/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #1824


>Future Updates

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Schedule for July:
6/30 - 7/8 - Ranger Sign: Bravo!
7/9 - 7/14 - A Slice of Summer (Rerun)
7/12 - 7/17 - Cerberus and Fenrir Showdowns
7/18 - 7/24 - Xeno Vohu Manah Clash
7/25 - 7/30 - Rise of the Beasts
7/31 - ?/?? - New Scenario Event

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild pastebin

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Cutest primal

Reminder that you should only listen to and follow Yukikaze. Anyone else is a fucking trash that deserves to be scrapped and never be born.

suptix la?

>literally made to suck giant primal dick
no thanks

Are you illiterate or do you just not care to look things up. You need a mixture of both Baal axes and stratomizers to work correctly.

If only she was useful. Or at least Cog tier.

How the fuck am I supposed to level my weapons when you get like 1 angel a raid now instead of 2-4

That's an onahole.

Angel halo

>Io still not fixed
>chev swords won't restock
>only element without a dmg cap up
>to reach cap on element you need to ougi with a GW 5*, but you can't ougi freely in some raids
What did light do to deserve this?

How do I follow you?

what slut support class am I supposed to host HL baha with if I can only get 460k honors? phalanx bot?

But I can't do halo until I get Salsa at next RotB. What am I supposed to do?

Start by not eating books, shiteater.

>Light literally has no combination of characters, weapons, or summons that allows them to cap damage.
>Dark can do it without a complete pool via Six, S. Zoey, etc.

This was never a competition to begin with. Are you all really circle jerking to a Toyota Corolla vs a Ferrari?

You can start farming the mats you will need in the future. I didn't heed the warning and now I suffer.

but im a whiny baby who doesnt wanna farm halo outside of magfest

This fucking gacha can you stop throwing summons that I can't even 3* them please
i just need chara so i can use them on this rainbow meta

You mean in HL? Because light can cap with Song 5* and you only need 5 swords for that, if that user wasn't fucking liying.


>b-but you need stratomizers
>rukumasu only uses only 2
>not even MLB and he still rapes every baha hl

my sides

The obvious implication was I need Salsa to be present in any DH that trigger, since I'm going to gather her relics.

>rolling outside legfest

>almost mid July
>no magfest yet

WTF KMR?????

Nigga please it's only 20 AP

>This event
Are we the baddies?


Capping ain't good enough.

While doomposters are dumb, because GBF isn't going away anytime soon, I have to say that the game is in decline since KMR became top dog.


But you do need them, you just don't need them MLB.

Do we even know what the Gran/DJ swimsuits look like? Seems like sloppy marketing to me.

>mfw change tactics!

This isn't fair bros

We saw DJ's in the anime and no one cares about what Gran's looks like.

is vira gay???

Dumb Satania poster


Is Summer legfest this month?

>perfect conditions

ugly and gay

>DJ swimsuit
Who cares

>You don't need stratomizers
>Sources a Twitter that uses two

Did they never teach you how to properly form an argument or are you still in middle school?


I care though.

>2 fires
I died

Are you stupid?

They're 0* Stratomisers. You could definitely replace them with 3* Baal Axes.

Sorry but are you a Trump supporter?

What is this expression trying to convey? Why does she dress so slutty?

I think it's pretty obvious how stupid the user is.

I'm sorry, but are you fucking retarded and brain dead?

Uhm no, they have large backwater which is far more important.

I'm sure I saw a better looping version of that.

I'd make a joke about you being no one but that's mean and I can't do that.
I hope they show it before the BD releases just for you.

Why can't everyone dress like proper ladies like Jasmine?

He didn't even say that you don't need stratomizers, he just said that the guy only uses 2, do you even know how to read, man?

>lost argument
>still attacking people

how typical hahaha

Daddy issues

Does she please old men for free?

We know you are. It's okay.

She wishes she was born an erun.

She is in her rebellious stage and wants her dad's attention.

You can't refute my point so you've resorted to ad hominem. How badly did Trump fuck your family?

Do you bother th:ing your extremes and maniacs?

>tfw I'm Ulysses

Obviously, you don't think she became a captain by her own merit, did you?

shut up old timer

More importantly why do the parts of the rim of her coatdress not connect?

All the female enforcers dress like that, in it's pictures in shadowverse

Ah I understand now.

My sides. It's like you don't read what you write.

The difference is roughly a 140% (7*20%) enmity multiplier vs. a 160% (5*20% + 2*30%) multiplier over the entire pool.
The Baal Axes are also 15% normal multiplier compared to a 10% normal on the Stratomisers.
Sure the Stratomisers marginally better better, but it's not like its as big difference as you seem to think.

no because there is nothing of value from this rerun


Wow nanoda! /gbfg/ I can't believe you've made it higher than 1800 threads nanoda! That's amazing nanoda! How much longer will you guys succeed nanoda, will you make it to 2000, I wonder nanoda!

>kidnap and eat his children
>tries to defend them
>kill and eat him too

damascus bars reset when?

kill yourself


How do I link my browser account to my phone's app account? Can I do it with DMM?

>what are dama crystals

He said and I quote:

>b-but you need stratomizers

Are you incapable of reading between the lines and understanding inference?

I'll cut your ears off

It tasted bad!!


Shut up Korbo

Is she an erun?

When are you going to say anything of worth?

>reading between the lines and understanding inference

Stop making shit up only to prove a non-existent point, you dumb fuck.

I want SSR fodder the most right now.

Already did a while ago. Now it's your turn.

Oh yeah, and that's at 1% HP, the difference gets less the higher your HP.


>enslave his spirit to fight for you too
Absolutely devillish

Shut the FUCK UP

he asked specifically whether to TH and dam crystals are shop purchase only

newfag here, what should I do with these gacha summons
my target is 3* Hades first other than that i don't know
