Whats Veeky Forums's favorite movie

whats Veeky Forums's favorite movie

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me or the movie?


Pure fast pace high octane fuel and energy

That's the worst one

you're just salty because everything after that was unrealistic over-the-top action involving a collaboration with the us government and not the usual street racing movie, that was last FNF movie to actually have simple street racing (not including the beginning to fate of the furious)

No, it's the worse one because no one in their 30's is still in HS.


Hey, us car guys have a low IQ and just want vroom vroom


>Veeky Forums related
gone in 60 seconds (2000). seen that so many time i wore out the vhs.

whoever came up with the ecoboost mustang is the real retard

u know it

They're all silly like that, rewatch the first two. Worst one is probably 5, just in terms of not being as good as the others.

i know, cant wait for fast and the furious in space

>tfw women don't understand you

even seen the original? it's the most o/ movie i've ever seen.
some sorry excuse of a plot, followed by the second half of the movie being pure car thrashing!


House on haunted hill
If you're talking about car movies, then the original fast and furious is always a good time.

Used to be free on YouTube
>jews took it down

This user is correct, the original gone in 60 seconds is a damn great movie

no single best one movie ever for me, but this would make the lifetime top 3

He might as well say her prefers the modern version of Vanishing Point

baby driver could be /mu/ and Veeky Forums's favorite movie. drifting in a hawkeye WRX, a hellcat, and a kickass soundtrack

i didn't say it was great, but i was very much surprised at how much of a pure bred car movie it was! at one point i thought "they must've been driving for 20 minutes straight now" and checked the timer on the movie, and it was a large chunk of movie left, which was even more o/ driving.
as a car/driver culture symbol, this movie is monumental!
as a movie it's meh, but hot damn it is a great car movie! heck, now i have to see it again

No, your right. Honestly, in terms of entertainment value, the remake is probably the better actual "movie", but nothing beats the car chase of the original.
I take that back, it's been a while since I've watched it but damn, 40 minutes of non stop action.


Wow its almost like if they get people that have spent years acting to play roles of younger people

Fav movie is PF's the wall.

Veeky Forums related is this one

c'mon, give me something fresh and underated

ITT: your personal favorite movie is bad and you should feel bad for my personal favorite movie is far superior to your personal favorite movie

Leon the Professional

as far as car movies go I dunno probably

Mad Max 2 or Two Lane Blacktop

is there one? i can only imagine what it'd be like:
>man has to get from east to west coast to deliver an EV, but there are some black spots on the charging grid.
>cue the new 2021 dodge charger, charges itself as you're driving
>man has not many days to do it
>rapid charges the new charger
>film fast forwards 16 hours
>"it's at 76%, heck, i have to try"
>man charges through congestion at eco speed
>man is driving through rural east coast, has to dodge coal rollers between charging points in his dodge charger self charging EV car auto
>man reaches tornado alley, throws his rapid charger into a tornado while hooked up to the car for a massive energy boost
>"must vape to stay awake"
>dodge charger charges while dodging tornadoes.
>vapes his way through texas, arizona and the rest of that sandy mexico land.
>trump wonders who's been stealing his electricity, surges all over the south.
>trump hits button, raises wall.
>too spaced and too far out the man doesn't notice the wall
>dodge charger can't dodge the trump or his wall
>dodge charger smashes into wall, trump declares electricity saved while rolling in coal politics


what is this, i recognize it, but i cant remember it


trainspotting or mullholand dr desu


>pic related

one of the best car chase scenes of the 80s

its made more real because they improvised it, so they actually hit real peoples cars


this is Veeky Forums (auto), not......wherever you're from, so go back there


The slowmo made me cum.

And then there's numale faggots like this that made me have to google "original" after the title to find a cover of the OG movie that shits all over that dumb ass CGI shitfest.

Also this:


Yes you fucking madman

eh i like both honestly

I was going to say something about liking a movie with Nicolas cage but suddenly realized I fucking love The Rock. Such a stupid movie but funny and well done.


I love the Wall. Have seen it more times than I can count. I love the movie's version of the album too.

This one is easy. The original gone in 60 seconds. None of this Nicholas cage shit

I loved that movie when i was 6. I should watch it again and see wtf was going on

1997 and it looks like they greased up the lenses. They changed a lot of the plot.

okay, but the 67' gt500 is badass

>seven years and they couldn't spare a month to write an actual script
Good not great movie that feels like wasted potential

>Baby "Driver"
>1 decent driving sequence
>Cars straight out of a used car lot

Too ricey for my tastes

>wherever you're from

The early to mid 2000s probably.


You mean that damn body kit that was whored out to every old mustang at an aftermarket show for a good nearly ten years after?

No no thanks. I don't hate the movie, but fucking christ do I hate that fucking car.

i was about to freak out, until i realized that was very true. but hey, its you're opinion, not mine, my opinion is that its the greatest car movie of human history.

100% agree i fucking hate that car and i could care less about the movie

this has turned from "hey guys, whats a good car movie" too "the gone in 60 seconds remake was ass and the old one is the best thing to grace human history" with redline somewhere in the mix

And we're wrong because why? You're cherryoicking. Also, a cuck for liking that 1997 shit.

Nothing in the OP says anything about car movies specifically.
You can browse Veeky Forums and like other stuff

This, Bullit or Vanishing Point for me.


The Driver is also a pretty good car movie.

By posting in Veeky Forums it is implied that he is refering to car movies

not necessarily, that's my whole point

not my favorite movie, but one of my favorite Veeky Forums related movie moments
>be french
>make love drama
>include 4 minute scene of shitboxes at their limit on some sort of testing facility
It's fantastic



Get fucked, Tokyo Drift is easily the best FF movie.

A shit movie but I still love it. Best one in the series by far.



They recreated it.




My nigga



I also liked the land barge he dailyed

>The Wall

I’m surprised Drive hasn’t been mentioned. The director is great, many good movies from that guy