coordinate for shit

You're cute

I found some in depth articles on /3/ about it, its pretty smart, I wonder how they prevent some 3d issues unless they just go through it manually.

Who doesn't look like Gohan at this point?

I'm a minmaxing slut, but QQ's don't make me choose.

t-thanks user

hakai this

bufuus are good for getting pregnant

>the furry universe is getting deleted in just 4 days
thank god

feels good

>implying you can impregnate bubblegum

tfw no super buu w/ gohan absorbed w/ candy beam evasive

If they want it, you can. Or do you think the magic bubblegum shapeshifter can't make a womb?