League of Legends General /lolg/

nunu edition



fun is a buzzword



I'm gold 4 in solo queue and just got placed in silver one in flex on NA. How trash am I?

xth for Syndra

I want to shit in Lulu's mouth

What champ do you wish you could play but can't?

youre average/10 id say desu

what are some FUN champions for jungle


follow your dreams.

It's absolutely fucking normals?
Placements should always place you below your actual rank even if you do good


nunu, pony, trynd

Yasuo. every Yas I play against in mid is fucking Faker with their windwalls, but every time I play him, I can't get close to the enemy and end up feeding

youre stastically above average

>I actually didn't read the lore

New to league what lane/roll is good for beginners?
any noob champs friends so far just told me to play this guy.

dam, cant even feel it if you knock her out of that chair and rape her

Thanks, made my hard day

I'm in love with Ms Buvelle.

Are you in love with someone user? Why do you love them? Tell me about them.

Shaco, Evelynn, and pretty much any other gank oriented champ. I can't figure out how they're supposed to work when they're ostensibly made to be good at killing other people but do shit for damage and can barely clear.

main Yasuo so by the time you hit lvl30, you've mastered him and can tilt all your enemies

alternatively Darius for the same reasons

>speaking on the phone
>has a microphone headset

>being in love with my wife
stop that


Play Annie.

I really like the fact that all Corki's items after Triforce cost fuck all money despite the fact that he's one of the highest damage dealers in the game

bee sin

imagine all the plane crashing everyday because of her

Hello lads,

I'm tired of this game and I want to sell my acc. Is anyone interested?

Lv 30
S3 Plat
S4 Gold
S5 Plat
S6 Plat
Current Rank: Gold III
205 Skins (see pic)
All Champs and lots of Champion Shards
17 Runepages
2 Gemstones

comfy bfs~

>dying to corki
how's bronze

>The best couple is also canon

As expected of yuri!

were a league discussion general not an account selling general

5 bucks

would sell for 150, 200 if lucky desu

t. knower

Heavily pregnant Sjokz

hey some n*ggers stole my phone
please give me your account thanks

>feed ass off
>get fed as fuck
>also lose

Forced 35% for ya

>selling your account for at most $300, when in 2 months you'll have an urge to start playing again and have to start from scratch
$300 is chump change compared to how much work you've put into the account. just keep it or lend it to a friend

Lesbians aren't real user

I'll have to go and tell all the pro players that prioritise him as one of the strongest mid laners in the game that they're talking out their arse then

maybe mord

that's it

Before i sell it to some random guy I thought maybe someone in /lolg/ might be interested.

Literally just friends, delusional yuritard.

is anyone level 3 in honor yet


>win early
>lose hard mid game
>win late game

alright I'll take it

>two girls being nice to each other means yuri
Do you have friends of your own you fucking autist?

I'd honestly recommend anything that isn't ADC.

Xin Zhao or Warwick if you're looking to jungle, not Yi.

>tfw will never get the ww/titch skin

>just friends


lmao ok nerd I just read the little paragraph on the champ page not the Journals of Justice or whatever the fuck you're obsessing about.

>woah look art is proof
Yurifags prove their iq is less than 100 once again

>no pax Sivir
no thanks

Xth for I want to marry Tristana!

>he sexually pleasure his friends

also post smug darius those images crack me up desu

>pick panth
>give first blood
>and second blood
>game lasts until 45
>get a quadra

Yeah. If only buying accounts wasn't so sketch.

Why sell an account you've spent at least 500+ and countless hours on? You won't get more than 200 for it either by the way.

>shitty fanart porn

>sexually pleasure
Nice headcanon

Best girl.
Best hands.
Best wife.


What are the chances of Yasuo becoming an even bigger cancer after his rework lads?

stfu retards

>blind pick
>faggot1: adc
>faggot2: adc
>faggot3: no im adc
>mfw i dodge

that shit gets annyoing, kill luluposters now

how do you guys feel about buying lvl30 accounts? getting to lvl30 would take at least a few days to a week, depending on how hard you grind. but for $13-20 you can get a lvl30

>s-stop ruining muh headcanon
Deal with it

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

As high as the test on this lady

I want to go swimming in (you).

>playing blind pick in 2017

People are gonna be buttmad at Yasuo just because he's Yasuo, even if he gets nerfed into unplayability bronze tards will probably still ban him.

I'll give ya tree fiddy

top lane is easy for beginners

last whisper is so shitty man

>skin code pro sniper
>not EUW

fuck you

I want to go hero searching in Poppy.

shieldsluts > healsluts

can you make a better last whisper?
dont talk then fag

I'm in love with Jinx!

literal dogshit>both of those

Total armor instead of bonus armor. Fixed

>Just friends

You haven't watched many mahou shoujo animes, huh?

Check this out
*reverts last whisper changes*

why did he never make more of these tankmen shorts
i loved them

good ol' newgrounds days
were getting old user

Why didn't LB just carry harder lol

I want to marry Tristana but it is impossible so I will just continue to be alone and sad.

>last whisper is bad
stop right there adcbab
you can fix every problem by buying the superior ROPE item and hanging yourself both ingame and in real life

It wasn't meant to be "proof", you dummy.

Man I kind of miss the old screen UI, and the map looked a lot comfier to.
BUt that might just be pure nostalgia talking.

>be me ADC
>supp picks strong support like Thresh or Ali
>we dominate lane
>supp picks bitch ass healer slut like Nami or Soraka
>stands behind me and/or blocks cs

Sona is the only healslut I like. Morg and Zyra are the best caster supports though


What is this look meant to convey?

Its okay kiddo. You lost.

Yeah I know. Because there isn't one. They are friends, kiddo, you are delusional, deal with it

You have 10 seconds to create the most irresistible clickbait title for Kayn's release