Fighting Games General /fgg/

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I LOVE sfv.

we need more african characters in sfv

virtua fighter 5 was a bad game

wtf cammybros.... it was not supposed to be like this...




how will being racist play with your new sponsor broski


email if you want a pizza roll

leave a comment on this webzone if you want a pizza roll

I'll play her if she actually looks cute in-game.

This kickstarter is raising fast

play cummydykes

How do I get into USFIV? Are there still people playing online on PC?
I'm in Europe btw.

I kinda wanna back it, but I'll probably never play it desu.

there's a usf4 revival discord


guess you're not getting into usf4 then you autistic sperglord loser semen slurping europoor fucktard

Well you want to play a dead game so..

Should I drop 100k fm on Juri? I know you guys say she's shit, but is she at least fun?

no shes not fun

She's a less-safe Rashid with no mix-ups, awful buttons and needs meter to make any of her special moves useable. On the other hand, her V-Trigger can have you cancel stuff into other stuff you normally couldn't do, so there's that...

what is it?

My casual friend brought in tekken 7, tell me some quick kazuya/josie memes

JoJo All Star PC port when

no, just buy the last 3 characters starting with the new one after Evo

rashid no!!!

shes not that fun because you have to micromanage charging her basic moves which arent even that strong. but they always leave you plus so its kinda interesting i guess. id say shes a balance between fun and tedious.

>Arab fucking loli
nothing out of ordinary

Cammy will save him!

nah we dont

>hating on discord
hello microsoft

It's me or capcom is improving with the new sfv characters? They're pretty fun compared to bland forgettable characters like Necalli and Laura.

If she can shapeshift into a goat then Cammy has no way to compete.Poor cammy

epic /pol/turd post !

mind if i reblog it on my based MAGA Twitter ?

So what games can I hop on fightcade and find a match instantly, if any?



>travel 6 through Ethiopia
>permaboner everywhere
Ethiopian women are ridiculously good looking, amazing bone structure and slender with tits and ass.


st, 3s, kof98 and 02

Is Udon worth an unironic read?
If you're NA kofs and 3s are the most populated iirc, you can look at stats.

easily triggered overly sensitive tumblrites is why /pol/ exists

You create that which you hate so much

I get invited to a few 3s games every time I'm in the lobby

like every other reply + you can get mvc and vsav games pretty quick

maybe if you're into bestiality

are they going to add new characters to t7 like sfv?

That's not even /pol/. The vast majority of the world knows Ethiopia is shit and if you deny that you're retarded.
If you can't joke about anything you must be autistic.

usa usa usa usa usa

I am. Thanks for being an asshole and reminding me of it.

only because white people went there to steal their riches and get slaves

The Arcana Heart kickstarter

Yes, they will add more characters as DLC. You'll have to pay for the newcomers, but the classic characters are supposed to come for free.

sfv pc sales were around 300k and there's 1k players on steam now
all sales were 1,5kk, which would mean around 4k ps4 players
together 5k. is this number correct?

If they talked about GGPO netcode and rematches I would back it but there wasn't even a mention.

what is it that makes competitive games like overwatch so popular compared to fighting games? is it the characters? is it the polish?

the non blackness

Simple to play + can play in team with your friend

Their food is TOP TIER, their women are TOP TIER, their music is TOP TIER and their culture and history are TOP TIER. Also, their coffee is the FINEST on the planet. Stay salty.

Her specials are great...but her normals ruin her. Ed is way better

So are you a nigger or a white apologist?

show some top tier ethiopian women

what food?

>t. ethiopian

You are aware where Ethiopia is located right? It did eventually get exploited by Europeans but we didn't get any slaves from there.

Overwatch has tracer.

When you lose at Dota 2, League, Overwatch, TF2, or Counterstrike, it's your team's fault.

When you lose at SF, Smash, Tekken, SC, GG/BB, or even starcraft, it's YOUR fault.

It hurts.

>no paypall option
guess they aren't getting any cash from me.

Phoenicians were Semitic. If they where white then arabs shouldn't be listed separately.

Where do I find material on learning Jojo on fightcade, my fellow gentlemen?

You have to block and can't do anything to beat a move when it's meaty right

I used to be heavy into league of legends and overwatch, and regret it.
Like this guy said, people like it because it's a team game. You can blame your team for losing.

Of course in the long run these team games are 50x more toxic, because you can't really tell whether you lose because your team is bad or you're bad.

In fighting games it's always because you're worse than your opponent.

Brand awareness(Blizzard)
Extremely low barrier of entry
Team based for playing with friends
Team based for shifting blame
Critical mass playercount
Cosmetic autism simulator

>forgetting peanut butter

There are certain moves who beat them by giving you invincibility or armor, but usually that's what mearies are for, to force you to block or eat them.

You can do an invincible move, but other than that pretty much. Throws do beat meatiest in GG though.

A meaty has its active frames running as you're getting back up. If you have a 0-frame startup move, you can use that. Most moves are not 0-frames. So block.


>Is Udon worth an unironic read?

why is it called melty blood and not meaty blood then

go back to twitch faggot

wud ichi

our guy

What does this follow from?

dyke ichiban!

>MvCI is 25% off on Amazon

The pre-order numbers must be abysmal

anyone notice she has a golden frieza color.

So how butthurt would the we wuz crowd be if menat is light skin egyptian.


what you dont understand is that the whole thing is just a platform to sell dlc lmfao

>MVCI will sell less than 1 million in your lifetime

Feels good desu

and still be profitable...

this game has ggpo. and was crowdfunded, and NDA will be lifted soon so you can see for yourself.

>target is 2 million just like Jive and jive still hasnt it it


On top of that Capcom paid every single person to talk positive about the game 50.000 USD in cash. Profit will be non-existent.

thats not how profit works, sfv is an indie game in all but name

>enter lobby
>host leaves

Thought so...

5 bars?

it'll sell more than sfv lmao, what are you talking about

yep, or I wouldn't have bothered