/gtag/ - Grand Theft Auto General

Agent 14 edition

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daily reminder to kos all non white players

Post classics you want added to the game.

For me, it's the Dominator Classic.

yes, it's a real damn shame that a vehicle worthy of getting extensive customization option gets ignored, and it's all just because it isn't a supercar or a weaponized meme vehicle.

Mafia 3 made me super hungry for classic muscle cars and proper 50's-70's sport cars, not the four supercars that got placed in Sports Classics and ruined the name of the class.

>spoiler on a convertible banshee

how about we just kill all camoflauge-wearing BIGNESS fags instead? it's much easier and much more rewarding.

Posted in last thread:

Anyone want to trade race wins for car unlocks on PC? Need to find someone to boost with to get the turbo.

how about we kill everybody with glitched outfits

Well the Sultan comes close, but it's supposed to be a Subaru Impreza. I wanted an m3 so I can have a car that resembled the m3 from Most Wanted, that level of customization would be amazing.

I thought glitched outfits got patched? literally no one wears cops or juggernaut outfits anymore because they got certain necessary parts blacklisted like the belt and helmet.

What's a BIGNESS

what kind of glitched? we talking run of the mill hat+masks/load bearing vest or the invisible limbs/body stuff?

sadly, modders are the only ones who give a shit about this. Rockstar should take a stroll through gta5-mods and gain some inspiration instead of recycling those fucking Biker jackets again and make 20 shitty camo knock-offs.

the Import/Export clothing ski masks and puffer jackets

you may have better luck asking random low-levels in lobbies, seems like everyone here except you has been playing this game since forever

I came over from PS3 to PC, but sadly I wasn't able to transfer progress over so I have to start from scratch. At least the organization shit pays decently even if I'm not a CEO yet.

I wonder if it's too late for a heavy modded tuner update since freemode is a bit of a mess right now

>tfw supra never

havent played for a while and all the new content is overwhelming help me gtag i need to be invited to the PC crew again

username; Snilah

I think they're intentionally skipping out on making a tuner update, even though it has been a GTA concept ever since San Andreas, because they can't make a good enough excuse to price a tuner at 1 million each.

I honestly wish they'll come up with one before RDR2 comes out, but I have a feeling they'll fuck it up somehow.

autistic plane noises

would many people still be interested in vehicles that don't have rockets or armor? I believe the power-creep reached the point of no return with gunrunning.

Wasn't the Sultan around 1m for the upgrade? That wasn't even including all the customization.

That's basically what I mean. I personally would since I love cars but you'd probably only use them anywhere but freemode. Contact missions are fun for driving cars but they get boring after a while

>RX-7 never
>350z never

I hope so since I love just driving around or competing in races. I was surprised that there were a few people talking about doing the same in the last thread.

>rx-7 never
>but make way for generic overpriced super with little to no custom option
Fug :DDD

Considering we are getting those sports classics, I believe they will add normal cars if people complain for them enough. Kind of like how we got the elegy retro and the comet retro.

Except the latter wasn't what anyone requested.

Some people wanted a RWB Comet like the one in Tuners & Outlaws, other people wanted a classic Comet, so Rockstar decided to cut corners on it like they do with everything else and merged the two with no option of getting a stock classic one anyway.

Even its liveries are half-assed and have texture errors that aren't fixed to this day.

don't forget that you can't even change the color of the basic stripe liveries which should be the most standard shit

i would like to join
player name; classyskull

Post characters



fuck off retard

Whoever has this character is a kill-on-sight.

Is there any reason to own a clubhouse?

Look, just because someone is autistic enough to spend 3 million years perfecting an online toon, it doesn't warrant you to bully them even if they have done literally nothing to trigger your retardation.

piss off, underage summercunt.

>that much autism in one video

Trying on your dad's shirt?

Bike storage and instant spawning.

you must be an underage autist because you have no idea who Tommy Vercetti is.

>Any white guy wearing a hawaiian shirt is Tommy Vercetti
>Getting SUPER defensive when someone makes fun of your too big shirt

I like to post my characters but not giving BasedViva a (You)

retard, hawaiian shirts are supposed to be too big for you so that you either keep them tucked or untucked.

besides, I did not say that my character is Tommy himself, my outfit is inspired by Tommy's outfit.

You look like Subway Jared after a stint in prison

I don't see the resemblance

What if I told you Tommy's own shirt isn't several sizes too big?

>be a CEO with three associates
>freeroam event
>All three of my associates get in the top 3
>I get all their winnings
wew lad

unfortunately, that's all Rockstar gave us, and they'd rather give us 3 million camouflage recycled biker clothing and thousands of pajamas than create something tasteful.

In fact, female toons are the only ones able to get a parrot-print Hawaiian shirt similar to Max Payne's, but it's so disgustingly low-res you can literally count the pixels in it.

that one thot face

lol fuck no

why don't we just kill everything on sight

only way to play


>riding anything that's not a Hilux

shameful display

then you won't make any friends, user, and I'm sure you're pretty lonely in real life.

>quintessentially british character

What bike is that?


I did the whole online friendship thing once. Not a fan.


Nah man, you got it backwards. I knew a guy that was a real dick once, now I don't talk to people in real life.


Can someone hit me up with that discord

the casco isn't even appropriate for this image then user, didn't exist in vc

literally who

I was experimenting with the shot and area, user, I plan on redoing this with the Torero once it comes out.

tfw none of ps4 crew is online

I still log in to play around with the explosive rounds on the thermal scope heavy sniper, it's pretty fun. But now that I don't need to grind anymore my total playtime a day is maybe an hour, two if I feel like it.

>everybody makes money with the MOC glitch
>everybody makes money with the DM glitch
>curry comes back
>nobody else plays

Anyone above 5KDR I would regard as a skid desu.

I don't understand the crews fascination with grinding, nobody really does anything or even bother trying the new gunrunning toys aside from maybe 4 people.

we need to do fun playlists again

You don't need to be a skid to get a kdr of over 5. You can either be really good at shooting or just a faggot who knows how to maintain a high kdr by cheesing every encounter with every glitch, advantage and macro

I think grinding was just giving people a reason to log in, something you can't really fix anymore until the next major update.

>Dominator Classic
>Gauntlet Classic

Honestly, just some more classic muscle cars. I know there's a bunch, but they're my favourites in this.

Oh, and maybe a Jester Classic that turns it into a Honda NSX/Toyota Supra, I.E the old version of what it's based on/it's San Andreas rendition.

the Jester Retro should be the old NSX, the Supra should be a separate vehicle named as the Karin Snipe and look almost exactly like the Jester in San Andreas.

Nah, knowing R*, they'd let you have a base model for about 300k, but have absolutely fuck-all in the way of customisation, and then make it so it costs in the region of a million to convert, and then have all the upgrades be as expensive as shit.

I don't know why but I really like it. In general I prefer a lack of spoiler aesthetically, but I really like it on the topless Banshee 900r. I hadn't planned on getting one, but I saw someone else's who had their's similar, and I liked it enough that it inspired me to get one of my own.

At least get some new material you waste of oxygen. You basically spam the same three pictures of your waifu doing generic shit.

Which is fitting, because your waifu a shit.

>past few sessions
>attack everyone with a kdr over 5 just to piss them off
>80% of them end up being GM brats

please, just let me hold onto what little blissful ignorance I have left in my soul.

Why so upset?

Yeah, most of them are skids but it's not like it's impossible if you know how to be a KD-whore.

oh, you're the wigger faggot. you really are the world's biggest autist.

>no supra
>no lancer evo
>no 350z
>no eclipse
>no rx7 or rx8
does rockstar hate money? technically the eclipse is in the game but there's no reason to even drive it

>literally god mode
>its ok because they know how to be a kd whore
I can be just as much as a KDR whore than these kids can think, but god mode isn't one of them.

I'm just saying that you don't have to be a skid to have a kd like that

>copying loading screen characters

Damn, take a chill pill. Relax

That was before my time. I could have never copied that if I've never seen it

>character is ID #0000000001
>meaning that it's the very first GTA Online character ever created

wow, Rockstar is hilariously garbage at their own creator

the brightly colored masks you see in every lobby, usually worn by the guy about to bomb you with a hydra.

The numbers mean RP gained if I'm not wrong.

your first character always starts with that number

>gtag doesn't actually play modes or race together

Why's this general even exist if you just shitpost, grind and cheat?

wait, it's just an RP counter? why did I believe the fags on GTAF that it's a player ID...

At least my point still stands about Rockstar being garbage though.

because its to talk about gta, not some shitter crew circle jerk

they're comfy

>He's resorting to the "U MAD BRO?" already

Christ, you really don't have any solid arguments, do you?

A classic Eclipse would be nice DESU.

And I know it's a meme car, but an AE86 would be nice. Mainly so my friend would stop "drifting" around in his black and white Blista Compact. Despite me telling him it's a CRX over and over.

I'm all relaxed and happy, at the moment. You clearly aren't. Just don't get worked up over one person on a Veeky Forums general

People play modes, but
Why? Every race is supers, with catch up and slipstream on. It's dumb

If we did a crew race we could choose whatever we wanted.

That's why you would race with the crew. Pick good, user created tracks. Turn off slipstream and catch-up, have more variety in classes.

And to be fair there are a lot of Sports races from Rockstar.

>tripfaggot genuinely believes he makes people mad