/dag/+/bwg/ - Dragon Age & Bioware General #1083

Dragon age Edition

Previous: News:
>the BSN now is gone forever (but there's a backup somewhere so it's not really gone)
>Bioware's new IP- Anthem, set for fall 2018
>Dragon Age: Knight Errant #2 comic is out

>We occasionally discuss other, smaller RPGs that don't have their own generals. This does not mean we are /wrpg/

Dragon Age Stuff:
>Check THIS before asking questions:
>DA:O Mods

>How do I import my save into DA:I?
You can use this website to create your own DA World History by bringing over your choices from the previous games. You need an Origin account.

>Where is my Warden?
Drinking tea

>/dag/ (incomplete) Art Archive

>/dag/ booru

>Help me /dag/+/bwg/, I want to youtube.com/watch?v=NQ5S8vs2n0U

Other urls found in this thread:



user I LOVE Dragon Age!

>Floating daggers on concept art

for her

*scoff* her tiddies aren't even that big!!!

What YOU feel when he sucks your boobs?


A sharp pain when he bites down, but he soothes my new love bite with gentle wet kisses, his scratchy beard against my erect nipples... hhnggg...!!!


I want to suck my boobs...!

Getting REAL tired of people removing /our girl/ from the OP

*your girl



*slaps Leliana so hard she phases out of existence*


user! I can't believe you did that to.... umm..... whomst...?

I love Jean Valjean!

Is there any point to doing the trials in Inquisition besides the achievements? The rewards seem okay but it feels pointless if there's no schematics for them.

Not really. It's more for the extra challenge than anything. Or using the one that doubles disapproval gain so you might actually lose party members.

Is there scans for the rpg corebook anywhere?

kys @all


marjolaine has a message to anyone who believes leliana

Vanilla nightmare becomes way too easy if you use the golden nug at the beginning of a new game to get the collectables from your old games. Like, way too fucking easy.

Even with all trials turned on, only the DLCs offer some real tough challanges, not the main game.

I turned off the companion disapproval one though, that is only there so that people can see the disapproval exclusive scenes of companions for themselves I guess.


Made a pyre to purify her, the fire was so big that got me too!

She's such a retarded psychopath

>liarafags still infesting our general

Encourage her user.. this is who she is!

This emptiness makes me sad.

is this a poem written by Isabela?

Have you tried balancing your party composition? Warriors can keep a foe's attention while rogues circle around for backstabs and mages support them both from a distance.



Are you sure?





NO! Come back user!

"It's alright." - the voice says, a bit louder.
Fenris looks around, but sees nothing, only the blood. It's everywhere, the entire mansion seemed to be tainted with the blood of his former master - "everything magic touches becomes cursed." - he says to himself.
"I won't let your magic ruin me!" - he yells, breaks off from the paralysis spell and stands ready to draw his last breath to kill them once more, but Danarius and Hadriana were nowhere to be seen.

Why so dead...

It is alright.

Keep her softened. Only the Warden and the Inquisitor can show her the right path.

anons incontinence.....

What's a good name for her, /dag/?

Why change her? Default Marian is already good-looking.


user, that's a boy's name.




That's a nice one. Okay, Ferelle it is!

Should've gone with Jeff

Marjolaine is paranoid!

I don't know, she just doesn't look like much of a Jeff to me. Jeff would be sportier.

Jeff is a ugly name for a girl desu

J'ye'ff is a lovely name for a female elf!

Stop with your dumb Khajiit names.

Nyaa~ try and stop me! :3

I hate cats!

Look me in my modded eyes...


Save it for Leliana.

>kissing a mouth that's been on every dick in Thedas

no thanks

Die zealots!

Confused, he goes up the stairs towards Danarius room and rushes through the door - "I'm not here to play games Danarius! " - he yells, but the room is empty. In the corner of the room, a mirror fancing him gives the most frightening sight.
His markings, now red, were bleeding just like his old ghosts. The blood from his markings rapidly form a pool at his feet, and as it expands, he feels his life fading.
"Fenris, look at me!" - the voice calls for him again, more clear than ever.
He feels something close, a warm sensation in his face, and then, everything went dark, only two little and faint blue lights in front of him.

I'm gonna kiss her!!

Mages are not your enemies..calm down my love...

Mages ARE the enemy, user..

Templar sympathizers have no place on /dag/.

Templar sympathizers are welcome here!

Sorry i can't go on :(

That sucks.

Think of user's ass...

Leliana's thigh gap...

I love user so much...

Lewd posts are illegal, both in /dag/ and Thedas, so please delete!

Who made this ugly thread?

Illegal, you say?

Someone who desperately needs Andraste..

Not him, but we only like anons who post cute things!

I think it's cute.

Ear biting is pretty cute, especially when Elves are involved.

y jannies delete this

Maybe he deleted it himself? Not sure why, though.

He does that whenever he posts something too lewd/rude.



Careen. She looks like a Careen.

>making Garrett a degenerate


God I hate Anders
Kept trying to talk shit about Fenris to my face when he was standing right next to me



Fenris deserves it. Not all mages are power-hungry slavers.

He is lying. Leliana practiced seduction during her Bard days but to a limit. She never slept with anyone.

Just about every mage we encountered in kirkwall was either a slaver or a bloodmage...

Does anyone have a good concept/fan art for Kirkwall that shows all its regions?


>lewd horny shit

please no


did I stutter?
