[Daily Bike Thread - /dbt/]

[Daily Bike Thread - /dbt/]

Fixing the OP edition:

>Motorcycle Questions & Answers
>Motorcycle Tips & Tricks
>Motorcycle Gear & Accessories
>Motorcycle Pics & Webms
>Motorcycle Dating Advice
>Motorcycle Chicken Strip Support Group

/dbt/ map: Meet, fuck, compare chicken tendies:

Motorcycle Ergonomics simulator:

Need an a2 bike?

Check your helmets safety rating here:

Nobike? Start here:

Webms with sound:
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Too early retard

Thoughts on these offers?


Looking for a cheap dual sport in vegas as my first (street legal) bike. Finding people that actually have a title in their hand is next to impossible though.

Still kinda want an answer.
Ninja 300 for an hour on the freeway.
Will I hate life?

>oh no 7 posts before the previous thread bump limits
i wanted the fix the OP you sperg, you fucks will be using it for the next 3 weeks so you are welcome.

Ninja 300 is perfectly fine for highway speeds. I can't vouch for its comparability, but it certainly won't be screaming if you keep it at 80-90 mph.

Keep a real good eye out though, look everywhere always, especially around trucks. Not to freak you out, but if I'm correct Ninja 300s have a low-ish ride height, meaning you need to make sure people aren't merging into you.

>I can't vouch for its comparability

If you think you can handle the wacky two carb setup I would probably go for the 350, the 225 is slow as all fuck and really just a farm bike. Talk him down to a grand or less though, $1300 is high.

First for ducati a best

I'll probably be around the 70-80mph range.
Depends on how fast he wants to go.

Was riding a ducati 1098 all day yesterday, fun bike. that 2nd power band at 8000rpm is brutal especially when you are over 200km/h when you hit it.

Hey, that's the exact colour scheme of mine! They're an awesome bike, I'd recommend them for a small track bike. After commuting on mine for a year or so, it's gotten to be a bit draining riding it. It needs to be ridden hard and is pretty uncomfortable for bigger guys, but I can't wait to take it to the track sometime later this year.

I wouldn't know about importing them, but hit me up if you want any info or a proper copy of the shop manual (hard to find, but I've got a 250MB PDF copy that's searchable and very high quality

>wacky two carb setup
Oh man I just noticed this. That doesn't mean it's been run to shit or anything, does it? Because I feel like dual carb systems are like superchargers in cars, putting more stress on the engine by trying to regulate additional airflow. I could be wrong, I don't know shit about bikes.

Also, so I have to synchronize them or any other stupid shit? I never tried a two-carb system before. I genuinely believe the less carbs in my motorcycle diet, the better.

The XTs setup is unique I believe, with the smaller of the two carbs working at idle and low RPMs then the larger takes over at mid and high RPMs.

So, do I have to sync that or worry about any additional maintenance on the bike?

Not that it matters, if I can talk him down to a grand then I'll have way more than enough left over to work on fixing it up a bit.

You don't really have to sync them. Each carb feeds only one intake valve, first one is mechanical and you control it with the throttle, second one operates on intake suction and opens above a cetrain rpm automatically.
Honda had a similar setup in their 80's XLR dualsport

The 225 is definitely not a racing bike, and I'm be very careful taking either of them on the freeway. Maybe on the weekend in as little congested traffic as possible you'd get away with it. The 225 already hits about 70-75 mph if geared right, and the 350 may hit 80-85. That 350 is beat to shit, and you can tell he already dropped the price because nobody wants it. The 225 looks to be in decent condition, but if you can talk them down to $1750 you'd probably find yourself significantly more comfortable on that as a first bike. Lower ride height, lighter, easier to control, decent trail bike.

With either, look into getting it tuned and either look it over yourself or get it looked at after you buy it. Both make great little commute bikes and great trail bikes if you can get it into the mountains.

yo yo

i'm over in page, AZ

let's ride sometime

Say, is there anything you'd like to know about bikes?
I'm cooking up something and would like some input

I'd love to, if I could ever find a decent bike.

We could meet half way in St. George, make an event out of it that nobody attends.

>still no reasonable bird bike

>KLR650 is at mechanics to get carbs sorte
>DL-1000 has no clutch
>no traffic because workday
Now I'm shit posting with you nobikes. Atleast I bought San Andreas on Steam. Grove St 4 lyf


are you in the discord

You unfaithful whore

Noone is in the discord because your numb admin keeps kicking everyone

B-back the fuck off?!?!?
>also no zealous ant

So this is the real you?
Pump every other porpoise until you're satisfied?

One step at a time. Don't want to go from the little CB to a 150 hp machine like the MAJESTIC porpoise or zealous ant. The CBF seems a reasonable enough intermediate step. Plus it has a cute face!

>Don't want to go from the little CB to a 150 hp machine
Lol yuros suck

Which discord? The official Veeky Forums one or the no German spergs one?

>Official Veeky Forums one
Which of the 230?
>No german
Fuck 'em

watching this webm a strange question came to my mind

how many liters per 100km or mpg do they make in the motogp? Do the different manufacturers have big differences there? is there a listing for that? I feel like this should be a contest on its own while they race each other, just see which brand is more fuel efficient while going with the bikes to the limit

No, let's not do that. Emissions and consumption regulations are part of what killed F1.
Though I guess it would be cool to have an E-Bikes GP where they're allowed to change batteries like 2x per race or something.

Gee, user, you're a genius
Noone thought of this ever
Jesus fucking Christ, you'd think the mobile generation would know better than embarrassing themselves by not googling inane shit
Pro tip: there isn't a single racing division where you don't have a gas limit

sorry it triggers you so much
but I literally never watch any races, all I see is from shitty youtube videos or webms, the highlights, I barely know two names from this sport
Sorry I asked this question instead of reading the motogp manual
when I'm interested in more than just my question I will certainly do that, until then you can go fuck yourself

yo i would love to hear how you went about searching and buying one.

im in need of an upgrade from my old ninja and i've been debating between importing one of these and just buying a CBR 600

Just got a ''new" baiku. Say nice things about it

>Someone actually bought a GS
Now strip it and make it gud

The GS500 is objectively the best beginner bike.
> mileage
It's a mid-sized 4stroke twin cylinder bike, so it drinks less than 6 liters per 100 km.
> handling
It handles nothing like a supersport, spoiling you for when you get something else. But it can also corner much better than something like a cruiser, and actually uses its entire rear tire unlike a Ninja 250.
> brakes
They are complete shit and their only redeeming feature is that they're disc brakes. This is good because the longer braking distance forces new riders to plan ahead and start braking early. No ABS means they learn to brake properly I'd they don't want to get shrekt.
> power
It sits right at the power limit for A2 bikes which is great for euros. It's torquey enough to be faster off the line than most cars you'll encounter in the city. But it also feels relatively gutless so a) it's forgiving of mistakes and b) you can ride it at the limit without putting yourself into too much danger. It reaches up to 180 km/h which is fast enough for highway riding.
> carbs
It being carbed means that if you run into problems, you can learn to fix them yourself instead of heading to the mechanic every time.
> seating position
Upright, slightly forward means it's a neutral riding position so you can figure out what you want afterwards. The seat is relatively uncomfortable making literally every other bike after it will feel like heaven on your ass.
> price and availability
Parts and the bikes themselves are cheap and plentiful. If you crash and fuck up one of your fairings it's 40 euros to replace it with original parts. Engine needs little maintenance. Beginner riders are typically not financially independent, so this is a big plus for them.
> suspension
It's a budget suspension factoring into the overall low cost of getting a GS 500. If you want better suspension it's easy to swap. Therefore it gives beginners an opportunity to learn working on suspension while keeping the cost manageable.

Fuck my phone.
I really should start bringing my actual camera.

Any cold weather jacket suggestions?
Nothing major, since its only southern california and I only ride a scooter

But damn I ride home from work around 11pm and its 2 jackets + handwarmers season

Thermal top and you'd be good.

Looking for as many opinions on this post as possible, want your thought please!

Will check back in the morning to see if either of these are a good "Craigslist special".

ok karl

It's fine

FIM just announced that (moto-e) this week iirc

I'm hoping.
Mainly I'm just worried about cold and the bike screaming.
Cold is solved by layers.
And has been said the bike should be fine.

Ooooh so edgy

Stock pipe is pretty quiet I think; don't know for sure since mine has a yoshi on it. But even with that I don't have any problems noise wise on the highway (wind is generally worse).

Would still recommend hearing protection if your doing a daily commute though.

Some sort of neck warmer does wonders for cold freeway riding. The bike will be fine, if you're wearing earplugs you won't hear it at 70 mph

Go a tooth bigger on your front sprocket if you are really worried about labouring the engine...
why the idea of changing a sprocket on a bike is so foreign to dbt is really beyond my comprehension...

Because it's a bandaid fix and throws the speedo off on most bikes

Newer bikes can and will bitch about it
Hondas legit throw a transmission code and refuse to start unless you take it to a shop

Whats a non band aid fix?
a fucking turbo?
fuck you pricks are autistic, most bike speedos run off the front wheel anyway. especially smaller bikes.

Has a yoshi slipon.
Sounds ok.
But this isn't mine, I'm riding it home for a friend who doesn't have license yet.

Oh yeah, I got that. Used it tonight. I'm covered for cold I think.

See above explanation.

A bike that doesn't have to cuck its acceleration to be relevant on highways in the first place.

>implying your shitty 125cc or 250cc bike runs the speedo off crank shaft
just fuck up you autistic shits.
your little 125 and 250cc bikes run their speedo off the front wheel.
Any other bike and you wouldnt be worried about highway speeds so just fuck off with your bench racing.

Holy shit, that's nice.
Now if only torrents weren't dead and I could actually watch it and MotoGP.

I think you replied wrong.
I couldn't give two shits about it's sprockets.
It's gonna be my friends shitty 300.
He likes it, and it's good for a beginner, so whatever.

Sperg more please

I fucking hate normies

>what kind of engine is it?
>BMW? they only make cars though
>ah right so do you ride like a moped or 125?
>how fast do you go?
>you lane split? omg that's so dangerous!

I think i did too

>caring what other people think


>moped or 125
So what is it?

wr 125


>bruprupruprupru brrrrrrrapppt bruprupruprupru

>bruprupruprupru brrrrrrrapppt bruprupruprupru

id still slap it

what do?

This is a very different Rotkehlchen, not the Honda CBF 600 sports touring motorcycle nor is it the liter bike from the same manufacturer. bike type is sports touring motorcycle and nationality is Japan but of something separate and different. This Rotkehlchen the cbf 1000 has become Foreverial Tiedup Rotkehlchen and it was fully delitized with its engine and cooling system and literally its entire frame changed into a permanent living bologna version with permanent running bologna engine and cooling system and a permanent bologna, ham and cream cheese tongue. fairing is a permanent pastrami fairing and has two permanent ham headlights and two permanent bologna and ham mirrors. Fully wrapped like a mummy, tiedup this way to remain and always rolling around with a permanent smile on its face and a wide open permanent bologna air intake revving constantly ready to willy in front of anyone or anything with its permanent Bologna, ham and cream cheese tongue. The DBT art bondage borgified version of CBF 1000 the Reasonable Rotkehlchen. there are other Japanese Honda CBF 1000 motorcycles i have done besides this and the CBF 600. This is defanitely not the Honda CBF 1000 as this doesnt exist at all in that series that I do, this is in the genre of fully permanent living deli and full permanent rubbery rope riding. This also is defanitely not the CBF 600 from the manufacturer Honda as this doesnt happen to it either, just a different model whom becomes Foreverial Tiedup Rotkehlchen.


The Reasonable Rotkehlchen has been fully delitized, foreverial tiedup, transformed into a full body literally cream cheese and ham baiku. The Honda CBF 1000 which was the Reasonable Rotkehlchen is not foreverial tiedup and loving it, with its permanent Bologna mirrors and permanent Bologna, ham and cheese tongue and fully delitized engine, always revving and loving it.

why does BMW keep getting away with making the same bike over and over again but slightly different with slightly tweaked numbers?

>Most sold bike over 125cc worldwide
Why change a good recipe?

only sold well because muh long way round.

I want that sticker

That cheap freeze out shit from cyclegear actually works pretty good. With just the shirt under my mesh jacket I was good all day yesterday in temps from 55-62.

ayyy vegas bro

Our town sucks. Craigslist has nothing but crap, mostly shitty scooters and the dealers here are shit and will rape you with fees. I would go with the XT225, looks less beat up.

Honestly would check other sites though for better bikes.

really does anyone know where I can get the retro dbt

Rather have a proper adv bike like a dr650. Something I don't need a winch to pick up

I have some originals at home. Don't listen to the people who say they're cursed, that's just superstition :^)

Backyard Tuners
That's where I got it. Picked up like 10 of them.
He's got some other stuff, nothing bike related I think.

Wait, they're cursed!?
No one told me this!
What do I do now.

They're not, you have nothing to worry about user. Nobody ever crashed with one, you'll be fine, I'm sure those crashes were just coincidences.
Plus it's only the first gen stickers that are cursed. I mean, they're not cursed but that's what (((they))) want you to believe. You can have them, don't even worry about crashing haha Just take the stickers please

Fuck Honda and Fuck poor people



I wonder what ever happened to the dunce at ktm that refused their bikes

U want shit??

I wouldn't care either way honestly.
I also have a BLC slap on my truck.

What does that stand for, Beta Loves Cock?

Bad Luck Club

I dont need anything but my hands to pick it up, it's pigfat but easy to handle once you've got the proper grip on it.
Improvement is a quality of it's own user, why reinvent the wheel ?

that's fine, I use white lighters all the time
actually each white lighter I've had has been lucky
always lose them though


That will never not make me laugh.

As someone who owns an agv and tried an arai rx7,it's worth it.
The internal padding is so adaptable that it will fit every head shape,the aero is top level and the wind noise is pretty contained,only a shubert is more silenced.
The only thing id' recomend is a good pair of earplugs if you go to the track,for road use it' perfect as it is.

dude, nice

>rear brake dead
>no fluid in rear brake cylinder
>squish sound when I press down on rear brake
Its a leak in the line isn't it