/agdg/ - Amateur Game Dev General

Just like make game!

> Play Demo Day 15

> Play Monster Jam

> Helpful links
Website: tools.aggydaggy.com
New Threads: Archive: boards.fireden.net/vg/search/subject/agdg
AGDG Logo: pastebin.com/iafqz627

Previous Thread: Previous Demo Days: pastebin.com/JqsQerui
Previous Jams: pastebin.com/jAByvH3V

> Engines
Construct 2: scirra.com/construct2
GameMaker: yoyogames.com/gamemaker
Godot: godotengine.org
LÖVE: love2d.org
UE4: unrealengine.com
Unity: unity3d.com

> Models/art/textures/sprites

> Free audio

Other urls found in this thread:


Whats the difference(s) between RPG Maker VX and MV?

there's no difference both are shit and only delusional nodev use them

This is the actual resolution of game.
Will add resizing options, no worries.

A VR game where you play as a god to develop a small village. You can sacrifice villagers to fill your mana. Oh... and you have gigantic beast to do your bidding.

but what aspect ratio

I found a better way to travel and bypass unity's shitty physics.


Top tier speed run

I think you need to utilize this kind of gameplay

One's newer, and I'm 100% sure a comparison chart is one quick Google search away. If you want to be lazy perhaps the RPG Maker general can enlighten you.


Though my time here was short, I must go. My people need me.

everyone's got these crazy glitches and I'm sitting here enjoying my moon walk

Nothing personnel. *wave dashes behind you*


So I've got a frame limiter at the end of my game loop to ensure a 60fps limit but should I display the current frame before or after the wait?

Wave dashing was in the game briefly.

Why 60fps? Human eyes can't see more than 30fps. You should limit it to 30 fps.

before obviously, don't want extra input lag for no good reason

whoops, meant to type 24fps

I thought of that but then since the game might take different amounts of time to process a frame depending on how much shit is going on wouldn't that cause inconsistent frame pacing even though it's 60fps?

>trying to trigger a custom user event for all objects
>hahaha fuck you theres no function to do this because all custom events have to be called from within the object(thus ruining the whole fucking point of an event-based system)
>try to do "with(all) {event_user(1)}"
>doesn't work
>turns out you have to do it with "with(object type)" for all object types

God what the fuck were these people smoking? Whats even the point of having an "all" keyword in the first place it it's not goint to do it?

Your animations are absolutely beautiful. Keep it up.

>black Tifa
>less tits more ass
not sure what to feel about this

I would feel her ass

oh I see what you mean now
yeah, probably after

This thread keeps me going. Thank you!


Has anyone sold stuff on the Epic Marketplace before? I've made some blueprints for a system (what it is is a secret right now, can't have some slimy rat boy stealing my idea) and decided I needed a scene to demo how it works so I made these assets (the best quality someone with zero art talent like me can do). Will my submission get rejected because the models are poor quality? If I say the models are included as a bonus, but not what's for sale, will I still be expected to update them?

I've seen this posted before, but holy fuck everytime I watch it it becomes so much more memorizing.

Nevermind, not even with(object) works. Why are these people so intent on crippling user events? I guess I'll have to try the trigger system, which is depreciated(of course).

Is "It's not very effective" copyrighted?

Could make an amazing Blame! style 3D roguelike.

my favorite glitch is probably still this one, all the way from June of last year
I was like "I need to remove stuff from the list of things that can be collided with once a collision happens", and I ended up removing stuff the list of things that exist
it was only around basically long enough for me to record this, but it took me another couple days to figure out how I wanted to actually handle collision resolution

Working on a current project for the next two weeks, but I'm already daydreaming ahead to something else. I'm considering doing an isometric tactical combat game ala Fallout Tactics in mechanical execution. Settingwise, I've been thinking of using the US Revolution for a while since I've been watching the show 'Washington's Spies' and it sparked some love for the combat of the time. Seems like militia vs Brit Skirmishers is a good setting with easy to read visuals.

Any reason why isometric combat games don't get more love in amateur projects? I never really see them.

Your lighting needs to be rebuilt.

Programming and calculating coordinates and terrain is hard, I guess, unlike physics which is handled by most engines.

I just said fuck it and used full dynamic lighting


Should my destructible obstacles be strange attractors?

Are you the real William? If so, you have the chillest dev stream.


h-hes fast!!

>16bit era colors
>8bit era resolution
the game looks beautiful but you can't see shit.
It's like playing with binoculars strapped to your face.


>strange attractors
What did he mean by this?




wikipedia has a strange way of making intersting subjects sound as boring as drying paint.

it's time for demo day reviews again
only from genres I like though, which is an arbitrary distinction so please don't feel bad

Project Delta: I like the feel of it. The design sensibility is nice for what it is, although obviously the knight dudes don't go very well with a character with guns.

Consecrated Rampage/Wasteland Rampage: When was the last time you touched up the mechanics? I can't tell if what I'm feeling is me getting used to the game more each time or you making the combat tighter and more effective. I really couldn't tell you any other possible difference from the last showing, but then I don't have a very good memory.

F.E.R.A.S./Pong RPG: Once I got over the, lets call it family-friendly tone, I was surprised how absorbed I got in this. The purchasing UI could use some improvement, specifically you should be able to see what all you've bought, and see it immediately, and undo it if you haven't gone back to playing yet. The asteroids could also be touched up a bit, but I'm not in a position to really give advice on them. I'm also not in a position to say this last part with any authority or confidence but I'll say it anyway: I could see this becoming the next top-rated time waster on phones, maybe not Angry Birds but definitely the tier below that.

more brief reviews coming as I have time and patience for them

I seriously hope that all of you using gamemaker don't expect me to do a free LP for you. It's not gonna happen kiddo

>t. average 5 viewers per video

are you back?


very fun game i just made it is a lot of fun to play and there is fun to be had inside of the virtual 3d world for players to play in to have fun and i hope you guys like having fun if so youll love my game my new game nothing like this has ever been made critics from websites such as kotaku and polygon might even coin a new term for the style of game that i have perfected in my new fun game that is very very fun to play and even your children can play it because it is a non violence game where you have fun ocassionally and it is fun to play so have fun!

- love riceshoes

needs spats

Price just doubled for you, what's your game?

is this the next lostboy?

In a twinstick shooter should your aiming reticle be locked from going a certain distance from the player or should you be able to free move it across the screen even if it doesn't proved any system benefit (crits, etc). In either case I would want it to snap back to the player's origin when you stop holding the stick if you are using a controller but that probably wouldn't feel right on a mouse since it is 'always' aiming.

pls no

Max distance is the edge of the screen.

Trying to make my strife more appealing. Cards looked a bit to clean (left). Also, since the main battles are already done with cards, I've decided to turn the strife into a Ritual contest with scrolls (you choose your scroll and then some additional materials to customize it)

Guess I'll add some materials now in a new db.

It's literally GBA resolution. Plays fine. It used to be a bit higher res which was nice but apparently this was easier to make background assets for.

r8 pusy

I have functional combat, it's missing 99% of the rest of the gameplay, but it is technically functional for 1v1 fighting. Have yet to work out 5v5 fights or enemy battle mechanics.

but DBZLSW2 is coming along.

that's just PHI linking an old video clip regarding the dash

Neat. What if it looked like this (but not exactly this) instead???

who >lost all hope aging NEET

Listening to Carpenter Brut while Deving helped me a lot. Buts me in the right mood.

based pusyposter

someone post that "fuck it I'm doing it now" picture

jam theme poll

>oppai loli not the theme for every jam

Actually I can't wait to LP your "game" Hahaha. My viewers love laughing at meme games

Might be ok now.

can i get a quick rundown on your ground textures?

Managed to re-implement the rest of the lightning attack moveset. If there is space available when the attack hits a target, you will warp to the other side of that target. This works on anything that can take damage, so it works on your iceblock as well. It also does a fair amount of hitstun. The move's functionality is very important to understand for the Ice boss.

Just need to do a bunch of minor things now and then I can fix up and modify the Ice boss, though it might be better to redesign the first boss first as the Ice boss is supposed to represent the middle part of the game and would be really difficult compared to the first one.

Sure thing!
For those in particular I went to Onemotion com/flash/sketch-paint/
then use the circle/bubble-like tool and fill the screen. Then you save that and mess aroudn with it for colors. A trick I also found is to open them in Gimp and use Emboss, it creates those nice darkish and solid looking ground textures. Hope this helps, here's some of the one I made recently and I use ~3 of them in that pic..

>with(all){ event_user(num); }
>with(object_index){ event_user(num); }
Both of these work. You're probably doing something else wrong.

Post DD15 tier lists

It's literally the same resolution and same player size as GBA Castlevania games.

reeeeeeee the gba has a impressive resolution

i remember watching bible black at like 8 fps on my gba

How's MonoGame? Seems like the project is still pretty active.

It's alright.


>i remember watching bible black at like 8 fps on my gba

Goodnight, aggy.

It's 240×160. FMV has the benefit of resampling at least.

So let's get this straight. Is Clarent dead or not?

what happens next.

Then the art assets are too big for that resolution.
Here's Aria for comparison

Bad things.

>on blue board
well, it was nice knowing you, bud

supercard sd
there was some super shitty video converter
>moonlight lady
>viper gts
>angel blade

patrician as a kid

Spoilers are okay, kiddo.

Even CP is legal as long as you spoiler it.

The second one works, but the first refuses to trigger the event except in the object that calls it for some reason. I've tested it thoroughly, there couldn't possibly be any other problem. The event in the other objects is a simple variable change and it won't go. Its an instance variable and it's not being assigned anywhere else.


Prove it
