PlayStation Vita General 3045 - Despair Magic Edition

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>PlayStation Store’s ‘Big In Japan’ promotion kicks off today

>Danganronpa V3 Publisher NISA Details on How They Approached Localization

>Yomawari: Midnight Shadows launches October 24 in North America, October 27 in Europe

>NISA Silver Armor Pre-Order DLC For Ys VIII;Addresses Localization Issues

>Demon Gaze II coming west this fall

>Penny Punching Princess coming west on March 20 in North America, March 23 in Europe

>The Longest 5 Minutes delayed to early 2018

>Amaekata wa Kanojo Nari ni coming on October 26 in Japan

>Blue Reflection Final Fantasy XV collaboration costume DLC launches July 10 in Japan



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I hope you guys happy with this OP
Good night guys

>That's not true user
You fell for my trap.

Now I will always know it's you who defend girls with short hair!

good night, future wife

How disgusting.

What was the last game you bought?
>Risk of Rain

Tokyo Xanadu and Crash N Sane Trilogy

I preordered Yomawari LE last night.

after the coven thing last night i say we ban dualshitters from the OP

Dualshockers are Playstation bros though.



Reminder Coven is happening eventually.

Can I use a my "Seven Tools of the Bandit" to negate the activation?
Sorry user
It did?

>tfw you will never play yugioh with estelle

why even live

they published that it was announced when it wasn't

Grand Kingdom

should i start with the arland or dusk series? finished playing the mystery ones until the third comes out.

God Wars physical

I only play with my friends and my deck is not very good so you would probably win

>When she sees your barrel

If we are going chronologically digital Risk of Rain and Monster Monpiece. Physically it was a pair of games for my 360.


why do some psp games freeze

this pudding has gone bad. throw it away.

Where can I get a lady maid vitagen

why would you want that?

All the cute ones live in Japan.


Nepu Nepu!


I want to feed Nep my hot white pudding.

Who is best Vita girl?

Vita game? Gal Gun Double Peace. Last game I bought was Final Fantasy XIII-2. I'm considering getting Soul Sacrifice Delta.

Does anyone know if the Nonary Games have any new features? From what I've read, 999's PC port has some changes.


Always and forever in my heart.

999 has VA and the puzzles have been slightly altered for 1 screen i think, also the models and backgrounds have been redone for higher resolution



Today is the release date, right?
Does this affect Vita too?

Why not fix the whole trophies not popping thing?

I've got almost half a dozen games I've seen the credits roll for and I'm missing story trophies that just decided to not work.

On Vita? Never happened to me. I wonder what causes that then.

I have no clue.

Happened with Dungeon Travelers 2 with early chapter completion trophies. The bizarre thing is I got the one for finishing the story boss.
Similar thing happened in Criminal Girls where I have trophies for the final areas and the secret ending and all that jazz but not the first few floors.
NEP U did the same thing when I got everyone up to the top of Neptral tower so I didn't even bother grinding the affinities.
Had to replay through Child of light to get a trophy to pop once.
I'm not sure what causes it but its a very real problem.

Who is this semen demon?

Do you play on just your Vita, or Vita and Vita TV?

Just my Vita.



I'd fill her barrel if you know what I mean

Vita? Gakuen Toshi Asterisk.
Just the latest one in general: Ever Oasis.

Cons or Vans?
Do they have Vans with arch support yet?

Fire Emblem Awakening.
I'm really surprised a first party Nintendo game had dual audio.
Been resistant to this series for a while cause it meant the death of Advance Wars, but I think it's growing on me.
Or do you mean Vita?
Deemo LRG.

In the nippon, yeah

> tfw customs will my copy for a month
I hope it doesn't come with extra hot glue when it arrives on my door ;_;

Amazon is shipping my copy right now. I hope it arrives by saturday

How is Memories of Celceta? Is it worth $20?

Don't get me wrong here, I'm just as much as pervert as the next guy here.
OLZ just really turns me off.
Those dick-analogues look like fucking tampons, and some are even coloured like a used one.
Mix that thought with the awkward as fuck purification animations and you'll arrive where I'm at.
Just no.

Too bad for you then. Personally I don't ever think about tampons so maybe that's a you problem.

Are you a lolicon?

Doesn't have to be those extendo-sticks.
They added a kokeshi, a microphone, and shrimp tempura for some reason.

>Those dick-analogues look like fucking tampons, and some are even coloured like a used one.
Apparently some people have used tampon / napkin fetish.

is there any extremely lewd vita game? i just wanna play the game with one hand and beat my cock with the other

Bullet Girls 2 made me fap

Dungeon Travelers 2 and Utawarerumono both have incredibly hot girls.

If you preorder Utawarerumono 3, you also get a dakimakura.

Speakin of which, I just watched that new trailer. Looks like they have Z-cup specific voice lines.
>"So they're heavy when they're big. No choice but to do it, right?"

Nice. My kind of game, it's nice that they made a sequel. Though I think that this is probably it for this series, would be nice to have new set of girls in another game. This had pretty good preorder numbers for a niche game, yeah?

How does she hide her tits wearing just a bikini?

Like they're just huge here

I think you're seeing things user.

I literally only like lolis, I think something is wrong with me

How much better is the OLED screen to the LED one? I think the 2000 is objectively better, but it's the difference in the screens that keeps me up at night wondering which one I should get

It's generally perceived to be among the weaker Ys titles but I personally think that a relatively weak Ys is still a good game. If you've played and enjoyed Seven then there's little reason not to go for it at that price. If you're fonder of the older games and have an issue with the series going party-based then perhaps approach with caution. If you don't care about all that and are just looking for a good action RPG, MoC will steer you right for $20.

Swimsuit dlc for the main menu


OLED is a fucking meme.
The software doesn't even use unpowered pixels properly so the blacks end up looking dirty as fuck.

> Swimsuit
I prefer underwears more.


B-but... it's brighter... and.. and.. it looks better they said!

That reminds me, I should finally make that Japanese account. Will buy some DLC for the game if the DLC is good enough

You desire purity. That is all.

As someone who's held both in their hands, I like the 1k version a lot more just because of how flush the thing is. As for the screens, don't ask me since I've never really cared that much about the difference.

It's literally dimmer.
Sure there's a slightly better colour range, but no games utilise it well.
Mura, dimming over time, all new games are colour balanced for the IPS screen.

>flush, harder to use buttons

It's the opposite for me. Initially I felt awkward using my 2K, but after months, I couldn't go back to my 1K. It has better ergonomics for my hands, no more cramps after long hours of gaming session.

It's mostly because I feel like I have a better chance of fucking up the buttons when they're pushing out slightly. Like if I just twiddle the buttons with my thumbs just because they're poking out, the buttons will get looser and looser which makes me worry a bit. Having them flushed kinda alleviates that temptation I have. It's kinda like a personal problem/opinion on the matter for me.

2k feels way too light in my hands, like I'd accidentally forget to hold it tight enough if I wasn't fully focusing on it and then drop it if I put it lower to turn to talk to someone. Ergonomically, I still like the 1k more because it feels a bit weighty in my hands and I've never really had any issues with it. Never had hand cramps even after playing up to 12 hours at a time, so I can't say I had any issues in that area to know where you're coming from. But this is just an opinion coming from a guy who liked using an N64 controller and a DS over a DSlite for reference.

Vita game? Utawarerumono.
Otherwise, Deadbolt.

>Or do you mean Vita?
>Vita game?
I hate these two idiots so much.

The guy asked a question, and I answered it.

Yes user. I'm sure he went to Vitagen to get the opinion of PC owners and Nintendo owners.

I'm sorry then, I'll make sure to be more on topic in the future.

Oh, I didn't expect an apology.. These days I just expected people to pile up hostility against hostility.

I'm glad we can be friends again user.

Thanks, I just woke up, there's no point in making things hostile; I'm not the sort of person who blindly makes low quality posts.

Your first shot at that hole 15 was fucking excellent. Almost had that eagle.

Which Atelier could you beat up in a fight?

>If you don't care about all that and are just looking for a good action RPG, MoC will steer you right for $20.
This is all I really want. Thanks.

I'm gaining on you.

It's going to be tight.