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>Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc Steam Page:

>Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair Steam Page:

>Danganronpa AE: Ultra Despair Girls Steam Page:

>Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony for PS4, PS Vita, and Steam on September 26th (N. America), and September 29th (Europe)

>DR 1-2 Reload On PS4

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kaito big dick


Angie and her beloved Tenko!

akamatsu-chan!K-KAEDE S-STOP... edition!

Why nips hate ch4? Is the best chapter of the game and where Ouma shines IMO

>when your waifu is so cute she makes you vibrate at the speed of light

I love Junko Enoshima!


>nee-san will never treat you like human filth
>she will never mock you for having a small penis
>she will never tell you that there's no way you'd be able to satisfy her while pressing her foot into your crotch
>she will never laugh at you for getting hard from the bullying before sitting on your face
>she will never verbally abuse you while rubbing her pussy on your face, covering you in her juices and making it difficult for you to breathe
>she will never force you to dress like a girl while wearing a chastity device with a vibrator up your ass
>she will never train you into a good and obedient little slut
>she will never spank you in front of everyone when you make a mistake or behave badly
>she will never pat your head and call you a good girl while you're giving her head
Why even live?

Best giri.


i want to fuck Kaito



kaito good boobs

Baka normie

Nips hate Chapter 4? When?
I know they don't like Chapter 6.

it's my twitter feed fault

I agree.

Oh yeah almost forgot, second last time I'm reposting my survivor swimming fic!

Beat the meat?

Why do people make text chat group fics? Most of the time they're xDD so random-tier.

heat. HEAT.

Because they want to simulate the experience of having friends

Most of them are very out of character also


Will the western fandom love Hoshi?

Hajime tapped that.

Because it's easy to write. You don't really have to explain what their actions, just dialogues that can and will be grammartically wrong because "muh casual chat"

He'll be liked. Not overly loved by the majority, but is generally liked.

Much like every Chapter 2 victim and culprit, there will be a minor surge of popularity for him before everyone just ultimately shits on him for wanting to kill himself.

Yeah probably, there isn't really anything to dislike about him and Western fanbases are more open to receiving cartoony/unconventional designs anyway (see: Sans Undertale)

Yeah, I remember one with every character being gay and Kaede being a sassy bitch. Didn't really sit well with me.

Are we not gonna talk about Hoshi's english VA?

Everyone's just disappointed that it's not David Hayter or Jamieson Price. Chris is good but meh.

Posting best girl!

I don't know if I've ever found one that doesn't read like it's a bunch of original characters with DR names attached to them.

I think everyone already guessed it. He sounds good and I'm looking forward to hearing more lines.

Can't wait for fanart of the V3s in their DR1/2 voice counterparts' outfits, especially Gundam Hoshi

Would you?

>animal lovers
>both go on about how terrible and dangerous they are but are among the kindest and least threatening of their class
>both plan to sacrifice themselves for the sake of the others

In japanese fandom, he's not very popular but there's a difference between an unpopular character that everyone respects or have a positive view between an unpopular character because of hate, in Hoshi's case it's the first option, that's why Kodaka didn't mind his place in the poll unlike korekiyo and angie. I don't think it will be different in western fandom but I can already see some people liking him because of relatable depression and kin stuff. Sad.

I want to kidnap all of the Shuichi's bullies and destroy their assholes for being such assholes.



Hoshi's definitely dangerous, he killed 15 yakuza and went along with someone's plan to get out and thus killing the rest. Gundam couldn't even kill a real person himself, he had to send his hamsters out to kill a robot.

If tumblr starts claiming you can't understand him if you don't have depression I'll scream
Oh yeah absolutely, but my point was he's never a threat to the class at any point during the game.

>Go on Japanese Danganronpa BBS
>600 post thread wondering how the fuck Monofunny puking works

Hoshi became a threat as soon as he said he'd be willing to die. Gundam was never a threat, always a joke.

Whoops, missed this part
>went along with someone's plan to get out and thus killing the rest
It's heavily implied that he didn't. He left scratches on the sink showing that he put up one hell of a fight. It's ambiguous whether Kirumi actively lied or was deluding herself.

But how does it work?


Drowning's a hell of a way to go though, you can't exactly just sit there and take it. There's shit in our bodies that naturally has us try to avoid dying so that's what I wrote that off as.

I don't know whether I should be crying, laffin, cringing, screaming or doing all of those four

You should kill yourself for reading fanfiction

You'd have thought if Hoshi was completely complicit she wouldn't have had to kill him in such a violent, brutal manner.

I forgot Tengen existed.

What was his goal again?

Well he was handcuffed and was hit in the head with a broom, so he wasn't really prepared for it.

Next chapter of Korenko fic out

Something I think interesting about character X is popular somewhere and hated in another place is that we are able to see cultural differences. Considering that western is so dependant or influenced by japanese fandom for opinions is there any character which japan loved but was hated here or vice versa?

Russia really likes Korekiyo for some reason

Maizono springs to mind maybe? She seems popular in Japan but Westerners seem to be more likely to dislike her.

>“Yes, Tanaka-kun’s hamster…” Shinguuji said. “I'm keeping him warm by putting him in my pocket. Kukuku.”


the best!

>tfw just reached 500 best girls!

Nice, I'll give it a read sometime later, Angiesis.

Meanwhile, I completed the lewdfic last night: archiveofourown.org/works/10981227/chapters/25522263
I really like how this turned out! To think it was just something I wrote out of boredom one day.

god i wish that were me

>that pic
I love bunny best girls!

Some time ago an user said Celestia was more popular than kirigiri somewhere

Celes is great, easily my favourite from DR1 and I wish we saw more of her. Not that she should have lived or anything, her execution was perfect.

>there is at least 500 pictures of Ouma cross dressing

They love each other very much!

You know why.

Don't go boosting Aussie Celes' ego!

He has a design from a trap doujin.

Oooh, same! Gonna have a look at your fic later. Right now busy with some other stuff, haha.

I like to think that Ouma would be a good dad.

bunny best girls! truly is a sight to behold

nips have good taste

>good mom
Fixed that for you

youtube.com/watch?v=1BnZLuW92Hw who would sing these Nagito or Makoto

Kirumi did everything wrong.

which one?

Ouma is a succubus(male)

>kuzu hasn't shown up today
Who's willing to bet he has one hell of a hangover?

I bet he's either in baby jail or banned.

Hangover, babies, the cat and Bijin-san's attention too. Unless he was murdered after he went to drink more.

But she's my best girl for that reason.

i hope not, he has yet to post his manly thighs

Where is everyone?

I think chapter 2 would be better if Kirumi's plan was to get along with hoshi to trick him into sacrificing himself for her, it would explore both characters better and give way more impact to the player as well



fuck off
hopefully he never comes back

Sounds more like Nagito to me.

The last two hopefully dead.

Jessposting? Majority of it gone
Trashman? Probably high or doing things 13-year-olds do

> ban kuzuanon
Ya'll done fucced up

>Sakura is the only female with a higher BMI rating.

Saionji was right to bully her.

How will we entertain ourselves without an alcoholic nip to tease?

She actually would have gotten away with it if the Monokuma file didn't say Hoshi died from drowning.