/bdog/ - Black Desert Online General

Sardine dindu nuffin edition

>What is BDO?
Black Desert Online is a Korean MMORPG developed by Pearl Abyss. It features non-tab targeted action combat, group pvp, infinite grinding and a pseudo-sandbox experience.

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>Useful Links, Guides, Guilds & Info

Read the pastebin, Ctrl+F, jfgi before posting.
Many guests passes are available for those that wish to try the game for 7 days.

Previous Thread:

1st for comf

Post you crush!!
Mine is meguri >////

how accurate is the dp/ap recommendations in pic related?

Awww I hate this phone

Hey bdog, Im new and Id like to know how to farm potatoes, can someone help me?

could you guys fuck off to so I can get some answers?

it's accurate enough even with that pic being so old
have fun getting ganked by level 60's with 200AP/300DP+ at susans and pirates

I prefer this comfy general.

you didn't even link that OP to the previous thread you shitter

Why would you make a thread and not link it in the previous thread?

Pls be my waifu

godamn I want marine outfit, I just can't see myself investing another 30 dollars into it though

Who had the bright idea to make 5 new threads then?

wtf are you talking about you? i didnt even make the thread faggot

I wanted to wait for an appropriate time ;_;

Sorry I have my eyes on someone else.

Not going to lie I was tired of not winning the bid. I am not patient at all.

These questions we dont really need the answers for.

The Curious Tale of Windypiggy and Mistress Vjera, part 1:

I looked into her eyes as i took out the fat wad of raw cash from my wallet. I felt the raw benjamin texture grease my fingertips, as they lightly traveled towards my mistress' demanding hands.

She stared directly into my face as she commanded; "Next time i will not be so lenient, Windalgo".

I wept away the tears as they streamed from my petite cheek. I was completely owned and utterly cucked by this she-beast. I asked meekly, in hopes of release; "Will paddlepiggy be allowed to cum today, mistress?".

She leered at me, and took out the key resting between her man-tits. "Only if you pay me another $200, Windypiggy". The plastic roared around my cage, as i felt my erection fighting a futile battle for release.

"Y-yes mistress! Windypiggy is good boi! W-will be good little piggy! Oink!~ Oink!~"....

Im cucking my waifu with this respectable black man.



Sorry - your waifus a flaming turd
Also uploading the superior waifu

That's not superior in anything

You can't just download a preset then act like shes cute.

fuck i wish i could get that much.

No blush makes your character look like shit tbqh

I see you

Same here, I even already had the matching underwear.

But I'm just going to have to accept it's something I'll never have ;_;

I actually never learned how to use blush on my characters.

You could say hello if you wanted.

I fixed everything but the face structure. what did you do? Bumped up tits, ass and height on a shitty default preset to the max, bought some accessories with your NEET bucks and now youre calling that abomination cute? Get some better taste senpai

whoa boy

Nah I'd rather not

What do you guys use to get to ~25 failstacks?

Is every single person I see fishing a bot?

I hit reblath til 20, then I toss 2 concentrated armor stones at some pri failstacking armor to get to 26.

I feel like you copied that insult, after you copied that preset.

Reblath to 16, green weapon to 22, then start rolling DUO's

time to go back to the drawing board senpai, you cant attention whore with whatever that thing is

You should upload your preset so I can fix your matted skin.

Could just be afk fishing.

His character looks better than yours and you do realize that the hardest part is the face structure right? retard.

>crush and anticrush combine to post more pictures of you than you post

Pepperoni witch!

I dont mind, I have posted too much already.

Im happy with my imperfections.

That's what you get for having such an adorable character.


>implying you aren't just samefagging with crush poster
LMAO nice try ted

>default everything but eyes
>makes fun of other people

Wait, Strikers are male only?

I didnt make fun of people, I made fun of a thing.

Whats wrong with you?

All classes are genderlocked.

Meguri is my wife, stop bullying her.


>he says to his "wife"

Are there any guilds looking for members right now that also have erp

ah geez i forgot about that shit, good bye Mrs. Fister i guess

anyone gotten anything good from the night vendor? all i'm getting is black stones

Possible femstriker coming soon

KaKa blessed me with Bhegs for 80mil. Praise him.

I think you've lost brain cells with all this crushposting.

try IC

Nah I heard everyone hates them, and probably for good reason.


I bought my first house, and I was so excited to start decorating it, so I did.
But I just realised the price is not silver coins, but pearls. And I don't have any pearls :(

How do I get pearls? How long would it take me to decorate my home like pic related?

Sardine isn't an ERP guild but they have alot of ERPers and are always looking for members.

It's been ages but I forgot I still had a customization saved
r8 h8 appreci8

There are furniture vendors you can buy from, or try the marketplace

Swipe your credit card for pearls

Who is the leader of Sardine, also any other guilds just in case?

>Sardine isn't an ERP guild but they have alot of ERPers

Why can't I find any in here. It has plenty of people that like to dress like sluts and spam their pictures in the thread but as far as I can tell none of them actually RP/ERP.

W-who are you?

Because you're not actually in the guild. But go ahead and post a screenshot of the guild screen or chat.

How boring.

An admiring stranger~

A majority of the Sardine avatarfags don't ERP. You'll have to beat around the bush in guild chat until you can find one of the ERPers though. There are alot, itonically.

Bangui? Bangi? One of those names.

Yeah, you're not in the guild.

Yes, it's your fault.


I used to be, user. I just wanted to ERP though.

Say hi next time! :^)

>longer chin
>thicker lips
>slightly wider and rounder eyes
>more realistic nose
user's taste/10
she looks cute, dont mind what anyone here says

Good enough

I am though. I'd log in to proof it but that would make things obvious. But are you even really trying to deny the fact? Like, even if I wasn't in Sardine, what I said is clearly true. Look at the very first reply to this thread, lol. Or are you saying they do ERP but keep it on the downlow?

So you're not in Sardine then, gotcha

Okay. I'm not in Sardine. But since you keep acting like a child and plugging your ears to what I'm actually saying, we'll just go ahead and agree that the actual point I'm getting across is true. Gotcha.

What about the cheeks? High and broad was my goal. Chin easy fix.

But not good enough. She needs to be White

Crush poster here, can I join sardine??

I was asking you for proof of being in the guild since you wanted to make a claim but just happened to be conveniently offline

So did the game suddenly get better? All the negative reviews that haunted this game seemed to have turned in to positive ones.

Should I get this game?
Is the community good enough to make some friends while playing or is this going to be a solo-til-the-endgame kinda deal

I will if I dont lose my composure from how pretty you are~

slather on more makeup and that should make you more fuckable.

New player here, where the fuck is the banker in Velia? I want to exchange 2 gold ingots, but I can't find him anywhere

Right by the docks

upper right of the screen, the magnifying glass lets you search for npcs

where is that cow slut with the animals? she was suppose to suck a fat horse dick. i paid good money for that. and by good money i mean my semen on her face

I'm lv. 55 witch, managed to pre-order a duo pri add sphera over the weekend so no reason not to go to 56 now. I have 127 Ap, 161 dp, there any good spot I could farm thats fast and wouldn't be as crowded as elrics and sausans?

A tribute was promised, though...


pearls are cash shop
there are furniture workshops in every towns with different craft recipes if you really want to decorate with silver

Thank you!

Yes the game got better a while back, they listened to the community and fixed many issues, could be more but they did well. Game is thriving right now.
Get it if you're interested, otherwise who are we to tell you to play it?
Community isn't great, you can make friends in a guild easily but otherwise most people won't interact with you because its mostly solo.

>they listened to the community and fixed many issues
Like what?