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Talon lads edition

>Doomfist is on PTR

>Doomfist anime backstory
youtube.com/watch?v=vaZfZFNuOpI [

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Here comes T.Racer!

>Talon sends out snarky Christmas cards to OW employees

I'd dig it.

>Three out of four of the talon heroes are offense
>the last one is effectively a DPS

Smug ass D.Va voice lines for eating ults on live servers when

This is making me enjoy PTR far more than Doomfist is


my ping goes over 1k everytime i die

Remember to bully Lena Oxton

-Team Talon

Zarya will be meta again

Remember to delete this post.

what's tracer's cup size

a-asking for a friend haha

You have got a point. I'd take anime / non-cg Artsytle over CG any day of the year.
That doesn't mean That hand drawn is always superior.
The Doomfist anime origins short for example had an obvious "amercans try to do anime"-feel to it and the cinematography was also shit.
If they do a TV series - I really hope the doomfist video is not what we could expect!


Doomfist is the best thing to happen to this game since Genji

all he needs is for his uppercut and backhand slam cds to reset on elims and he's perfect



He better have some full armored armor legendary, give me that juggernaut feel

REMINDER: this is the average sombra player.

Because they're socially awkward, elitest shut-ins that unironically believe that their objectively 6.5/10 "good-dude-is-actually-bad: the comic book adventure" is the pinnacle of all human literature, art, and characterization and absolutely refuse to let anyone tell them otherwise

berserk is okay, and once you get past guts v grunbeld, it slows down way too much, and that's when most normies give up on it, assuming they even make it past golden snorefest arc

Overwatch as a video game is more successful than Berserk as a manga, video game, book, light novel, movie, or anime will ever be, because it's literally too dark.

>legendary that's just him in Rein-Armor

This is the best Sombra player in the world

holy shit

are his actual damage numbers available somewhere? overwatch.guide hasn't been updated


>both Doomfist and Winston get opposite legendary skins

how does this image make you feel?

meteor strike maximum damage (inner circle) is 300, with an 8m radius and falloff. Minimum damage is 75 (outer ring)

Why is Talon only brown and blue people? What did Blizzard mean by this?

Give me your Doomfist fresh memes.


>topless Rein legendary

I miss that Torb skin. Had it on PS4 but now that I'm on PC it'll never drop.

that talon are secretly the good guys and overwatch had a damn good reason for completely falling apart

Talon just wants humanity to evolve

It's reached a legendary point though where tons of stuff like the souls series takes from it heavily and uses it to good effect which has elevated it in people's minds retroactively. I think it's good but also heavily flawed as well
Replied in the other thread but a couple of threads back someone posted how one of blizzards head animators stated the short was done by MADHOUSE the same people who made One punch man

that's a fat birb

Excited because a Torb POTG can always have entertainment value

>triggers poltards
>is fucking fun as hell to play
>tracer fanboys BTFO

This guy is the best thing that overcame OW

what's the punch at? seems like 100/100 for the full charge hit + hit into wall, but then again I feel like it might one-shot 250 hp chars too so it might be 125/125

uppercut and backhand are both 50 maybe? I guess finding out how much the shotgun does would take some more intensive testing

berserk isn't flawed, just niche. way too niche

just like bastion. Bastion's fucking awesome. But nobody plays him because there isn't a single hero in the game that can't defeat him in some way before he defeats them.

Internet connections faster than 56k are an unfair competitive advantage, so they should be throttled to that through battlenet.

Tracer will easily kill doomfist.

Doomfist NEEDS to have "You are not Alexander" voiceline

This gave me a slight erection, wish you could do that to Tracer's in game

Funnily enough she counters Doomfist pretty fucking hard

Boys don't wear bras.


Youre too funny user

So wheres the doomfist porn? I need to see that BBC in action

It's Tracer user.

punch is minimum 50 damage uncharged with no wall. maximum is 250 total, wall and punch

uppercut is 50 damage even

slam is 45 damage. half second stun

shotty has no falloff. 11 dam x 6 pellets. capped at 132 maxmum damage per shot

what are the new trophies/achievements for Doomfist?

Taimou is fucking crazy good on McCree.

They could make a rare alternate death where her chronoacelerator gets destroyed.

Pro Koreans thoughts on place of Doomfist in meta

Ask your mother, dweeb

>put girl The End in as a healer
>put some kind of african sundowner-armstrong hybrid in as a DPS
>sombra is a stealthy character whose lore is all about her trying to uncover an ancient global conspiracy
next character is a suppressed pistol using operator that can cling to walls, you heard it here first

They're pretty obviously getting played by a higher conspiracy, so I'd like to see something like you playing as the talon dudes in a PvE event where you confront the ~real~ bad guys in overwatch's stead

maybe even give you some NPC talon troopers are allies

Did I do an okay job of combining the Numbani poster with Akande Ogundimu?

I love how he takes a few moments and a whiffed swing or two before he gets her.

It's way more intimidating to see a villain who actually stops and focuses/uses his head to counter his opponent as opposed to just making them LEL SUPER BADASS VILLAIN GUY.

>not even out 24 hours

yeah I don't give a shit about what they think

yes. but what was wrong with your original post?

He is such a crybaby
Even in dive meta he obliterates everybody. If not for D.va he would just click everybody to death

>not mobile enough to be dive
>works good when supported by allies

thanks, pro koreans. really got me thinking there.

He didn't have his user leaves

Nobody was gonna reply to it so I re-posted it with my pass clover (sorry for attention whoring). And also thanks for your opinion about the combining.

>next character is a suppressed pistol using operator that can cling to walls, you heard it here first
Only when they let Genji wallrun.

Shit. Visually Sombra is really similar to Mistral and we all know Genji is just Raiden/Gray Fox.

How much Metal Gear does Blizzard ingest?

>3/4 of the new heroes are from Africa

Really gets the noggin a joggin. Then again, the name Kaplan does originate from a certain ethnic group which has been hated by everyone since 10,000 BC.

his ult is calling in a chicken walker.

we've got akimbo references up in this.

How do you git gud with Genji?

D.Va now has voice lines for when she eats ultimates with Defense Matrix


Two generic ones:
- "Denied!"
- and something in Korean that supposedly translates to "Ultimate intercepted!"

And character specific ones for

- vs Pharah: "It's a good thing I brought an umbrella."
- vs McCree: "I think your clock's off."
- vs Soldier: "No hacks for you!"
- vs Reaper: "Maybe next time."
- vs Roadhog: "I think this pig is a little undercooked." (not in that video but I've heard it myself so I know it's there)


He's not a crybaby. He's just Finnish.

>"I think this pig is a little undercooked."

This just makes killing her all the more satisfying

>adhering to the nigger logic of a homogenized Africa

What does Ana being from Africa have to do with anything, she's not black


Shes literally nearly the same shade as Doomfist

>Humankind to become more powerful through conflict
>Base in Africa

He's basically Big Boss. I am more than OK with this.
Poltards should be happy for having a black villain for once.

>wants humanity to evolve
>loses to a gorilla
>laughing Dr. Winston in the orbital distance

Stop posting

We need more interactions like this, around abilities

oh, and he even has a ROCKET PUNCH

pro mccrees and widows dont actually aim at people's heads, they just aim at where their heads are going to be

>beat Doomfist, someone who can punch a massive hole in a reinforced concrete wall without his gauntlet, mano-a-mano
>could probably wipe the floor with literally everyone in the game
Winston is canon the most powerful hero in the game.

god damn, nice

ᶦ ᶰᵉᵉᵈ ʰᵉᵃᶫᶦᶰᵍ

Well, he's a fucking gorilla with enhanced genetics, superior intellect and a space suit.
Yeah, according to the lore he's hard as balls. Too bad in-game he's just meh.

nice, thanks

>no falloff

though I guess you won't hit much considering the shotty's projectiles are slow as a cunt, like considerably slower than torb shotgun shots, or at least that's my impression

only when he's chimping out. I don't understand why he even uses his lightning gun, according to cinematics it's fucking useless. He always only wins when he goes full melee

>in-game he's just meh

excuse moi

Only if they kill off Tracey.


Say something nice about them.

>Too bad in-game he's just meh.
What? Winston is the fucking linchpin of dive comp. With Roadhog getting fucked, Winston dominates.

tracer sure has jobbed a lot, user
>Failed to stop widow or at least prevent her escape twice
>Failed to catch reaper
>got fucked by doomfist

has tracer gotten a flat "caught the bad guy" yet? Winston captured doomfist and fucking KILLED reaper.

Thanks for making the match quicker

It's called prediction, and it's why jumping isn't a very good evasive technique.

mei is cute.

>Gooks just got cucked by a nano torb


She did stop the bad guys in the cinematic trailer with Winston. I sincerely think that her chronally induced ADHD has made her too retarded and predictable to dight and she needs a typical anime montage with Zenyatta or something to actually start doing good.


If Winston punched with his ult instead of swatting, he would do at least 300 damage per hit since he one-shot Doomfist after he just fucked murdered Tracer and Genji and probably had at least 100 shield.

This is going to out me as a Bleachfag, but this reminded me of Kenpachi level of battle analysis back when he was badass and not get beat down by random sluts