/fgoalter/ - Fate/Grand Order NA General

Alter > Jannu

Previous: Game released with Prologue (Fuyuki) and Chapters 1 (Orléans) and 2 (Septem)

>[Mega Pastebin]


>[Master Recruitment Campaign]
Campaign Period: June 26, 2017 (Mon) 9:00 PM ~ July 31, 2017 (Mon) 23:59 UTC
If you create an account during this period, you receive the following rewards:
4* CE: Beginning of the Journey
4* Servant: Saber Lily
6,000 FP, 10x 4* All EXP, 5x 3* All HP Fou, 5x 3* All ATK Fou and 30x Saint Quartz

>[66,666 Facebook likes, Gilgamesh rate up]
Event Period: July 06, 2017 (Thu) 7:00 AM ~ July 20, 2017 (Thu) 03:59 UTC
Rated up Servants include:
5* Gilgamesh - [Limited]
4* Lancelot and Atalante
3* Cú Chulainn (Prototype) and Medea

The welfare 4* Servant is now available in the Shop, exchange the voucher you get in your giftbox for it.
The Half-AP cost Campaign is in effect until July 20th.
An important announcement will be revealed on July 11th.

>[First Order Bluray Release Celebration Quest]
Event Period: July 6 (Thu) 4:00 ~ July 13 (Thu) 3:59 UTC
Clear the limited quest to receive 4* CE - First Order

>[Master Mission]
Complete Mission objectives each week to gain Saint Quartz fragments

>[Daily Quest]
Drop rates (click on the NA tab): docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Check the schedule and drops before asking in the thread.

>[US Friend List] (Last Reset: June 26)
Add Yourself: docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSctk0n_OdMusCdkzQPQu8AHD-3Drc0kXqHOmKWJDpY-VkHVEg/viewform
View List: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M8_ZNP-WinrDQvwckh6Q7DMK5Z8RSx7ZshXTLCaI4zo


Jeanne is made for _______

How is your Altera doing?

How do I get good?

why is Alter mad?

post more alter sluts

Is Thiers really the best place to get dragon fangs? I've run it about a dozen times and the only noteworthy thing I've gotten was a few Beserker pieces.

I wish I was a master.

I love my wife!

Post supports

>mfw lv73 and still going up
This half AP stuff is nice

Have any of you ever lost a command seal?

thick dragon dick.

who is the cute girl with white hair and spooky eyes that slashes with her hands for her NP?
I wanna save for her probably as long as she isnt a 5*

So why hasn't this happened yet?

Plenty of characters are already nonsense fanservice

I wish Medea was drawn by Takeuchi again

If anybody wants herc and a fuckton of CE's here


Delicious brown destructor of civilizations

When you guys are farming for gold monument pieces are you doing the 5 10 or 15 ap quests?

Jealousy. Jannu Alter is tsun.

>tfw actually getting somewhere
feels nice

Level 70, bond 6.

I don't think golds drop from 5 or 10.

Because the Tsukihime remake is a myth.


I can see me rolling for mom in the onigashima event the next year

When I first tried doing the 40 AP daily.

Penthesilea, she's just a 4 star. But she's brand new on JP so you'll be waiting a long time.

Fuck you, drop a monument

lv70, bond 6, NP2

>Jannu Alter is tsun.

gold only drops from there or at least you have a chance to always get some piece.

Livestream it, faggot.

>he didn't use jew quartz

>want to play through the story
>Section 8
>7 stages
>Boring but do them all
>Section 8 part 2
>8 stages
>It's only the 4th map spot out of 11

I can't the normal gameplay is so tedious and absolutely boring what's the fucking point

The story is boring and a chore.

"Don't Spook Me: The Movie" Edition

Who else is aiming for a full Gil collection here?

DO IT user
I'm just one fucking Lancer monument away

jesus christ it takes forever to get saber pieces

> enemy servant uses evade every turn
> kills entire team and can't do anything about it

This is not okay.

This is a Jeanne friendly webzone

all Jannus welcome, post your progress, quartz saved up, and remember, NO BULLY below this line

just make an auto battle script
thats what i do for easy fuyuki clears

Who out of the free 4* is good? I already have a herc.

Jannu sucks

>story is tedious as fuck
>but also has really high drops for ascension items


>Hunting for Dragon Fangs in Thiers
>Only the void dust drops for some reason

This endless grind shit's going to make me quit

Obligatory lewd jeanne


>50mil qp

I just want snek jewels for my gil and camilla

Also have Jeanne, but I can't find use for her right now.

>tfw taking a break while regenerating ap right before leveling up
I'll continue farming after some anime I guess

If I see it right it's not possible to evolve Waver past level 70 right nor or ma i wrong?

She sucks my dick

>Male master

They want us to forget about Tsukihime so we don't bitch about the remake

someone post that martha pic

1 Lancer Monument away from seeing her pretty white outfit.

You wish



Yeah, I guess his coin flip ended up heads. Or was I the only person who did that?

Did you get salter yet user?

She's going to be first 6* with her own class
3x damage to everything and amazing stats and skills
NP is going to be AOE stronger than most single target ones

thank you

I'm going to make babies with my wife!

>used to have a Martha
>used her to level up saber lily
Good riddance

Take this gif, slow it down about three times as much and you have the rate at which I get gold monument drops.

>using a 4* to level up
>not getting rare prisms

>Penthesilea, she's just a 4 star. But she's brand new on JP so you'll be waiting a long time.
damn ill probably blow everything on tamamo no mae even though i have waver
I started yesterday after I setup memu

depending on your pc you should be able to set up 2-6 running at a time, i could only do 4 because my 4core cpu is pretty shit

I have an Altera account you can have user, link an email or something and a gil acc left over as well

also tired of fishing for people to give these away to so if anyone is tired of rerolling

1 or two of these has a kaleido i dont remember which
Vlad/Sieg - 3P4nS4n1ja pw: dicks
Cake/Martha - N4vvu23DNw pw: dicks
Emiya/Martha - enG4Ry8NDu pw: dicks
Sieg, Atlanta, Carmilla, 3 5* essence zga9vCbfau zga9vCbfau pw: dicks

all of these have their 4* tickets also

>implying she dislikes riding him

whats the best way to get exp for your CEs?

Any way to get more crafting fodder or do you just depend on the welfare x10 daily friend summon and from those who mooched off of your 5stars?

No, you're not. Even if she was alive and in this world she would never want to procreate with a fat autistic loser who is obsessed with her, she'd go find some basketball player and fuck him

>no where selling good accounts
shit game.

Got a problem with my QP stockpiling, user?

Liz finally shat out a monument for me, hopefully she does the same for you!

This is my Jannu. Isn't she pretty in her white outfit?
The only question I have now is - how the fuck am I going to get all of these monuments tomorrow? Do Caster monuments even drop?

nice. about to give up and just wait til tuesday dailies -- have about 4 more chances today to get my last archer monument

They're probably getting bought up

why do jannu faggots get to third ascend in the first month

What's a good saber servant that's not 5*


>6 free levels
Now if only I was able to get those serpent eyes yesterday

I red that you feed lower level CEs like 1-2* ones themselves to limit break them and then fill them up with tons of shit and do it multiple times. Then use those several CEs on the big ones so you can max them on first level up with just a few slots and no crazy cost

have 1 more jeanne acc to go through then ill post around 5 or so accs here

so whats the news on the 11th?

Jeanne is stupidly easy to ascend compared to everyone else. All she needs are pieces and monuments to get to final ascension.

Ceaser, Nero, Saber Alter

Seiba Blacked.

>Nero, Saber Alter
basically rarer than 5* because you cant easy reroll to get them though

does that just make things cheaper?

it won't let you bypass the duplicate burning shit to "limit break" a kaleidescope or something right?


It's not really worth it until the events that start giving out CE EXP cards, like the Nobu event. You just don't get enough from regular cards to be worth it.

what’s the difference between /fgog/ and this general?

He is rediculously overweight and I thought he'd be a shit fighter so I burned him. Is he really good?

Very funny, game.

obtain qt waifus

stheno, liz, marie, cat all good options

>Do Caster monuments even drop?
You tell me.
I still don't know how I got these.

see I have other characters like Martha or Herc I want to ascend, but their materials are hard as fuck to get right now compared to monuments, so I'm just focusing on ascending Jannu.
Also she's the best so that's another reason to ascend

Soon. All for the Saint.

Fuck. Guess I'll have to be quick on the draw.

I just want his fuckbuddy Enkidu and I'm fine.
Cast-Gil would be nice though.

Nah, I bet we would get along. I think she would like me. Stay mad about me though.