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Rooty Tooty Point-n-Shooty Edition

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So what happened to this and the Fanatic steak trinket? Are those just not in the DLC?

How to remove Arbalest and their trinkets from game?


Would you fuck a courtesan?


>Watching Vinny play CC

So what's the lore behind bone courtiers, swine drummers, madmen, acolytes, squiffy ghasts, etc being able to "stress" you out? Are my heroes just weak-minded pussies or do these enemies use magic to mindfuck you? I just find it hard to believe that a zombie pirate can stress you out by playing a violin.

The violin's out of tune

ITT affliction barks.

Yup, it's freaky mind warp magic. Notice the shadowy tentacles that appear with a lot of their stress attacks

Nevermind, think I got it. Deleted arbalest.info.

Some of it is freaky mind magic. Some of it is just them being scary or really fucked up to run into in a dark ruin where every fight could turn deadly at a moment's notice. Soldiers in the real world suffer from PTSD all the time, and they don't have to face down literal spawn of the devil, flesh-eating pig-people, and the goddamned undead.

Combination of the heroes being pussies and eldritch mindfuckery.

>Not wanting to have your lever pulled by an arm that's fucking jacked from years of cocking a massive piece of wood

The better question is "Why would you want to?"

Are bosses always in the furthest room of the map from the start?

>bone courtiers
Being drenched with rotten "wine" seems disgusting enough
Don't their gibberish reference the Ending of the game? I remember something about them blaming you for everything
Tentacle magic
>squiffy ghasts
You are in a dark cove, full of ancient horrors, and some jolly skeleton sitting on a barrel is dancing and playing an off-tune violin, shit's disturbing
>swine drummers
The risk of having your face ripped off and turned into a drum is unsettling, especially having some fuck wake up half the warrens with the stupid drum

Or just "Cthulhu :^)"

Fuck? No. Receive the succ?


Abusive can't be beat for barks.

Only if the Countess is unavailable.

Yes, try to count the rooms to find the boss room

Yes to receiving the succ, btw

>bone courtiers
Probably some acidic wine that smells really bad
>swine drummers
Violent drumbeats that intimidate the foe, not to mention their drums are made with human skin
>swine wretches
Mutant pig hurls human bones and digestive juices at you at high velocity, not the most comforting thing in the warrens
Somehow he knows about the hero's darkest secrets with accusation, and doomsay is self explanatory
Chants an incantation of dark occult magic to stress you presumably by showing you terrible vistas of emptiness, DD variants show you the world's end presumably (fate's reveal)
>squiffy ghast
A pirate ghost sliding around the battlefield playing discordant notes on a violin is not good for sanity

Anyone have the more updated version of pic related?

I only ever use one or two and I like the musketeer more, so having Arbalest trinkets is useless.

Did they nerf blasphemous vial or am I retarded?


They made the stress damage penalty higher, but it's the same otherwise.

Then they're a source of wealth

Thanks my man.

>bone courtiers

>Week 3
>Forget shovels
>Forget I have a stress eater
>75+ stress before first battle

Found a Sun Ring though

I feel quite hopeless at this point.
My A-team has been wiped out with their rare trinkets trying to tackle the Baron, the fanatic is back, I don't get the heroes I need in the coach, I ran out of blood again despite having a vintner...
Should I just start a new game without the court DLC?

What are the best quirks to auto-lock?


Which group seems better?






I don't know which I should use. Please send help

for what

I love the Jester. He being paranoid its one of the things (if not THE thing) that made me love his character.

'THEY TAKE ME FOR A FOOL! ...fair, I suppose...'

Post best memes, i haven't visited this gen since forever


Masochistic is pretty good too

Early Riser/Quick Reflexes
Eldritch/Beast Slayer/Hater
Natural Swing/Eye
Slugger/Unerring/Warrior of Light
On Guard/Quickdraw












Hm with Bh has the most damage and synergy. While the MaA and Hm is the most durable with most CC and heals.

Bh with MaA seems like the worst by far



Is it just me or does MaA + Antiquarian spamming nonstop dodge/speed buffs make short dungeons really trivial

Goddamn Esquire's pose is the definition of sass

How can I effectively use the leper? I feel like it just doesn't do much and is very one dimensional. He is tanky, but he has no way to make things attack him so whats the point?

Imagine trying to do your job while some chucklefuck throws wine at your face

that's pretty fucking stressful

>but he has no way to make things attack him
ur dumb

>Bash things to death
>Very strong frontliner
>Huge HP, self-heal and self-stress heal
>Strong, independent Leper who needs no healer

Yes, he is one-dimensional, but holy shit is he good at it


Doesn't he have a skill that marks himself?

he isn't very flexible

he is self sufficient, hits hard and can corpse clear

coupled with his bad ACC and weakness to being shuffled there isn't usually a reason to bring him over another class that can deal decent damage and bring much more to the party

yeah but marking is not a reliable way of getting something to attack you. GUARDING is a reliable way. Which is why MAA and HoundMaster are the superior "tanks" because they can actually absorb damage. Shit can just ignore the leper.

he does, but the flagellant has that too while tanking the dots, being able to hit the backline and having better self healing

not to mention guarding from other classes

Are there any decent occultist skins? I've got too many and I want to vary their appearances up

Group 2 is my go-to for when I want to fuck shit up with no casualties. They carried Darkest Dungeon mission 2, so they're pretty good.

Pair him with a crusader and a PD

But leper does way more damage than Maa

Any simple draw request?

Vestal mace-bashing a Fungal Artillery trying to peep up her robe!

is antiqurian actually fully useless?

My friend was telling me she is ONLY good on short apprentice missions. Anything higher than that and she is a total liability. The higher up missions you can't risk having a total sand bag of a character in your group.

Is she actually garbage? I want to take her on long scouting missions but can she carry her own weight? She seems really bad on anything but short apprentice missions.

she's there for you to get money fast and easy

Bounty Hunter having a snort off with Wilbur.

Her dodge buff is really useful if you keep stacking and her guard skill can be really good if pulled off right

And even though she has only one attack it can hit any position, it's great for tapping off enemies

what if we parlay with the pigmen and have pig heroes

I'd say the following are pretty meme-y, but I got banned the last time I posted them:


>Reynauld left his family for a war he never really stopped fighting
>Dismas brained a kid on reflex
>Plague Doctor got expelled from school for doing weird experiments with cadavers
>Vestal was extremely sexually repressed and tortured Carrie-style whenever she got her urges
>Bounty Hunter went full Batman, only he kills people so hard they die to death
>Houndmaster resigned after finding out how deep the corruption in his hometown went
>Occultist made a deal with Yogg-Sothoth to fight Yogg-Sothoth
>Arbalest's dad got fucking lynched (most likely) for being black despite his military service
>Abomination was a scientist/scholar that caught the chaos and was captured by the church
>Jester was/is an assassin pretty similar to Skyrim's Cicero in terms of modus operandi
>Grave Robber's male money-maker died, so she dug up her family's remains and got addicted to the rush
>Leper was/is King Baldwin and really isn't all that interesting
>Hellion got cast out for being athiest/anti-theist
>Man-at-Arms got his entire platoon killed in a game of capture-the-flag
>Antiquarian is a power-hungry, murderous backstabber who ironically is super weak
>Flagellant got superpowers from self-abuse and views it as some kind of religious event
>Musketeer is a possible psychopath who views the horrors of the Hamlet as the most dangerous game


Protect me and her stab being able to hit any rank makes her viable. The guy who beat Stygian in 16 weeks ran an antiquarian in DD2 and did fine thanks to protect me shenanigans.

I go Ant, PD, GB and HwM on the weald and stab the shit out of shrooms in medium apprentice quests

We also need to stress the fact that woman and child Dismas killed was his family


they were not his family

>antiquarian in DD2
Jesus fuck... DD2 was the most harrowing experience I've had in the game and I've been working up the nerve to get back into the game ever since.

you deserved to be banned, and i hope they do it again

Yeah the child was too young

I always thought he kept the locket as a keepsake to remind himself that he fucked up pretty bad, but this makes a little bit of sense.

>Musketeer is a possible psychopath who views the horrors of the Hamlet as the most dangerous game

More like she's incredibly asshurt over winning second place in a sharpshooting competition against her rival and is braving the horrors of the estate so she can come home and rub it in everyone's faces that she's an even bigger winner


I just restrated playing this game sinca break of 9 month and i bougth dlc.

did they tried to balance the game and how ? is hwm still garbage outclassed by gr ?

She can somewhat carry herself by spamming guard skill. With new trinkets her heal is also not too bad.

Isn't the Hellion meant to be a fedora?

>first champion mission
>vestal gets confusion spore into treebranch smackdown'd
>her turn
>blight puts her to death's door
>she immediately gets deathblow'd by literally nothing
>game immediately freezes and closes
>come back into game and she's alive on death's door

what the fuck was that?

The post he made is against the rules if you care enough.

What's a good strategy for the viscount? I took a mark team in without realizing he gets four turns a round and he wrecked my shit.

HWM advance now has riposte so he can destroy any aoe enemies

they made a few more changes, but the patch notes are lacking so its hard to keep track

we don't know why she was exiled, she does mention "the spirits" in some of her barks

Divine Intervention.

If I remember correctly he had an underleveled (only level 4 at the most) antiquarian, HM, leper, and vestal. During the fights with the Templar he used protect me on the leper getting his prot up to 80% and had the houndmaster use guard dog on the vestal until his dodge became so high he was almost impossible to hit. The vestal would focus on healing the leper who was the only one taking damage most of the time and the damage he took was limited by his high prot. From there it was just waiting for the leper to take the templar down and hoping they don't use doomsday too much which you can't guard against.