Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #886
Harsh enjoys an Edition at the beach

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


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- switch all locale/system/region/date/time/everything settings to Japanese
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Main Site:
FAQ Image Guide:
Win10 FPS Issues? Use this:!IVA1HbwK!jZPRU9yFcCiKGGb5dokAog

/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game [Preferred]:
Manual Installation (For masochists, not recommended):

>Character Cards [Database]:

>Mods & More:
AA2 Pastebin:
Recommended Mods Guide:
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

Previous thread:

Other urls found in this thread:!gtRzxB6B!djoV1OnJfY6oIOtLQmz6oQ

aa3 when


What did they mean by this?


>Download of personality pack at 91%
>suddenly download stops
>reached my download limit with mega free account
>have to either pay or wait 3 hours to continue


Just change your ip adress

most of the stuff in that pack is garbage anyway so you arent missing anything

>deciding which non-Marie Poppo OJ to make next...

Sweet Breaker is the cutest but Krila is also an acceptable choice.



I'm back. I know it's not a very interesting way to fix the problem, but it was the easiest way I could think of. If anyone has any requests or improvements I'd be glad to hear them. Just be specific on account of my autism.

I doubt I'll ever make a more AMERICAN girl than the one I made last year but AMERICAN FUCK YEAH all the same.

Post WIPs.

roll I suppose.


can you focus your camera please


The hat is really cute.

New to the game, here is my first attempt at a decent character after installing mods
feel free to rate

Your graphics and settings will get louder reeees than the girl herself. Crack up the anti aliasing, replace your default hair texture and highlight. Then repost her.

Looking decent, I think. Like the other guy said, turn up the antialiasing and get a new hair highlight. Also think she'd benefit from a less saturated sweater, maybe a different pair of glasses since the default pairs look like floating bits of plastic. Besides that, not bad at all.

Top middle is cutest

Is it just me or is that girl's face really low on her head? Roll.


>still not using best girl

I see a few qts there

better than my first/10

>most of the personalities are nice happy girls
>not enough mean or violent type personalities

you know what to do

more mean personalities when

Smart can get pretty nasty.

I wish I could kill myself in-game

You can. Start a new file with all the characters except your PC.

Just piss off a yandere instead.

Thats after you get in a relationship.

Piss off a lowest virtue yandere.



I'm sorry to be the one to break this to you but... Nobody has made a futa card with AAU.

I don't believe you.

Nope. I would know trust me. If anyone sais otherwise they either just made the card or memeing. But you can make it possibly who knows.

Like this.
Compare the half dress state size to the full nude

Did Moses part those boob spacing?

I blame the pose.
Also spacing can get tricky on +100 size soft boobs. For me at least

>what is harsh/irritated

I have an intense attraction to green hair

Rollin rollin rollin RAW HIDE

There i fixed it

Is there a guide for how to do it? I know you override the pubic hair, I'm just not sure with what.

Well, if you download the old futa mod, all you gotta do is set the pubic hair to 1, 3 or 4. That's it. It adds a fairly unamazing dick to your girls, if that's what you want. I got tired of it, so I just use the strapon + additional positions.

i'm too lazy to add more back hair strands

The file structure of the futa mod archive pretty much tells you everything you need to know really, all the files you need to replace are there for you to just copy/paste.

Not exactly, these other two are fine too

Miss America is on my mega.!gtRzxB6B!djoV1OnJfY6oIOtLQmz6oQ
If her eyes aren't on there too they should be in the super pack.

When you do things to the body you have to do things to the nipples to avoid a certain visual glitch. He probably made them smaller when he did it because fuck you superior nipponese tiny nipples.

Any idea if there's a way to change the texture on the sex toy?

Is the strap on a mod?

I haven't bothered to look. The dildo's in the base game when you do girl/girl. Little purplish thing with bumps on it. Looks like it'd feel nice.

Cool. I'm digging in.


Any you niggas got a card for my waifu Il Duce? I'm too bad to make my own cards

No, make her yourself.

bad husbando

I mean, I can fap just fine to the squid sisters but I learned how to rotate a hair in metaseq not too long ago. Does anyone here have any suggestions on making the squid sisters eye masks?

face tan texture.

I'd make them a tan unless they have a 3D presence.

what does that look like in 3d

at least try. If you show us how cute you think she is someone might give you a hand.

good idea, i'll look up how to get started.

i'm sorry, i dont understand these responses

Does the "mask" protrude from her face or is it just body paint? If it's paint, a tan is perfect. If it is a removable mask, a tan is not perfect.

>i'll look up how to get started.
this might come in handy

Now that's an interesting solution. Let's see what I get.

How do I make an amazonian?

The "Tall" button.
You. Which dick did you like best?

medium and balls
very vanilla

Now, this is a shitton of overrides, so I'm not sure exactly where I should draw the line here. Link me the futastuff so I can download it all and repack the whole bunch into an override collection.

i took a good look at them, i'd say they're closer to body paint meaning a tan works perfectly.

Two questions:

Did the translation actually take 6 months?

Do we still get "complementary" dolphin porn with each download?

You betcha to both questions.

>Did the translation actually take 6 months?
it took like a few weeks. "Translation is in 6 months" was in relation to HF translation.
>Do we still get "complementary" dolphin porn with each download?
all the porn you want, baby

okay im back after digging through the OP, where's the guide on making a tan?

I have no idea what I am doing or what you are talking about

1. pick a tan
2. copy what it does

Here's *one* of my WIP's

Are you sure you didn't mean to post this on /vn/ or something?


going on what the user gave me, is it really as simple as filling in a few spaces with white and leaving the rest black?

I'm preparing all the cocks you could ever need to suck and making a test girl for you to base all your future futas off of. Might take me a little while to make sure it's all correct, since sets are way easier to manage than overrides are.
Cute girl but the question was certainly intended for here.

what's a set?

the whites will be tanned. The blacks will be ignored. You'll be able to make the tan black with AAU anyway.

AAU shadow sets let you override game files globally in real time. You make the set, enable it, and then any files in that set are taken as the files to load instead of the "real" ones in your pp files. I've done futa this way up until now, but for this card I'm making a permafuta.

The magic of masking.

why do some of the tans other people made include a blur?

because very crisp tans look pixelated on default pixel-density skins. Nowadays everyone is using the high pixel-density skin so you can make the tans crisp again.

i had no idea what the fuck i was doing and the tan failed to work.

i'm gonna quit and go back to making a shota tonight like i planned to

good job user! I'm proud of you!

I hit a snag with the futa thing: in the current futa link it seems Large with balls and Medium with balls are the same thing. Does anyone have an alternate link for the futa mod, with the original selections?

how do i confirm a tan override in aau?

each time i tell it to select a certain tan and switch to a different tab it already unselects the tan

The tan's folder must exist before you open the Maker, even if it has no files.
Select the tan and give a tan opacity.
Press any height button to refresh the model and view changes to the tan file itself.
>unselects the tan
What do you mean? That sounds like an old problem from an old version of AAU.

its not an old version of aau, it's the newest one. it's not selecting the tans even though when i use an older card it selects the tan as it should.

What is the card that is rejecting the tan? One of your own?
There was an old bug where you could not give an AAU tan to a card as the first AAU change made to that card, but that is long-since resolved. That said, give this troublesome girl an outline color or something, save her and reopen her, and then try tanning her.

it is one of my own, it's a new girl that im trying to make.

if that bug has been long since resolved, i am doubting it's been resolved.