Secret World Legends General

Down for patch edition.
Last world Relevant patch changes

To join the vidya chat channel, create a folder named "scripts" in your SWL folder, then create 2 textfiles named "auto_login" and "auto_teleport" , DELETE the file extension on the files and put the following text in both of them:
delay 5000
/chat join vidya
/chat join Sanctuary

(Sanctuary is the most helpful channel ever since TSW times)

Other urls found in this thread:

That's how it was in TSW and fucking no one used the reticule because it was disadvantageous.
Funcom won't get rid of it, however, because this new "action combat" is the crux of their relaunching, to draw in f2p MMORPG players that have been playing games like Tera, BDO, and Wildstar.
They can't even make tab-targeting an option, because no-one would use the reticule after that and it would mean admitting that they completely fucked up the combat's redesign.

From the previous thread:
Help scenarios being less shitty for tanks & healers and less buggy too.

Tl;dr of the thing :
>basically a bug report on the mansion wave 2 being all fucked up, spawning all mobs and the last boss in 2 minutes or so
>a suggestion to improve tank/heal dps in scenarios only so they can avoid grinding a side gear set just to be able to grind the glyph xp of their main gear set

Has there been any word on how are they gonna release the auxiliary weapons? One at a time or all at the same time?

I'm enjoying the combat so far, even though its basically target combat.

I don't think they've even said anything whether they'll be in at all.

It is like target combat without the advantages of target combat. You have to manically turn the camera to target what you want and even then another enemy can just get in the middle and make you target inaccurately.

I'm glad there are so few bosses that spawn/awake mobs all around them. As a tank, i fucking hate these bodyblocking shits inserting themselves between me and the target i try to maintain aggro to.
Well at least if i can keep 'em off the dps & heal even if i have to only use aoe skills .. but still, this system is not great.

The opposite is problematic. Priority targeting of small ads around large mobs gets stupid at times, like with fata padurii. Those aren't dangerous in SWL, so AoEs solve that, but some fights beyond Transylvania could be a pain because of the shitty targeting.

They could probably turn them into full weapons at this point.

I can't believe I had to check reddit to see if the maintenance was done.

This general sucks.

There have actually been a few leaks on reddit that were quickly deleted. I'm sure someone has screen caps. Chainsaw and whip are for sure going to be weapons the others im not sure.

>reddit shitter can't do simple math such as taking the time and adding 4 hours to know exactly when maintenance is over

I bet you read guides on how to solve puzzles as well, cause you certainly seem to lack basic intelligence to solve them.

>New patch adds a bunch of stuff that should have been in the game from the start
>Still not good enough changes, foul jewry abounds
>Client still locked at 500kb/s for no fucking reason
>Patch log riddled with typos

Funcom is such a joke, they can't do anything without being a bunch of fucking clowns

>I rather go to reddit than to open the game to check if maintenance is done
How does it feel to be dumb as redditor?

>Open the launcher
>It tells you whether the servers are online or not

Anyone able to connect i Keep getting failed to connect to login server.

Maintenance start -12:00 UTC, approximate downtime 4h. All this was written in launcher, first sentence. Yet you go and check reddit. Reddit is the place where you belong, go back, this general sucks anyway.

Sometimes shit takes longer.
I'm already browsing. Why bother?
lol you guys get so triggered when reddit does something better than you.

>triggered mad 4channers hahah you so mad reddit is superior, you WISH you were as retarded as me and needed to go to a website where people tell him servers are up, even though you can check it yourself if you launch the game.
Why do retards like you think that when you are caught being a retarded your only option is to flaunt just how retarded you are.
This isn't reddit, nobody knows who you are, just accept it and move on. Or are you actually autistic enough try to defend your "honor" in an anonymous imageboard. I mean I know you are new and retarded but just think for one fucking second.

>Patch finishes
>AH is bugged and so are cabals, other bugs being reported by the minute


>get the impulse to buy patron for a month and level new character
>only payment option is some untrustworthy frog company that only accepts credit cards
Thanks Funco

They've said there will be more payment options soon. Paypal is probably what people want the most.
Don't paysafe cards work anymore?

It will probably be when the game officially launches on Steam, because they will have to allow Steam wallet and all the connected means of purchase at that point.

>can't queue to dungeons

Makes sense.

I wonder if it's even worth it for the leveling on a lvl 30 character. Kinda interested, but I'm past half the levels, don't really want to support Funcom and Hipay (formerly Allopass) is turbofuckingshit.

If I have the urge to play after completing main story I might purchase a month to grind.
They readjusted lvl 50 AP/SP gain, by how much I don't know, but it should be feasible to get all abilities unlocked like so.

>(Sanctuary is the most helpful channel ever since TSW times
Just unfortunate it is infested with redditors and normalfags. I'm sure you can still get help in it.

Dont even want to play anymore, feel so cheated about everything.

What did they do this time?

Nothing. They didn't add to the nickle-and-diming in the patch, in fact it was alleviated, but just in general compared to the original.

How the fuck are you supposed to solo Transylvania as a healer this shit is so slow and tedious and fucking bullshit on some of the quest bosses, not to mention asking for help just gets the condescending git gud and no one ever groups or helps out with mobs they just stand there and wait till you're done

Sasuga Funcom, you can't even go in a dungeon solo.

Not sure about the numbers, but it does feel much faster.

So when are they going to fix the Auction House so i can buy and sell shit?

And when i last tried to point that flaw out on reddit, because they are fucking shitters all playing dps and not caring about others, trying to suggest to offer a damage bonus for pve out of dungeons to tank and healer chars, i got ignored or downvoted.

This system is shit if they want healers & tank to be viable from the start especially to new players. They will level their char, get new items for their role, suck at pve and get assraped in scenarios.

You aren't supposed to play beyond finishing the story desu

Any one else just get booted from the server?

They should have called it Secret World Maintenance.

Halina did nothing wrong!

Whats better 1 pip from dungeon or 3 pip q drop?

3 pip

1 pip is worthless, distillates are better

Yeah, funny how everybody was complaining about only getting distillates and now everybody is complaining about only getting 1-pip dungeon drops.

PS: Is The Facility the most awesome dungeon or is it?

The what now?

I am going as a mix of shotgun stuns+claw heals and i am doing ok so far.


I was in dungeon today, one of group members at start of fight with boss kick him over 50k hp in first strike. What was that?

They made it where you can't solo dungeons anymore?

>wrong password
>change it
>try again
>wrong password
>check twitter

I would bet on the hammer skill Eruption with 50+ rage, slotted passives boost the damage and with a dps gear and already a huge crit damage boost, this can wreck some shit up.
50k seems a lot, though. Must be a whale who've spent 400 buckaridoos in cache keys.

>about to go to sleep and I'll miss my daily login bullshit

He was elementalist, and do this at start with every boss. Mb bug or something...

Am I fucking up by focusing on health talismans for my tanky shotgun build? I'm only at Blue Mountain so I can fix this if I need to.

Pve will be slower, that's about it.
Scenarios will be the problem for you.

But i'd like to point out, not focusing on one role might be also your doom. you can't tank difficulty 5+ elites with a hybrid build/gear unless you have it max purple or something.
Not quite sure, but if it scales just like Lairs, where they hit like trucks on roid & crack and where a pure trinity is needed, you will suffer from that choice.

So I'm fucked any path I take. Sounds fun!

I'll probably just make sure to keep my weapon updated as I progress.

I just keep a full set of each type of talisman desu
Upgrading is more efficient that way anyway.

Has there ever been a point where scenarios aren't complete cancer, though?

>action combat
>still can't blindfire
fuck this trash. and fuck people who easily eats up this kind of tab-targetting-without-tab-button shit as "action".

Did the ARG codes go out yet?

I completed the ARG late. Guess no spoopy edgy weapon for me.

Well i just tested Elite 1, Polaris.
Not difficult but it's NM clone, if you don't impair some skills, you will get assraped.
Lair mobs are worse on normal hits, so it's probably legendary item entry level to breeze through it.

>Can finally trade.
>Can't trade currency, not even anima shards.
>Can't give a friend a weapon I've modified.


>do hell dungeon solo
>get to that hallway demon with the exploding pillars and rapidly approaching wall of fire
>can't kill it fast enough before the fire envelops my body
>finish the fight while constantly on fire through quick and efficient rotations on my shotgun to keep getting reload heals and anima shells, using six shot buffs to reload when I don't get any heals
>just barely knock him out before I run dry of options
>finish the dungeon and realize I forgot to grab the quest
HP sponge aside, it was pretty fun. Especially the guardian.

I love this guy lol

ARG codes?

patch fucked the mean streets quest and now i cant continue the main storyline

holy fuck fucking kill me i also bought patron today too

Strange, checked my email and still no codes. Fug.

tfw hate every single minute playing it ... just like in closed beta

Why is this shit so boring and so empty ... and fucking uninspired ... so many shitty and urban legends to borrow from, no global events .... ad a fucking lack of mystery. The combat system (even changed ) doesn't really help
>tfw AR healer going for dmg because shit sucks

Man dungeon loot feels so eh now, getting distillates all day felt better than getting 100 one dot talismans.

You cuck!

you get talismans and distillate, you get both .. why are you still whining ?

It's shit. It's still RNG based loot. and getting good loot is core to MMO's. Also still relies on keys for gear and you get a limited amount. Also dungeons just aren't fun and engageing.

>i also bought patron today

so what ever happened to the RPGs i remember way way back when i had a free trial i looted an RPG looking thing but at this point i have all my slots full and i haven't seen one drop yet?

Alright so I was walking through London and saw New Model Army. What's it for? I figured it was a store for weapons but the vendor isn't a vendor. Do I need to unlock something? A quest?

There used to be a vendor there. But most have been removed. Besides, auxiliary weapons aren't even in game yet.

>tfw all these shitty dps players

You pick the easiest shit to play as in a group. Yet still continue to fail. And it's not just this game, but every single group type game i've ever played.

>easiest shit to play as in a group
DPS is the hardest thing to do. Many do it but few do it right.

>googles auxilliary weapons
Oh man, I want that whip.
Funcom pls

I wouldn't say hardest (depends on game), but it's crucial, and the popularity of the role due to people thinking it's easy/cool fucks shit up.
Tanks are definitely the easiest, but holy fuck you'd be surprised at how many people just fail to grasp the concept of being a sponge that needs aggro.

You're in a bar when this guy comes up and kicks your gf/bf to the middle of next week. What do?

golf clap

>have a shitty superior weapon
>have a mk weapon I want to level up.
>reach that quest in the game where you get a glyph
>LOCKS ME OUT OF upgrading and FORCES me to fusion the glyph

this "no AH" is killing my storage

Who cares? It's free in the tutorial im pretty sure, and glyphs are a dime a dozen. No worries man.

Yeah I've got a massive storage crisis while I wait for the revenant weapon. I just hope it doesn't have anything higher than the usual 1 second ICD.

>you watch mark of favor sellers on up each other and making it cheaper and cheaper for the goys to get lots of them


>Illuminati training will save you
Bitch, you didn't do jack shit. You just told me to fuck off in the middle of fucking nowhere while you downed tequilas and margaritas 24/7.

the jump from normal to elite is fucking rough for a first timer, i thought i could rifle heal through it but fuck i felt like i was doing nothing the entire time

Can I party with someone not in my faction? My friends and I are making characters and want to know if we need to be the same.

>Can I party with someone not in my faction?

>Browsing this game's subreddit
>Some dickhead is proposing a change that would result in less MoF a week because he "doesn't have that much free time"

Anyone Blood/Pistol here? Or vice versa. I'm Shotgun/Pistol midway in blue mountain but it's kinda getting dull.

So anyone doin elites? How tough are they?

In the original game I was Blood with Pistol sub. It was OK.

So, what's the opinion on patron AP/SP gains? Should you receive points retroactively or not? Personally it's same to me, because eventually you'll still have the same skills and shit as the other guys.

What is a good weapon combination for pvp?

I still haven't figured how to reliably get pistol double sets without using pistol as secondary with mulligan/fixed game shenanigans. I want to use it as primary. I tried Full House, seemed a bit underwhelming.

Are keystones even worth it before being near maxed?

they seem pretty shitty, or do they get exponentially better?

>Secret World
I take it you didn't play the original.