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first for bokube dev being a fag

Is making assets the comfiest part? I like being able to just watch something while taking my time making plants look just right.

this and any coding that doesn't require paying attention to project structure as a whole

post assets

I don't like it, I got my game dev start in making maps for games where the assets were already there for me to use.

Reposting here
Do I want the build support stuff? Anything specific besides the default components and example project? Never done this before

No, they're mine.

if I make a game in a japanese setting if not japanese how hard do you guys think sjws/autistic weaboos are going to sperg out?

samsungTV and Tizen builds are crucial, everything else is optional

tell me the things you hate about your engine/framework of choice

Samsung TV is all you need.

Making assets is only my favourite thing when it goes well. If I can't make something look right it's just as bad as coding.

>including SamsungTV
fucking nodevs, you only really need Tizen

hi agdg

I don't stumble here too often these days but I'd like to see if anyone has any strong opinions on something

I'm trying to make a multiplayer browser game where users send data (orders to units), at their leisure, it's kind of turn based, and eventually the server updates the map with everyone's orders.
Every tutorial/guide I've seen for multiplayer browser games uses web sockets, but because of the slow nature of my game, I thought of using a simple rest-ish API.

It sounds like it'll work in theory without a hitch, but I might be missing something.
I'm leaning towards an API because I'm already proficient in making these kinds of things from my day job.

Writing "love" everywhere makes me puke butterflies.

no one will care as long as it's fun. look at star wars. it's basically just space samurais, since lucas is a tremendous weeb who watched akira kurosawa movies constantly.

Is there enough juice for player damage animations? (it's still rough version)

Why would you want to use a REST API? I don't get it. At least in my understanding, every time you make a call, you'd be creating a new Http connection to the server. That sounds like a lot of overhead for a game as opposed to just streaming some information each second.

Porn tumblr followers count as a fanbase?

Why are discordfags such normalfags?

You could make it so critical hits make her fall down.

It's too long.

That looks like Visual Studio Code.

the best tile editor yet belongs to RPGMaker
prove me wrong

It's too long.

About our game:
Still cant decide on what are we gonna do with our special bombs.

Option 1. copy most shmups, super bomb ammo drops randomly from enemies. my issue with this is some player just horde them and just use them on bosses.

Option 2. Cooldown based. Problem: Player just wait for cooldown and wont bother with normal bomb.

Option 3: needs more ideas

>line 34

Does js work with `+=` without `=` before it?

>Still cant decide on what are we gonna do with our special bombs
just proportionally increase difficulty and better loot
recipe for success and bland gameplay since the 90's

I haven't been here since March, anything interesting I missed?

>tfw youve got IDEAS and a game to put them in

Still not perfect, but I fixed my embarrassing mistake from before. Thanks again to the user who pointed that out. Feels much better now, although it loops smoothly in Blender and feels janky in Unity, no matter if I use Loop Pose or not.


Just need to finish updating the pockets and the patches menu

Check out demo day 15

So are you remaking the jam game in 3d, or is it another game with the same character?

I dont understand. Isn't that good? Why is the fox screaming?

Remaking the jam game. I want there to be more variety with ranged combat and magic which wouldn't feel right with the limited 4-directional movement.

I've never tried to do a dungeon generator in Unity, but I think I've got a good enough handle on prefabs and arrays and such that I could probably make it work.

>lvl 1

Thats a cool menu, good job

I want to use it because I'm proficient with it and it seemed to serve my needs

But what you're saying makes sense. An API would be alright but I'm planning on up to a hundred calls per user per minute. Using websockets will be more efficient and let me change the gameplay if I find it necessary.

not sure how are we gonna do that on our game tbqh.

here our game btw. we are 2 man working on this, it's a Silent Bomber rip off game. He plants bomb on his feet or open up a target reticle to lock on targets and lauch sticky bombs towards them. he also have special bombs, One leaves a Damage over time effect on the ground, 2nd is a black hole bomb that suck everything and third is a stun bomb that stuns. we're stuck with the special bomb ammo mechanics.

Yeah, I meant it like I'm feeling powerful
I only just learned that yamero means "stop" so I fucked up there

well I hate it, but good luck

What's stopping somedoby from using this and simply making the assets and releasing on steam?!/content/26617

Not much in terms of decoration here but I think it kind of helps, what do you guys think?

How do you approach programming menus?

Nothing, people release games with premade engines all the fucking time.

It's neat, but would benefit from them looking like they smoothly emerged from the ground. Now it looks like they're stuck to the top of it

somebody already did

and it was removed.

Anything TCP for video games (especially with as many calls as you expect) sounds like a terrible idea.

How much do you know about networking? If you're familiar with it, I think you can make it work, but from a general perspective this sounds awful, laggy and bandwidth-intensive.

ah yeah good point, I'll fix that up

post your game music /agdg/, i need things to listen to

That's like the fifth time I've seen somebody post that. Wish I had the ability to make new art so I could change it slightly so that's no longer the case.

I don't like the characters but that menu is pretty damn slick.

From behind

>Players total: 2,213 ± 1,304 (73.33%)

Quite disappointed for them. Even if it is a overcrowded genre and the release timing was horrible, I still expected more sales for them.

this reminds me of superstar saga for some reason

It's probably one of the most straightforward parts to program. Change cursor location on input, then execute logic when something is selected

But every browser game is running over TCP (excluding some flash games)
my problem was with choosing the layer above TCP, so either HTTP or Websockets or something else

for my case I actually want the error checking through TCP, because it's a very slow paced game where you send orders, I want to know on the client side that the orders have been received and will execute. I'm trying to do something like this:

>round starts, users have 10 seconds to issue orders
>multiple users send orders
>server processes orders, game logic, returns the outcome to the users

so unlike an FPS, where it's no big deal if a tick or two are missed, I actually need to make sure every action occurs.

what are the most popular 2D genres for indies.

No cute female characters

I wish I knew how to use FL Studio better

Pixelshit meme platformer

You makin' a turn based RPG?

Wanna trade notes?

woh guys i cant believe monolit fucking bombed
is this the end of indie game...?
bros... i-im scared... hold me.....

Bullethells, like Nuclear Throne

lot to unpack here

Does anyone use a laptop as their primary machine to develop games?
If so, what are your specs (including screensize) and how do you find it?

I'm tempted to try android development on a laptop I'm getting for college but no idea what specs are ideal. I'm mostly looking for people's opinions on their own setup instead of what to buy

How the hell do you animate a sideways walk/run? There are literally no references on the entire Internet.

will you translate your game to japanese?

dont forget to put it only in romangi,

So i need to make an interface system for my game anybody recommend any GUI libraries???

c++ preferably

film your own with your phone.

Posts like this really annoys me. In other words I just bought Monolith.

I wish I knew Japanese

Fairly certain if you google Run Cycle every single result will be from a side perspective

I used to years ago. forgot the specs iirc old i7, gtx 840m, 8gb.

It's sucks especially if want to have multiple programs running at once. in my case, Photoshop, 3ds max and Unity.

Who's to say it won't get more popular? Games get discovered at odd intervals.

think he meant strafing

he means a lateral walk, you knucklehead

Because of processing power or because of RAM limitations or something else?

everyone loves physics

I don't use it as a primary machine but I have a piece of shit laptop with a i3-6100U processor and Godot works fine in it.

Well the game wasn't getting much attention from non-gamedevs, not surprising.

Look at world of horror and how much attention it got, now that game is gonna sell to the million.

If you dev on a toaster, you have a leg up on optimization.

If you release a game without hype there's only so far you can expect it to go.

yes. Js will never not compile

are you using the pbr standard shader?

there are no references because you can't run sideways. best you can do is run forward and look to the side at the same time.

What screen size/resolution is it and how do you find it? Mostly in terms of work space.
It won't be a toaster. It'll be an i7-7700hq (or at least an i5 7th gen that's hq), 1050 gpu and an SSD>

Desktop I use is a 4th gen i5 and amd 280 with a HDD and I'm fine on that.

hallelujah it works
>tfw you don't know why it works

What are you working on, user?

can someone guide me on where/how to pirate gamemaker?

Whatever Unity's built-in shader is, yeah.
Most of the "shading" is on the texture. This is a Blender render, for comparison

you should use a legacy shader with simple diffuse, specular and normal channels. right now because roughness and metal channels are empty in pbr shader, its giving you a matte, chalky effect

>tfw you don't know why it works
welcome to shaders



adapt or die

looks good apart from the grain

Hmm, I'll have to take a peek at those and see how it looks. Thanks user