/svg/ - Shadowverse General

Balanced Game Edition



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Tool for deckbuilding and card checking

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first for ERP


Best legs.

If Blood and Neutral gets nerfed into tier 2 or 3, which decks become tier 1?

Stopped playing this game two expansions ago, halfway through AA2. Bored and coming back to try to get to masters.

I play everything other than Forest and Haven. Can someone briefly tell me whats good and whats not?

Jeb rune

sword and storm haven

Shadow and haven probably

A very obvious Haven, user.

SV is getting a lot of bad press in Japan recently. Between all the pros quitting and big papers like Famitsu calling out Cygames it's on a downwards trend.

Surprisingly the chinks still love the game though. Not sure why.

>want to craft 2 Oz's
>don't want to vial things because I might want to use those cards again
Who knows, maybe Fafnir'll come in handy some day!

dragon with roost

Best midriff.

I believe haven.

The new cards are pretty good and elana got strong support.

What did Famitsu do?

So...what game are we all moving on to?

Fafnir literally got powercreeped by a silver user, it's time to let go

csgo dota tf2

Haven for sure. It makes old Daria look balanced.

Cygames is actually going to have to do nerfs across several fronts to balance out this expansion or it'll just devolve into
>Nerf T0 deck
>Another T0 deck rises
>Nerf that T0 deck
>Repeat ad nauseum

reminder luxwing reno is cute

but it's 2017

I still maintain that Elana should've been nerfed at the end of DE, its everything that's currently wrong with neutralcraft

They printed an article saying how Blood had like 70% winrate and made up 50% of Masters matches or something and that SV has one of the worst metas in the history of CCG.

It was basically a public call-out.

Why are silvers the best?

You're retarded because Elana hasn't been a T1 deck since DE.

Shadownigs need to fuck off from this general.

Jesus when even the shilliest of shills that are Famitsu are calling you out then you really have fucked up big time

Every day I remember the literal D0 niggers who make stupid posts in this thread.

Where's the guy who made this post? Show yourself so we can laugh at you.

Legends that are pretty much just stats are useless the moment they get powercreeped. Only unique effect legends have any chance of making a comeback.

Only because even more spammy braindead decks overshadowed it

I started Eternal after an user spruiked it. It's got a good draft mode, so I am enjoying that. Gwent was fun two patches ago, but I can't recommend it right now because it is in a no fun allowed liquid shit state as they make massive changes every patch and the net decking percentages were literally worse than SV is atm at my mmr.
I would love to hear of any cool games that I haven't noticed too.

>Surprisingly the chinks still love the game though. Not sure why.

Cygames pays VAs to shill a lot. Also there's youtubers and streamers playing this all the time. You know, just like HS everywhere except Japan.

They are not really wrong when 910+ out of 1000 players got to GM with that deck. Tryhards gonna tryhard.

So if it isn't and never has been a problem then why nerf it? You're just a dumb little shadownigger.

Sounds like Yugioh desu

Spawn isn't the main problem with the deck though, though hitting Baphomet now is a good idea regardless. Cblood was an absolute meme day 1, people were laughing with >he fell for the blood meme, again. It's tove and neutral aggro package that's actually the problem.

I've already moved to F/GO, which is going to be a long term investment. Even with the promise of 10 free packs I can't bring myself to reinstall.

Yeah there's tons of Chink streamers playing SV, at least on Twitch. No one from France/NA/Japan though. It just seems like China specifically still adores SV when every other region has gotten tired of it.



It was always a problem, just because there was other cancer introduced doesn't mean it wasn't always cancer to begin with

You crybabies says this since Daria yet nothing has changed.

Been playing ffxiv again with then new expansion and having fun, though I don't know how long that will last since I'm already done the main story. Maybe SV will be saved in a month, but I'm probably going to have to look for something else.

Nips love Rune though. They actually gained players in RoB meta, which is why Daria got a tiny slap on the wrist nerf.

>It was never a T1 deck, but it was always a problem!


Famitsu never made a callout on SV before.

Can I ask for a concede, my fellow sinners?

Drink my carrot juice, cakeboy.

Rushed through Nier:Automata the past few days
Got struck with some strong feels that I didn't recover from yet

You can't play more than one game at the same time? Do you have ADHD?

It was T1 in DE

All T1 decks always got nothing but slaps on the wrist expect maybe Ramp. Stop making shit up.

Thank you Isa, you madwoman!

I have a physical backlog of over 500 games and 1000+ Steam games I haven't beaten. I could wait a bit more for the balance patches in the worst case scenario.

Which is better for climbing: Shadow, Dragon, or Sword?

I need a concede!

sword and shadow

idk i just came back from a break, here have the link

Thanks user

>2 years behind JP
>1% chance to roll 5*s
>may not get prisma or CCC event
it's not any better than this user

>may not get prisma or CCC event
Why do they keep doing this?

turns out that the answer to stage II melanoma cancer isn't stage III melanoma cancer

Does anyone have source of this Moon image?

>T1 over 4 expansions ago
>Barely even T3 since then

It's not a problem, shadownig.

oh shit finally a rune strim

years behind JP
Not a bad thing. It means you get time to prepare for banners and you know what to expect from events this time around. I'm going to roll like a motherfucker once Ryougi and J. Alter hit the pool.

Besides it makes for a great timewaster when I'm at the bus or something. Much better than SV is now at least.

>draw 5 cards
>don't find 1 spell

nice deck lmao

>opponent has 1health left and 3 buffed monsters
>oz into no spells

that feria into alice into buffed feria was disgusting tho

Imagine there was a craft which cards would just be outright better, than the equivalent cards of the other crafts haha
Wouldn't that be absoluty hilarious haha

What card is this?

What do you guys think about Take-2? Is it worth spending the currency to play it?



Use free tickets to see if you like it. I personally don't pay to play it anymore now that the average powerlevel of decks is so high.

The forest is crying for help!


Not this patch.

If you're decent in it you can grind vials more efficently than outright buying packs


Ariet into double beauty and the beast, 18 damage

No one? I can't find it on Pixiv.

>open packs by 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th and then swipe across
>pack looks animated by 8th card, I get excited for a possible legendary
>proceed to get two more eggs

okay I quit game now

why new players are so cute and inocent?

>giving out free packs like candy
>people getting paid just to participate in the tournament

They know the game is dying, right?

>Much better than SV is now at least.
SV has PvP. This alone makes it an infinitely better investment than your grindy porn game.

yeah there was not enoughboard space for scram golem, he didnt get lucky and the opponent managed to get a good hand
check his channel, maybe he has twitter and posted it there
check seiga
it could also be a commision, not sure

75 packs with only 2 legendary fag here again

holy shit i just got another alice. two in one day, one animated

if youre having bad luck dont worry, one day you will get a big winning streak too :)

Sure. Unless you really are bad at it.

>he doesn't like intensely vibrating egg

Well I'm convinced. BRB buying 7500 crystals.

Dragon is literally in the gutter because ramp does nothing against Alice curve. Shadow can deal with blood in a timely manner while some swear by Sword.

>SV has PvP against a deck with 70% winrate
No thanks, bud.

Morde' waifu.

They've always given out free packs like candy. But a critical difference is that they used to give them out all at once, but now they force you to log in every day to get one pack.

I'm 100% sure it's a sign that Cygames are getting worried and trying to inflate their player numbers/bribe people to play again.

What does SEAnigger mean?

Yeah I noticed it too.

They obviously want to increase the daily login count. Probably because people are already starting to drop the game again.

they also never gave out 10 packs. its usually 3 or 5 or so. ill log in every day for 10 packs. hell, ill log in 10 times a day for more packs.

that baphomet is so unglad
he foresees the upcoming nerfs

south east asia/america nigger

cygays condemn rerolling

It's usually 1 pack per million downloads. Pretty sure we got 8 when they reached 8mil, 9 when they reached 9mil, etc., and you'd just go to your crate and grab them all.