Post your rare Koenigseggs

Post your rare Koenigseggs

You know what? Almost all Koenigseggs are rare. Post common Koenigseggs instead.



This might be my favorite looking one. The candy apple red Regera might tie it actually.


I think the wheels are a *little* bit dumb, I like the older carbon wheels better. But supposedly these are lighter and stronger so eh

>those idiotic orange indicators/markers/whatever they are

Why America?

My personal OC

>those curves


When there's no clear coat on the carbon it almost looks like there's no resin in the fibers. I guess there's very minimal resin to keep weight down.

Someone needs to get their headlight polished, jeez

Why does no one talk about this thing? I mean if only in terms of looks it looks better than the big 3 people normally talk about.

Is this the maximum downforce mode?

On the other hand it did take Koeinsegg long enough to make it look like something that isn't a CCX with more downforce.

It's so pretty...

It's completely sold out but they've only just started delivering. Maybe the chatter will go up once we start seeing them on the street?

True. People must have been throwing obscene amounts of money at them to make more and more Agera-based cars. They were riding that hype train for a hell of a long time, but more power to them. They don't seem to have any difficulty selling cars these days.

This is one heck of a vibrant color, jeez

The exhaust is super weird, apparently the two fin-like things is the exhaust from the engine. They collaborated with Akrapovic which is pretty cool, didn't know they did production car stuff. The thing in the middle is the hot air exhaust from the battery cooling.

Speaking of curves

This is super weird as well, find the missing part

Oh hey, here's a pic where you can just barely see a cooling fan in that center tunnel.

Also, the size of that diffuser. Fucking hell

>Solidious Christian
I'm diamonds

Ironically I'm not that big a fan of the Regera in green carbon. I think the Agera really benefits from having that raw carbon and those green bits to sort of break off from the green carbon. Or maybe it just doesn't work as well for me on the different shape of the Regera.

Maybe it'll grow on me. Who knows.
