Car A is making a left turn onto a side street

car A is making a left turn onto a side street
car B is overtaking car A

they collide

who is at fault?


B assuming A had his turn signal on.

sage for stupid thread

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B. Can't pass unless it's safe to do so. It is not safe at an intersection. Doubly so if A signals the turn.

What is a right shoulder for?

That's wrong, you're supposed to check your mirrors before changing your direction of travel for oncoming traffic

Is B going into on coming traffic?

What if that road is painted so? Shouldnt it be a big continuous line if you arent allowed to pass? So i guess the government is to blame for signalling passing is ok

B for passing someone who is clearly signaling to turn left

Is this a two way or one-way street?

One-way: B
Two-Way:B, even if A should have merged into the correct lane, B should not have overtook at that close.


Doesn't matter, B is in the wrong

>dangerous overtake
>hit from behind

B no doubt

You were car B, weren’t you?

>check your mirrors
>for oncoming traffic



Unless A did not use his turn signal AND B has proof (video) of that, B is at fault.

Think about it for one second, when you're A, do you check for cars coming up behind you ? Or are you more preoccupied about those that might be coming from the front, or about your trajectory ?

Even if A didn't signal, it's mostly still Bs fault since it tries to overtake at an intersection.

B, for overtaking in an unsafe situation AND in an inappropriate place.

B should have some fucking patience.

Reminder that saying you've saged a thread is a bannable offence.
I have been banned for it before.

>who is at fault?
You, for making this thread.

To be clear, they are not on a one-way street and B is overtaking using the oncoming lane, right?

They are both retarded if they crash
Do you guys seriously not look in at least your mirrors when you turn? Also, B should be visible long before then, so A should have seen him either approaching fast or tailgaiting for some time, if A was a good driver he can prevent the crash.
I'm not saying B is doing right, he's wrong, too. More at fault than A, but A can prevent it

Hey op, insurance man here. A at fault since he can only make the turn if the way is clear. Even if he had the sign on, he must LOOK, WAIT and then make the turn

It depends on the situation. In NL, if vehicle A shows its blinkers within reasonable time (a bit of a vague legal concept), then you are not allowed to overtake anymore. However, if an overtake maneuver was already made before the blinkers were turned on, A has to give way to B on the grounds that it is going straight on the same road.
HOWEVER, this is considering that A is turning left onto a private road to a house or whatever. (I assumed this because it has no stripes like the main road in the drawing). If it is a normal road, then this is an equal crossroads, and on crossroads it is not allowed to overtake vehicles, thus making B at fault in all circumstances.

is a driver responsible for looking BEHIND them-self while making a legal turn?

Yes. Even if B was making an illegal manouver ( passing while on an intersect) A should always garantee that he can make the turn safely. In some companies, this specific case could be looked at as a 50/50 responsability. But in this case i believe A is in fault

you're a fucking moron and talking out of your arse.

assuming that is a normal street, (1 lane each direction) then B is 100% at fault. no ifs or buts.

anyone who says otherwise is a moron or a troll and probably both.

Im actually pretty serious, and if you think a bit you can see why. Its not that hard

Overtaking on an intersection puts you in the wrong.

wrong, you can do an infraction and still not be at fault. Its very easy: you gonna turn? You have to be sure you are clear to go. End of the story. The other person doing an illegal manouver has nothing to do what you are supposed to do in this situation. But, as i said: it can still be a 50/50 in some companies/cases

get off the road dumb ass

Doesn't matter if A has his signal on or not. Passing is only to be done when in safety, and clearly it wasn't safe to pass.

Turning is also only to be done when in safety, and it clearly wasn't safe to turn.

If the idiot in car B wasnt on the wrong side of the road it would be safe. If a cop shows up to this scene and sees car A horizontal across both lanes, with car B on the wrong side of rhe road, hes going to assume B is at fault. Even if A somehow did something to cause the accident, B is still on the wrong side of the road. Driver of A could easily BS it so car B is at fault

B. When the car in front is turning left you're allowed (and have to) to overtake from the right, if there's enough space.
At least over here.

This user is partially right. It depends on the situation.

You are supposed to check that no one is overtaking before making the turn because someone could have been overtaking a line of cars behind you before you even started signalling in that case it would be A's fault if he turned infront of an already overtaking car. But if you check that it is clear then start making your turn then it would be B's fault.

It is important you know your surroundings and that includes knowing when you are being overtaken. It is part of the licensing test in countries that are above India tier testing.

They are both driving on the cucked by the French side of the road so who cares?

How can you overtake someone while being in the same lane?

You have to go into the opposing lane to overtake someone on a two way street.

>Car B should have some patience

That all depends on how car A was proceeding.

>That all depends on how car A was proceeding.
Either very slowly or entirely stopped in order to make the right-angle turn that may be obscured by traffic.

B should have some fucking patience and learn to look at indicators.

There are many plausible scenarios that can put car A as the primary cause of the accident vs car B.

Yes most things considered car B is likely at fault because of how the MS paint diagram shows but it does not even tell part of the story. Car A could have been sat there for 10mins while hundreds of cars passed by it, the driver of car A finally decided to drive into the side street and hit the indicator as he was moving off while car B was passing the initially stationary car A

If you want to be exactly literal about it then no one is at fault because it is a bunch of static pixels on a monitor. But since we are discussing scenarios here there need to be some factors explained to come to an actual conclusion. You just have no imagination or are so new to the world and never seen the kind of fuckery car A can do to actually be the cause of the accident.

A is obviously stopped and indicating. B is obviously an impatient cunt.

Have you hit someone in a situation where you were an impatient cunt, user?

>Car A is making almost a 90 degree turn right in front of B crossing over a lane

How can everyone say B is a fault. It's both their faults. Anyone who thinks they can cross and lane with 0 ft of warning is a fucking regard.

I've seen a trash truck attempt this after he must of missed his turn in and almost cause a major accident.

B doesn't have a good safety distance. Also you can't overtake at intersections or traffic lights. Plus, do not overtake if the speeds are low, overtaking exposes not only yourself but others to risks and dangers and at low speed you will only save a few seconds by passing a car. If the cars we're going fast (outside build-up area), car B shouldn't have been that close to car A in the first place. Besides it looks like A is signaling, B is too but car A has priority and overtaking is not a necessity.

"Insurance man"
Fuck outta here faggot. The safety distance B has with A was not large enough.

OP I've seen this thread before

B. In fact just a month ago I had to give camera footage to the police because a motorcyclist got shrekt trying to be B against a box truck in front of my office building. Guy died almost right away.

Because its a crossroad.
So, you get scenarios such as
>B is overtaking A, who isn't slowing down or signalling, on a crossroad
>A is slowing down, so B overtakes, conveniently on a crossroad
>A checks mirror, and its clear, and B hits him while he is doing out of road turn
>A forgets to check his left and snides B, because he didn't slow down
>B forgets to keep his fucking distance, and forgets to give signs of takeover(blinkers)
As much as A can be at fault, B is doing something really really stupid.


Are both lanes going in the same direction?


>If the idiot in car B wasnt on the wrong side of the road it would be safe
Your argument is retarded, of course it would be safe to turn if no one is around.
But B was on the "wrong" side of the road. It's not safe to turn for A, so he should not have turned.


This pretty much. Dunno what the fuck you retards are sperging about. Its very simple

>sat stationary while cars pass
>clear enough for car A to go
>B is apparently brain-dead and doest understand this
>tries to pass at the exact moment the car would be expected to turn
Stop trolling